Sandbox Percussion and NOVUS NY presented a third Renewal concert on December 3, at 4pm, in Trinity Church, featuring Viet Cuong’s Re(new)al and pieces inspired by Richard Powers’s powerful novel on activism, resistance, and the natural world— The Overstory: Jessica Meyer’s A Passage Between Earth and Sky and the collaborative eco-cantata by four composers and five authors, A Forest Unfolding.
“It is an enduring paradox of Christianity that in the most difficult moments in our lives — when we have lost hope and long for God to bring us answers, to end our suffering, to fix things — we are instead instructed to wait,” writes Summerlee Staten. ”But in the interim, we are asked to do God’s work in the here and now, while remaining in prayerful hope for the world to come.”
Compline by Candlelight provides peace and stillness as one week ends and another begins. Tonight, hear The Choir of Trinity Wall Street improvise: Ubi Caritas – Ola Gjeilo
Though Trinity Church Wall Street celebrates this charitable spirit of giving year-round, we believe that Giving Tuesday is a wonderful opportunity to uplift the many ways our congregation and neighbors can give back: by getting involved in our Stewardship campaign, volunteering with our Compassion Market, or supporting some of many organizations helping our neighbors in Lower Manhattan.
Considering Indigenous Communities and the Doctrine of Discovery with Sarah AugustineNovember 21, 2023
Compline by Candlelight provides peace and stillness as one week ends and another begins. Tonight, hear The Choir of Trinity Wall Street improvise Come, Renew Us - Eleanor Daley
On November 16, at 6:30pm, in Trinity Church, Trinity’s new music orchestra, NOVUS NY, presents groundbreaking French composer Olivier Messiaen’s Quatuor pour la fin du temps (Quartet for the End of Time). Inspired by the biblical Book of Revelation, Messiaen wrote this piece while he was interned as a German prisoner of war during the Second World War. Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Richard Powers will narrate the concert with excerpts from his book Orfeo. Free.