The season of Advent is always a time of reflection and anticipation of Christmas, that major feast of the Church, and a holiday that tends to permeate the culture of much of the world.
Trinity’s semi-professional choir, Downtown Voices has moved online and has continued to thrive while making music as a virtual singing community. Today’s Comfort at One is a special virtual performance of the joyous Spotless Rose by Ola Gjeilo, directed by Stephen Sands
We have been in a state of extended agitation and uncertainty these past months. Let's pause for a moment and remember who we are as individuals and together.
“He came not to be the light, but to testify and point to the light.” Today’s readings include some of the most well-known passages in the Bible –from...
2020 has been one of the hardest years for NYC. As Trinity Church Wall Street seeks to end the cycles of mass incarceration and mass homelessness, COVID has created new challenges, and also reinforced our fierce determination to help build a more just city.