Speakers and Book Talk Videos

6420 results
Image of a woman smiling in front of a beige background. She has closely cropped hair, and is wearing a hot pink linen shirt with a popped collar.
FeaturedFebruary 18, 2021

Trinity Commons Speaker Series with Judith Jamison

Choreographer, dancer, and living legend Judith Jamison has dedicated her life to telling stories and history through dance in New York City and all over the world. Learn about the importance of representation in the arts, honoring and preserving the past through dance, and the courage dance offers us in this challenging time.
History and Archivesby Jennifer Chinn and Fr. Matt WelschFebruary 18, 2021

Bayard Rustin: Truth in History

Exploring this theme of "Truth in History," which was born out of the Trinity Youth Statement this past summer, is a long-term commitment by Trinity Youth to know ourselves, our past, and our future. Join us as we learn more about the life and legacy of Bayard Rustin, one of the most overlooked activists of the Civil Rights Movement.
WorshipFebruary 17, 2021

Liturgy of Ash Wednesday

The Liturgy of Ash Wednesday, with Holy Communion, the Litany of Penitence, hymns, and music by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street. Sermon by The Rt. Rev. Andrew ML Dietsche, Bishop of New York.
The Movement Choir has performed Reconciliation, its first offering in 2011, several times in the past decade.
Parish LifeJames MelchiorreFebruary 14, 2021

Heart to Heart: Trinity's Movement Choir

“Intense, extremely slow motion, which is a lot harder than it looks, is at the heart of the Movement Choir style. Non-professionals and professionals together can create dance that is extremely beautiful and extremely useful for the heart,” says Marilyn Green.
MusicFebruary 14, 2021

Compline by Candlelight: From the Archives

Compline by Candlelight provides peace and stillness as one week ends and another begins. Set in the tranquility of St. Paul’s Chapel, one of the...

Faith EducationFebruary 13, 2021

The Future of New York City: A Conversation with Errol Louis

Get ready for the upcoming NYC elections by joining the Rev. Phillip Jackson as he talks with Errol Louis, political analyst and host of New York 1’s “Inside City Hall,” as they consider the pressing issues facing the city.
Plastic bags with small non perishable food and care items like masks
Trinity TalksLisa JaycoxFebruary 12, 2021

Acts of Compassion

There’s no doubt the pandemic has made life harder for most and lonely for many. Reaching out with a random act of kindness can make a huge difference in someone’s life.