"The beauty of it struck me, stopped me cold. I thought about all the people that helped put it together, and I started tearing up." The Rev. Phillip A. Jackson recalls a moment earlier this week when he was struck by the beauty of our new stained-glass window, which depicts the Parable of the Talents and the Judgment of the Nations.
"In order to create new things, sometimes we have to let go of the old things," said the Rev. Matthew Welsch at today's newly imagined 9am service at Trinity Church. "In order to make space for the world that God promises, a world full of love and justice and fairness for all people, we have to let go of the things that aren't like that."
"We celebrate St. Francis because it reminds us of our connection to nature and the animals in nature," said Fr. Michael Bird. Before the feast of St. Francis, patron saint of animals and ecology, we’ll thank God for all creation in a short service that includes a blessing of each animal present.
Trinity proudly presents New York’s first fully staged performances of Craig Hella Johnson’s epic fusion oratorio, Considering Matthew Shepard. Johnson created the oratorio as “a space for reflection, consideration, and unity around [Shepard’s] life and legacy.” LGBTQ+ community and educational events will be scheduled in collaboration with Trinity’s Pride 365 program, which focuses on LGBTQ+ advocacy throughout the year.
Elliott Forrest and Rod Caspers, Stage Directors
Malcolm J. Merriweather, Music Director
Beowulf Boritt, Scenic Designer
Ken Billington, Lighting Designer
Claudia Stefany, Costume Designer
Dustin Z West, Production Supervisor
Nate Bertone, Scenic Assistant
Lauren Page Russell, Props Supervisor
Brian Giebler as Matthew Shepard
Nickolas Karageorgiou, narrator
The Choir of Trinity Wall Street and NOVUS NY