Housing Tech: Opportunities for Innovation & Advocacy

October 24, 2023
Algorithms, Big Data, and AI: New Tools for Housing Equity panel at the Housing Tech: Opportunities for Innovation & Advocacy event on October 19, 2023.

Legal service providers and policy-based organizations have traditionally led efforts to address housing insecurity. Recently, technology-focused non-profit organizations have arisen to address these issues and challenges in new ways, using scalable technologies and innovative service-delivery models to help tenants and those that are housing insecure. 

On October 19, 2023, Trinity hosted a half-day symposium for advocates, organizers, and technologists to discuss and share innovations, strategies, and outcomes at the intersection of housing justice and technology.

Professor Mary Zulack opened the morning, sharing her perspective as a pioneer in using data to uncover housing disparities. Watch her keynote address below.

The second panel, Technology for Housing Justice, featured various nonprofit leaders who use digital tools to not only support tenant rights but to also change the housing landscape. Moderated by Sateesh Nori of NYU & Cornell Tech, panelists included:      

  • Marika Dias, Safety Net Project  
  • Ashley Eberhart, Unlock NYC      
  • Noelle Francois, Heat Seek      
  • Elsia Vásquez, P.A.’L.A.N.T.E. Harlem 

Watch the panel discussion below.

The convening closed with Algorithms, Big Data, and AI: New Tools for Housing Equity, which explored the housing technology landscape and the specific implications of using artificial intelligence for housing equity. Moderated by Matthew Murphy of the NYU Furman Center, panelists included:

  • Lucy Block, Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development (ANHD)  
  • Aaron Carr, Housing Rights Initiative  
  • Natasha Duarte, Upturn  
  • Felecia Webb, Partnership on AI 

Watch the panel discussion below.

Participants were then encouraged to connect with each other and the day's speakers with an afternoon Networking Reception.