Comfort at One

Sandbox Percussion four square of musicians at home playing extremes.

With musical performances returning to Trinity Church Wall Street in-person as of March 2022, Comfort at One, one of Trinity's pandemic online musical offerings, has been retired. We hope these performances helped you find a daily haven of peace and comfort during trying times.

To watch archived Comfort at One performances, browse the list below or visit our music video portal for even more concerts.

All Past Performances

249 results
MusicJanuary 19, 2022

Comfort at One: Trinity Youth Chorus Schola

For today’s Comfort at One Wednesday choral meditation, we present the Trinity Youth Chorus Schola members performing live together for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. Recorded in June 2021, this was a special evening prayer service celebrating Trinity's graduating seniors.
MusicJanuary 18, 2022

Comfort at One: A Creative Home

For Comfort at One today we present a concert curated by Christopher Dylan Herbert. A Creative Home: Music written and performed by musicians of Trinity consists of works written by composers within Trinity’s extended family of musicians.
MusicJanuary 17, 2022

Comfort at One: Heinichen and Bach

Today for Comfort at One, we continue the presentation of our past Bach performances. This week, The Choir of Trinity Wall Street and Trinity Baroque Orchestra bring us Johann David Heinichen’s Concerto in A Major for Oboe d’amore, S. 228 and J.S. Bach’s Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, BWV 7.
MusicJanuary 12, 2022

Comfort at One: Choral Meditations by Duruflé, Dawson and Sowerby

This week, we continue our installments of Choral Meditations for Comfort at One. Conducted by Trinity’s Director of Music Julian Wachner and organist Janet Yieh, today’s meditation includes works by Duruflé, Dawson, Sowerby, Wood, and Tippett.
MusicJanuary 11, 2022

Comfort at One: God Be With You Till We Meet Again

For today’s installment of Comfort at One, we present a St. Paul’s Chapel Choir at-home performance of the timely and beautiful composition God Be With You Till We Meet Again by Ralph Vaughan Williams, directed by organist Janet Yieh.
MusicJanuary 10, 2022

Comfort at One: Bach, Buxtehude, and Heinichen

Today for Comfort at One, we continue presenting past Bach performances. This week, members of The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, alongside New York Baroque Incorporated and organist Avi Stein, bring us works by Bach, Buxtehude, and Heinichen in Bach at One: Law, performed in 2017.
MusicJanuary 5, 2022

Comfort at One: Britten’s St. Nicolas, A Boy was Born

Today’s Comfort at One presents a holiday performance from 2014: Benjamin Britten’s St. Nicolas, A Boy was Born, and Julian Wachner’s Regina Coeli, featuring NOVUS NY, Downtown Voices, Trinity Youth Chorus, and The Choir of Trinity Wall Street.
MusicJanuary 4, 2022

Comfort at One: Spire and Shadow

Today’s Comfort at One: Twelfth Night Festival edition is Spire and Shadow, commissioned by Trinity Church Wall Street and written for Downtown Voices and NOVUS NY. Spire and Shadow, which premiered at Trinity in January 2017, celebrates the 250th anniversary of the opening of St. Paul's Chapel.
MusicJanuary 3, 2022

Comfort at One: Bach’s Orchestral Suites

Comfort at One includes a special Bach concert today: Avi Stein leads the December 26, 2014 Twelfth Night Festival performance of Bach’s Orchestral Suites, featuring Trinity Baroque Orchestra musicians, performing on historic instruments.
MusicDecember 29, 2021

Comfort at One: Nöel et La Vierge Marie

For today’s choral Comfort at One, we have a special holiday concert: “Nöel et La Vierge Marie: a Franco-Flemish Christmas Celebration” was presented in 2013 as part of the Twelfth Night Festival. Join us in the 15th century as we say farewell to 2021.