Comfort at One

Sandbox Percussion four square of musicians at home playing extremes.

With musical performances returning to Trinity Church Wall Street in-person as of March 2022, Comfort at One, one of Trinity's pandemic online musical offerings, has been retired. We hope these performances helped you find a daily haven of peace and comfort during trying times.

To watch archived Comfort at One performances, browse the list below or visit our music video portal for even more concerts.

All Past Performances

249 results
MusicMarch 8, 2022

Comfort at One: Masterworks for Double Choir

Today’s Comfort at One is a concert of masterworks for double choir performed by Downtown Voices with Stephen Sands conducting. Works include Masses by Frank Martin and Josef Rheinberger, and Herbert Howells’ Requiem. Howells, a master of introspective, healing Anglican music, shows his compositional mastery in this great work.
MusicMarch 7, 2022

Comfort at One: Bach’s Orchestral Suites

Comfort at One brings us a special concert of Bach today: Avi Stein leads a stunning performance of Bach’s Orchestral Suites from Trinity’s 2014 Twelfth Night Festival, featuring the musicians of the Trinity Baroque Orchestra, performing on historic instruments.
MusicMarch 2, 2022

Comfort at One: Lamentatio 1

On Wednesdays throughout Lent, we will be presenting our Lenten “Lamentatio” series from 2014, an exploration of darkness and light through the music of Philip Glass, Shostakovich, and others. Today’s Comfort at One presents Lamentatio 1 featuring The Choir of Trinity Wall Street with works by Ockehgam, Ginastera, di Lassus and Krenek.
MusicMarch 1, 2022

Comfort at One: Holy, Holy, Holy

Today’s Comfort at One is a clip of Julian Wachner’s Holy, Holy, Holy from “Singing our Song,” a 2019 concert that featured all of Trinity’s choirs: The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, Trinity Youth Chorus, Downtown Voices, and St. Paul’s Chapel Choir, accompanied by musicians from NOVUS NY.
MusicFebruary 28, 2022

Comfort at One: Bach and Telemann

For today’s Comfort at One, we offer a favorite Bach + One concert with The Choir of Trinity Wall Street and Trinity Baroque Orchestra performing Bach's Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden, BWV 6, and Telemann's Concerto for 3 Oboes, 3 Violins and Continuo, TWV 44:43.
MusicFebruary 23, 2022

Comfort at One: Mary Lou Williams

Today’s soul-stirring Comfort at One is beautifully performed by mezzo-soprano Pamela Terry from The Choir of Trinity Wall Street in collaboration with virtuoso pianist Aaron Diehl. Enjoy this stunning set of songs by the inspirational Mary Lou Williams, the "First Lady of Jazz" and the "Mother of Bepop."
MusicFebruary 22, 2022

Comfort at One: Here I Am, Lord

For today’s Comfort at One, we have another special selection: pianist Farrah Dupoux performs a piano improvisation on an original composition juxtaposed with “Here I am, Lord.” We are grateful for our musicians and the gifts they share at our daily worship services.
MusicFebruary 21, 2022

Comfort at One: Bach's BWV 108, BWV 112, and BWV 116

Today’s Comfort at One includes three cantatas from an April 2015 Bach at One performance, featuring Es ist euch gut, daß ich hingehe, BWV 108; Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt, BWV 112; and Du Friedefürst, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 116.
MusicFebruary 16, 2022

Comfort at One: Gabriel Fauré's L’Horizon Chimérique

Today’s love-inspired Comfort at One is brought to you from former member of The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, baritone Christopher Dylan Herbert, and NOVUS NY pianist Charity Wicks. This stunning duo performs the last song cycle composed by Gabriel Fauré: L’Horizon Chimérique, based on the poetry of Jean de La Ville de Mirmont.
MusicFebruary 15, 2022

Comfort at One: Aundi Marie Moore

Today for Comfort at One, here is a song from the 11:15am Holy Eucharist on May 30, 2021. Guest soloist and stunning Met Opera soprano Aundi Marie Moore sings the spiritual "City Called Heaven," followed by an improvisation from Director of Music Julian Wachner.