Bach at One

Color block illustration of J.S. Bach

Bach at One returns as part of Concerts at One on Wednesdays at 1pm at St. Paul's Chapel. See Trinity's schedule of live and streamed performances here and and check out Bach at One videos below.

Trinity’s presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of vocal sacred music has been praised by The New York Times for its “dramatic vigor.” Videos feature The Choir of Trinity Wall Street and Trinity Baroque Orchestra.

Bach at One Videos

94 results
MusicNovember 23, 2016

Bach at One

This year Bach at One continues in the fall with the six motets, BWV 225-30, with which the cycle began, as well as other favorite cantatas, performed by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street and the Trinity Baroque Orchestra.

BWV 147 Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben
BWV 225 Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied

MusicNovember 16, 2016

Bach at One

This year Bach at One continues in the fall with the six motets, BWV 225-30, with which the cycle began, as well as other favorite cantatas, performed by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street and the Trinity Baroque Orchestra.

BWV 228 Fürchte dich nicht

BWV 230 Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden

BWV 4 Christ lag in Todes Banden
MusicNovember 9, 2016

Bach at One

This year Bach at One continues in the fall with the six motets, BWV 225-30, with which the cycle began, as well as other favorite cantatas, performed by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street and the Trinity Baroque Orchestra.

BWV 227 Jesu, meine Freude

BWV 131 Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir
MusicNovember 2, 2016

Bach at One

This year Bach at One continues in the fall with the six motets, BWV 225-30, with which the cycle began, as well as other favorite cantatas, performed by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street and the Trinity Baroque Orchestra.

BWV 229 Komm, Jesu, komm

BWV 106 Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit
MusicOctober 26, 2016

Bach at One

This year Bach at One continues in the fall with the six motets, BWV 225-30, with which the cycle began, as well as other favorite cantatas, performed by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street and the Trinity Baroque Orchestra.

BWV 226 Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf

BWV 198 Laß, Fürstin, laß noch einen Strahl
MusicMay 25, 2016

Bach at One

In the spring of 2016, Trinity’s ever-popular Bach at One series (Wednesdays at 1pm in St. Paul’s Chapel), will complete the presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of sacred vocal music.

This week:

BWV 177 – Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ
BWV 161 – Komm, du süße Todesstunde
The Choir of Trinity Wall Street & Trinity Baroque Orchestra
Julian Wachner, conductor

MusicMay 24, 2016

Bach at One

In the spring of 2016, Trinity’s ever-popular Bach at One series (Wednesdays at 1pm in St. Paul’s Chapel), will complete the presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of sacred vocal music.

This week:

BWV 35 – Geist und Seele wird verwirret
BWV 55 – Ich armer Mensch, ich Sündenknecht
The Choir of Trinity Wall Street & Trinity Baroque Orchestra
Julian Wachner, conductor
MusicMay 23, 2016

Bach at One

In the spring of 2016, Trinity’s ever-popular Bach at One series (Wednesdays at 1pm in St. Paul’s Chapel), will complete the presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of sacred vocal music.

This week:

BWV 102 – Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben
BWV 113 – Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut
The Choir of Trinity Wall Street & Trinity Baroque Orchestra
Julian Wachner, conductor

MusicMay 18, 2016

Bach at One

In the spring of 2016, Trinity’s ever-popular Bach at One series (Wednesdays at 1pm in St. Paul’s Chapel), will complete the presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of sacred vocal music.

This week:

BWV 172 – Ershallet ihr lieder, erklinget, ihr Saiten!
BWV 195 – Dem Gerechten muß das Licht
The Choir of Trinity Wall Street & Trinity Baroque Orchestra
Julian Wachner, conductor
MusicMay 11, 2016

Bach at One

In the spring of 2016, Trinity’s ever-popular Bach at One series (Wednesdays at 1pm in St. Paul’s Chapel), will complete the presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of sacred vocal music.

This week:

BWV 173 – Erhöhtes Fleisch und Blut
BWV 169 – Gott soll allein mein Herze haben
BWV 45 – Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist
The Choir of Trinity Wall Street & Trinity Baroque Orchestra
Julian Wachner, conductor