Bach at One

Color block illustration of J.S. Bach

Bach at One returns as part of Concerts at One on Wednesdays at 1pm at St. Paul's Chapel. See Trinity's schedule of live and streamed performances here and and check out Bach at One videos below.

Trinity’s presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of vocal sacred music has been praised by The New York Times for its “dramatic vigor.” Videos feature The Choir of Trinity Wall Street and Trinity Baroque Orchestra.

Bach at One Videos

94 results
MusicMarch 12, 2018

Bach at One

Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, BWV 12
Wachet! betet! betet! wachet!, BWV 70
Trinity Baroque Orchestra and soloists from The Choir of Trinity Wall Street: Elizabeth Bates, Sarah Brailey, Luthien Brackett, Timothy Parsons, Timothy Hodges, Brian Giebler, Paul An, Thomas McCargar, and Jonathan Woody
MusicMay 8, 2017

Bach at One

We begin a complete survey of Bach’s organ works with the miniature jewels from the Clavierübung III. Taking the theme from each part of the Lutheran liturgy, these organ works will be paired with favorite Bach cantatas and works of Bach's contemporaries Buxtehude, Krieger, Heinichen, and Telemann.
MusicMay 1, 2017

Bach at One

The Choir of Trinity Wall Street
New York Baroque Incorporated, Wen Yang, artistic director

Bach at One: Sorrow
J. S. Bach: Clavier-Übung III: Aus tiefer Noth schrei' ich zu dir, BWV 687
F. Couperin: Troisème Leçon à deux voix from Leçons de ténèbres
W. F. Bach: “Dissonant” Symphony in F Major, F67
J. S. Bach: Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, BWV 131
MusicApril 24, 2017

Bach at One

The Choir of Trinity Wall Street
New York Baroque Incorporated, Wen Yang, artistic director

Bach at One: Water
J. S. Bach: Clavier-Übung III: Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam, BWV 685
L. G. Zavateri: Tempesta di Mare, Op.1 Concerto No.12
J. C. Bach: Ach daß ich Wassers gnug hätte
G. Muffat: Armonico Tributo: Sonata No. 2 in G minor
D. Buxtehude: Gott, hilf mir, denn das Wasser geht mir bis an die Seele, BuxWV 34

This event is free and open to the public.
MusicApril 10, 2017

Bach at One

The Choir of Trinity Wall Street
New York Baroque Incorporated, Wen Yang, artistic director

Bach at One: St. John Passion
J. S. Bach: St. John Passion, BWV 245
MusicApril 3, 2017

Bach at One

The Choir of Trinity Wall Street
New York Baroque Incorporated, Wen Yang, artistic director

Bach at One: Comfort
J. S. Bach: Clavier-Übung III: Vater unser im Himmelreich, BWV 683
J. S. Bach: Ich habe genug, BWV 82
F. M. Veracini: Ouverture VI in G minor
J. S. Bach: Komm, du süße Todesstunde, BWV 161
MusicMarch 27, 2017

Bach at One

The Choir of Trinity Wall Street
New York Baroque Incorporated, Wen Yang, artistic director

Bach at One: Faith
J. S. Bach: Clavier-Übung III: Wir glauben all' an einen Gott, BWV 681
J. P. Krieger: Herr, auf dich trau ich
J. S. Bach: Bekennen will ich seinen Namen, BWV 200
D. Buxtehude: Trio Sonata Op. 2, No. 5 in A major, BuxWV 263
J. P. Krieger: O Jesu, du mein Leben
J. S. Bach: Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich, BWV 150
MusicMarch 20, 2017

Bach at One

The Choir of Trinity Wall Street
New York Baroque Incorporated, Wen Yang, artistic director

Bach at One: Law
J. S. Bach: Clavier-Übung III: Dies sind die heil'gen zehn Gebot, BWV 679
J. S. Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No.5, BWV 1050, Movement 1
D. Buxtehude: Ist es recht, BuxWV 54
J. D. Heinichen: Concerto in D, S 266
J. S. Bach: Es ist das Heil uns kommen her, BWV 9
MusicMarch 13, 2017

Bach at One

The Choir of Trinity Wall Street
New York Baroque Incorporated, Wen Yang, artistic director

Bach at One: Praise
J. Schenk: Le Nymphe di Rheno, Op. 8, Sonata XII
J. S. Bach: Clavier-Übung III: Allein gott in der Höh sei Ehr, BWV 675
D. Buxtehude: Jubilate Domino, BuxWV 64
J. M. Nicolai: Ciaconi a tre viol da gamba
D. Buxtehude: An filius non est Dei, BuxWV 6
Marin Marais: Pièces de viole, Livre IV, Suite No.2 in G
MusicMarch 6, 2017

Bach at One

The Choir of Trinity Wall Street
New York Baroque Incorporated, Wen Yang, artistic director

Bach at One: Mercy
J. S. Bach: Clavier-Übung III: Kyrie, Christe, Kyrie, BWV 672-4
G. P. Telemann: Missa Brevis, TWV 9:14
J. P. Krieger: Sonate a due violini, No.1 in D
J. S. Bach: Vergnügte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust BWV 170