Historical Grants

This page offers our list of awards to grantees dating back to 2001. For grants prior to 2001, please contact us with inquiries at philanthropies@trinitywallstreet.org.
2023 Grants
Housing & Homelessness
Alliance for Downtown New York ($175,000)
A renewal project grant to support street homeless outreach in Lower Manhattan, led by the Bowery Residents’ Committee, a subgrantee of the Alliance for Downtown New York.
Breaking Ground HDFC ($500,000)
A project grant to a fund for expediting the move-in time frame for New Yorkers who are exiting homelessness and have been approved for a supportive housing unit by the New York City Human Resources Administration.
Bridge Street Development Corporation ($200,000)
A project grant to increase the housing development capacity of Bridge Street Development Corporation to produce a range of housing types in its community.
Brooklyn Legal Services Corp A ($200,000)
A project grant to support legal services that help tenants remain in their homes and help homeowners avoid foreclosure.
Chhaya Community Development ($200,000)
A renewal project grant to continue the Housing Security Emergency Fund, a program that combines direct financial assistance with case management and wraparound services to prevent evictions and foreclosures for low- to moderate- income South Asian and Indo-Caribbean households in Queens.
City Report (THE CITY)($300,000)
A renewal project grant to support The City’s news coverage of housing and homelessness issues, dissemination of practical information on housing programs, and community-based engagement with its readers.
Committee Against Anti Asian Violence (CAAAV) ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to support organizing and advocacy efforts that will help prevent illegal evictions and harassment of Asian residents of Chinatown, the Lower East Side, and Astoria.
Community Voices Heard (CVH) ($200,000)
>A renewal project grant to support ongoing advocacy to reduce housing exclusions based on prior involvement with the justice system in public housing and government-supported affordable housing developments.
Enterprise Community Partners ($450,000)
A renewal project grant to support the organization’s policy work to expand fair housing protections in New York, secure funding for more supportive housing units, and develop an education program for the real estate industry on the housing needs of justice-involved people.
Fair Housing Justice Center ($150,000)
A project grant to support investigations, enforcement actions, and advocacy to prevent housing discrimination based on source of income and involvement in the criminal justice system.
Hetrick-Martin Institute ($200,000)
A renewal project grant to expand the LGBTQ Youth Homelessness Prevention Program, a unified and coordinated system of partnerships across service providers and city agencies to ensure that LGBTQ youth experiencing housing instability have access to essential services that will allow them to avoid homelessness.
Housing Justice for All ($300,000)
A renewal grant to expand the capacity of Housing Justice for All member organizations to advocate for policies that end homelessness and increase the number of low-income housing units.
Interfaith Assembly on Homelessness and Housing ($50,000)
A project grant to pilot the Interfaith Voucher Support Program to support individuals with housing vouchers that have not been able to secure a rental unit due to source of income discrimination.
The Ladies of Hope Ministries ($250,000)
A renewal project grant to support Hope House, the grantee’s signature housing program, and its continued replication as a housing model for justice-involved women across New York City.
Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter ($500,000)
A renewal project grant to support the development of a housing model to assist college students experiencing homelessness or housing instability.
New York Public Radio (Gothamist/WNYC) ($250,000)
A renewal project grant to support media coverage of housing and homelessness issues in New York City.
New York University Grossman School of Medicine ($100,000)
A project grant to build a hub of information on the connection between housing and health and to elevate the voices of people with lived experience.
NYC Youth & Family Homelessness Fund ($500,000)
A renewal project grant to support the New York City Youth and Family Homelessness Fund, a collaborative of philanthropic entities uniting to amplify and fund pilot programs, research, and narrative change to combat New York City’s homelessness crisis.
Open New York ($200,000)
A general operating grant to support a housing policy and advocacy organization focused on increasing development of all types of housing to address New York City’s affordability crisis.
Pa’lante Harlem ($180,000)
A project grant to expand the organization’s homelessness prevention program, enabling vulnerable and low-income residents of Upper Manhattan to remain stably housed.
Part of the Solution (POTS) ($150,000)
A project grant to increase the capacity of the organization’s legal services to prevent evictions for low-income Bronx residents who are at risk of becoming homeless.
Project Renewal ($100,000)
A project grant to support a Nurse Care Manager that will help ensure continuity of mental health care for Project Renewal’s clients.
Providence House ($600,000)
A renewal project grant to help women reentering society from incarceration solidify family bonds with their children.
Public Policy Lab ($184,000)
A project grant to analyze, propose, and implement changes to the New York City housing voucher system.
RESTORE NYC ($150,000)
A project grant to increase access to housing and wraparound services for survivors of human trafficking.
RiseBoro Community Partnership ($600,000)
A renewal project grant to expand anti-eviction and homelessness prevention services, including direct financial payments to households that are unable to access rental arrears assistance.
TakeRoot Justice ($350,000)
A renewal grant to expand the organization’s capacity to provide legal services and tenant organizing support to prevent the displacement of low-income and undocumented New Yorkers.
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania ($225,000)
A renewal project grant to support a research team, that will analyze New York City government data using a predictive research methodology to understand how to best prevent homelessness and assist homeless young adults and families.
Urban Homesteading Assistance (UHAB) ($150,000)
A project grant to support the Revolving Defense Fund, which provides escrow support for tenants who are suing landlords for extremely poor housing conditions that are significant violations of New York State’s Multiple Dwelling Law.
West Side Federation for Senior and Supportive Housing (WSFSSH) ($150,000)
A project grant to support housing development activities that will produce affordable housing with on-site services for seniors.
Leadership Development
Anglican Alliance ($750,000)
A project grant to support the development of the “Agents of Change” initiative, encompassing an eight-module course that would empower emerging Anglican leaders with vision and skills for asset-based community development
Christ Church Cranbrook ($600,000)
A project grant to expand the Institute for Advanced Pastoral Studies to Atlanta to lay a foundation for a national program in pastoral leadership to support clergy serving diverse communities.
The Colossian Forum ($200,000)
A project grant to scale the WayFinder leadership program by developing denominational and regional deployment models with an emphasis on engaging Episcopal dioceses and parishes.
Cyclical Incorporated ($215,000)
A renewal project grant to support the creation of an online ecosystem for training early and mid-career leaders, both lay and ordained, to become faithful innovators.
Diocese of Olympia ($120,000)
A renewal project grant to create a new model of the congregational leadership development program offered by the College for Congregational Development by making materials more culturally relevant to diverse populations and adapting it to emerging forms of worship and community.
Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (DSNI) ($370,000)
A renewal project grant to accelerate knowledge sharing and coalition building among civic and faith-based leaders through a public hackathon targeting inequality in housing, education, jobs, and entrepreneurship.
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to expand the successful pilot of a “train the trainers” model, developing lay leaders in small congregations across Province IV with the goal of scaling to a province-wide lay leadership development program.
Episcopal Parish Network ($345,000)
A project grant to support the design and delivery of a leadership development initiative that would identify, equip, and support new generations of lay leaders for parishes and cathedrals.
Episcopal Theological School at Claremont (Bloy House) ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to develop and offer the second round of new courses focused on practical leadership skills for emerging lay leaders as well as mentoring support for applying these skills in a congregational setting.
The FaithX Project ($300,000)
A renewal project grant to develop a research-based diocesan, or judicatory, vitality assessment tool and provide reduced-cost vitality improvement services to cohorts of small congregations and dioceses.
GreenFaith ($150,000)
A project grant to provide transformational training and a supportive community to people of faith for peaceful, religiously rooted public action for climate justice.
Hispanic Theological Initiative ($100,000)
A project grant for a two-year pilot to create digital training materials for faith leaders from different backgrounds to effectively minister to the growing Latinx population.
Interfaith America ($250,000)
A project grant to support the creation of “A Nation of Bridgebuilders” specifically for faith leaders.
Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities ($120,000)
A renewal project grant to create educational materials for training Anglican leaders and expand on the seminar approach successfully implemented in phase one of the project.
Learning Forte ($160,000)
A project grant to support the development and implementation of the Strategic Imagination (SI) Sandbox, a ten-month, cohort-based offering that equips leaders with the tools and methods they need to effectively innovate in their unique contexts.
Partnership for Renewal ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to develop a “train the trainers” model to enable the organization to expand its church leadership development and congregational vibrancy model beyond its current geographic limits.
Princeton Theological Seminary ($1,000,000)
A renewal project grant, shared among nine seminaries, dedicated to theologically forming and practically preparing students to lead social innovation and entrepreneurial ministries by integrating entrepreneurial perspectives into seminary degree programs. Services for this network are based at Princeton Theological Seminary, and almost 50% of this grant is to be re-granted to the eight seminaries participating in the network.
Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation ($100,000)
A project grant to update the organization’s educational programming for faith leaders by adding new perspectives from diverse communities.
The Society for the Increase of the Ministry ($400,000)
A project grant to fund a two-year grassroots engagement with Commissions on Ministry to lead local dioceses through a process of listening, learning, supporting, and visioning possible futures of the discernment process for ministry in The Episcopal Church.
Mission Real Estate Development
Anglican Diocese of Tema, Ghana ($50,000)
A project grant to complete a feasibility study to assess market demand, financial and operational viability, and the overall development concept for a proposed ground-up multipurpose recreational center in Tema, a suburb of Accra, Ghana.
Bricks and Mortals ($50,000)
A new grant to fund a strategic planning process that would help build the organizational capacity for Bricks and Mortals—a non-profit organization that helps New York City congregations to maximize their real property to serve their communities.
Diocese of Central Zimbabwe ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to fund the feasibility and predevelopment studies required to build a new 5-megawatt solar power plant on 25 acres of farmland at St. Patrick’s Mission.
Diocese of Gitega, Burundi ($320,000)
A project grant to expand the capacity of the Gitega Anglican Conference Center from 20 rooms and 3 conference spaces to 39 rooms and 6 conference spaces.
Diocese of Harare, Zimbabwe ($100,000)
A renewal grant to fund capital improvements and infrastructure upgrades to increase the income-generating potential of Bishops Mount Center—an operational hotel and conference center in the capital city of Harare.
Diocese of Makamba, Burundi ($150,000)
A renewal project grant to complete the repositioning of a conference facility to a medical facility, with the potential to access government subsidies to support women’s and children’s health.
Diocese of Southwest Tanganyika, Tanzania ($270,000)
A project grant to fund the development costs of a hostel and retail center as the first phase of a larger mixed-use master plan in the rapidly growing town of Njombe, Tanzania.
Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi, Hālau Waʻa Episcopal ($90,000)
A new project grant to support pre-development work to advance planning and development of a multi-building, multi-generational campus with a Montessori school and daytime elder care.
New York State Council of Churches ($225,000)
A renewal project grant to advise faith-based institutions in New York City on mission-driven real estate development opportunities.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church ($50,000)
A project grant to assess the economic feasibility of developing affordable and mixed-income housing on underutilized parcels of St. Andrew’s campus in New Providence, New Jersey.
St. Mary's Episcopal Church Anchorage ($150,000)
A renewal project grant to support predevelopment work to advance the evaluation of a potential multifamily housing project that will increase financial sustainability for the church and address the shortage of affordable housing in Anchorage, Alaska.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, King George, Virginia ($85,000)
A new project grant to validate the project concept and financial viability of a master-site plan by engaging community stakeholders, completing a market analysis, and developing early schematic designs to right-size the project and estimate the cost of construction.
Racial Justice
A Little Piece of Light ($70,000)
A renewal grant to support the grantee as one of ten community-based organizations partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice.
Alliance for Quality Education (AQE) ($250,000)
A renewal grant to support statewide advocacy for progressive reform and policies to end mass incarceration and the school-to-prison pipeline.
Alliance of Families for Justice ($200,000)
A renewal general operating grant to continue supporting the grantee’s mission to support, empower, and mobilize families and individuals impacted by the criminal justice system so that they can marshal their collective power to create a just world.
American Friends Service Committee ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to continue support for the New York Healing Justice Program, a faith-based effort helping people who are serving long-term prison sentences to be safely released from prison to join family members who have gone through a process of healing and leadership development.
Arab-American Family Support Center ($70,000)
A renewal grant to support grantee as one of ten community-based organizations partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice.
Avenues For Justice ($200,000)
A general operating grant to support the organization’s three-fold mission to intervene to divert and reclaim young people from lives of crime, to provide an overloaded court system a reliable alternative to incarceration and to make New York City a safer place for everyone.
Black Womens Blueprint ($70,000)
A renewal grant to support the grantee as one of ten community-based organizations partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice.
Borough of Manhattan Community College ($450,000)
A renewal project grant to support an academic success program for students impacted by the justice system.
The Brotherhood Sister Sol (BroSis) ($600,000)
A renewal general operating grant to support the organization’s mission to provide comprehensive, holistic, and long-term support services to youth ages 8 to 22.
Center for Community Alternatives ($400,000)
A renewal project grant to support the Communities Not Cages campaign and other organizing and advocacy campaigns to decarcerate jails and prisons, end the criminalization of immigrants, and increase alternative-to-incarceration programs.
Center for Justice Innovation ($175,000)
A renewal grant to anchor a citywide collaborative that cultivates restorative justice practices and documents a model for violence prevention by incorporating restorative justice principles.
Children's Rights ($200,000)
A project grant to improve access to, and the availability of, critical mental and behavioral health services for New York City children.
Circle for Justice Innovations ($175,000)
A renewal grant to anchor a citywide collaborative that will cultivate restorative justice practices and document a model for violence prevention by incorporating restorative justice principles.
CONNECT ($70,000)
A renewal grant to support the grantee as one of ten community-based organizations partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice.
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to support Future of Tomorrow, a youth-led community organizing and leadership initiative that focuses on dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline in New York City.
Drive Change ($100,000)
A renewal general operating grant supporting the grantee’s mission to provide workforce development and other reentry supports to formerly incarcerated youth.
Desis Rising Up & Moving (DRUM) ($125,000)
A renewal grant to support the organization’s mission to build the power of South Asian and Indo-Caribbean low-wage immigrant workers, youth, and families in New York City to attain racial justice and immigrant rights.
Elite Learners ($200,000)
A renewal project grant to support community-based anti-violence services for youth in Brownsville, Brooklyn.
Fountain House ($400,000)
A renewal project grant to support advocacy for, and public education on, nonpunitive community-based services for individuals living with serious mental illness who are involved in the criminal legal system.
Getting Out and Staying Out (GOSO) ($125,000)
A renewal general operating grant supporting the grantee’s mission to partner with people impacted by arrest and incarceration on a journey of education, employment, and emotional well-being and to collaborate with New York City communities to support a culture of nonviolence.
Girls for Gender Equity (GGE) ($300,000)
A renewal general operating grant toward the organization’s mission to work intergenerationally, through a Black feminist lens, to center the leadership of Black girls and gender-expansive young people of color in reshaping culture and policy through advocacy, youth-centered programming, and narrative shift to achieve gender and racial justice.
How Our Lives Link Altogether (HOLLA) ($70,000)
A renewal grant to support the grantee as one of ten community-based organizations partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice.
Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison ($375,000)
A renewal project grant to continue supporting the organization’s Transitional Services program, which provides education and workforce development, mentoring, and other critical reentry services to its growing base of alumni.
Immigrant Defense Project ($125,000)
A renewal project grant to support the Immigrant Defense Project, a hub for policy, advocacy, and litigation at the intersection of the criminal legal and immigration systems.
Interfaith Center of New York ($150,000)
A renewal grant to provide general operating support for the faith organization’s mission to overcome prejudice, violence, and misunderstanding by activating the power of the city’s grassroots religious and civic leaders and their communities.
CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Data Collaborative for Justice ($30,000)
A project grant to support supplemental research analyses and communications activities to educate policy makers and the public about trends in criminal convictions in New York.
Justice Peer Initiative ($150,000)
A project grant to support the expansion of a new initiative that seeks to elevate peer support for individuals living with serious mental illnesses who are impacted by the criminal legal system.
Kings Against Violence Initiative (KAVI) ($300,000)
A renewal general operating grant in support of the organization’s mission to prevent and eliminate interpersonal violence in the lives of young people through advocacy, peer leadership, community mobilization, and social justice.
Living Redemption Community Development Corporation ($150,000)
A grant to support the organization’s mission to save lives and heal communities, one relationship at a time, through youth-focused, family-centered, and community-driven programs in Central and West Harlem.
The New School Institute for Transformative Mentoring ($150,000)
A project grant to create and implement a new initiative to support and develop credible messengers.
New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project ($70,000)
A renewal grant to support grantee as one of ten community-based organizations partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice.
New York Communities for Change (NYCC) ($300,000)
A renewal project grant to support grassroots advocacy for continued decarceration and expanded housing options for New Yorkers affected by the criminal legal system.
New York Focus ($170,000)
A renewal grant to continue support of critical media coverage for decarceration, transparency, and accountability in New York’s criminal legal system.
New York State Immigrant Action Fund ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to strengthen political organizing and mobilization of immigrant communities to advocate for immigrant rights and protections in New York’s criminal legal and immigration systems.
New York Theological Seminary ($200,000)
A renewal grant to continue support of the Master of Professional Studies (MPS) theological education program at the Sing Sing Correctional Facility and to support the new program at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility.
North Star Fund Let Us Breathe Fund ($175,000)
A renewal project grant to support the Let Us Breathe Fund, designed to build the capacity and power of Black-led grassroots groups working to reimagine community safety and hold statewide policymakers accountable.
Parole Preparation Project ($150,000)
A renewal project grant to support Survivors of the System, a program that provides services, fellowship, and mentorship to people returning home after spending decades in prison.
Release Aging People in Prison Campaign (RAPP) ($150,000)
A renewal project grant to support directly impacted leaders as they engage in a statewide grassroots campaign to promote fair and meaningful release opportunities for incarcerated people, as well as other decarceration efforts.
Rising Ground STEPS to End Family Violence ($70,000)
A renewal grant to support the grantee as one of ten community-based organizations partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice.
Staten Island Urban Center ($100,000)
A general operating grant to support the organization’s mission to help multigenerational and multiethnic stakeholders build healthy neighborhoods and elevate their voices through community activism, arts, publications, and youth development.
Urban Justice Center Mental Health Project ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to produce and advance research-informed recommendations for community mental health services and alternatives to detention and incarceration in order to reduce jail incarceration of people with mental health concerns.
Urban Youth Alliance International - BronxConnect ($150,000)
A renewal project grant to support a Bronx-based, faith-led youth advocacy effort to keep young people out of jail and continue decarceration in New York City.
Vera Action ($200,000)
A renewal grant to support the Greater Justice New York initiative, which uses research, policy, education, and advocacy to reform the pretrial process, promote jail decarceration, and advance racial equity and systemic change in New York State’s criminal legal system.
Violence Intervention Program ($70,000)
A renewal project grant to support the grantee as one of ten community-based organizations partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice.
Special Opportunity
Citizens Committee for New York City ($200,000)
A renewal grant to fund the Neighborhood Business Grants Program below 14th Street to help economic recovery in Lower Manhattan.
Faith & Philanthropy Pooled Fund ($100,000)
A project grant as part of a funder collaborative to inspire attention and commitment to faith-rooted social justice work, through investments in small nonprofits serving and led by historically marginalized communities.
Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City, in partnership with New York Disaster Interfaith Services (NYDIS) ($300,000)
A project grant to provide funding for capital improvements to New York City faith-based organizations that would enable the construction of showers for use by asylum seekers living onsite in temporary shelter.
2022 Grants
Housing & Homelessness
Ali Forney Center ($300,000)
A project grant to support the expansion of on-site mental health services for homeless LGBTQ+ youth.
A Little Piece of Light ($100,000)
A general operating support grant in support of the organization’s mission to empower and facilitate healing for women, girls, and gender-fluid individuals who are directly impacted by trauma and involvement in the criminal justice system.
Alliance for Downtown New York ($166,000)
A grant renewal to support street homeless outreach in Lower Manhattan, led by the Bowery Residents’ Committee, a subgrantee of the Alliance for Downtown New York.
Anthos Home, a project of FJC – A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds ($1,000,000)
A project grant to support the implementation of Anthos Home, a new non-profit that centralizes the rental subsidy application, unit search, approval, and move-in processes for housing voucher holders.
Arab-American Family Support Center ($200,000)
A project grant to support the grantee’s housing navigation program, which provides culturally and linguistically competent assistance in securing permanent housing.
Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development ($450,000)
A renewal general operating grant supporting the grantee’s mission to build community power to win affordable housing and create thriving, equitable neighborhoods for all New Yorkers.
Bailey House ($200,000)
A renewal project grant to provide housing placement assistance for justice-involved individuals who are experiencing housing instability.
Bailey House ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
Borough of Manhattan Community College, a project of the Borough of Manhattan Community College Foundation ($2,000,000)
A project grant to provide housing for homeless or housing insecure students enrolled at CUNY’s Borough of Manhattan Community College.
Borough of Manhattan Community College Foundation ($750,000)
A project grant to contribute to an emergency fund to support New York City college students facing economic hardship.
Bowery Residents’ Committee ($50,000)
A feasibility grant to support predevelopment costs for converting multibuilding “cluster site” shelters in the Bronx to permanent housing for formerly homeless families.
Broadway Housing Communities ($200,000)
A project grant to increase the development capacity of Broadway Housing Communities and support early engagement in affordable housing projects.
Center For Family Representation ($150,000)
A project grant to support legal defense efforts to prevent evictions and improve housing conditions for low-income families facing criminal neglect allegations from New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services due to unsafe housing conditions.
Center for Urban Community Services ($50,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
Citizens Housing and Planning Council of New York ($300,000)
A renewal general operating grant to support the organization’s policy analysis and advocacy for a reimagined housing plan that better meets the needs of New Yorkers.
City Limits ($250,000)
A renewal project grant to support the expansion of the grantee’s news coverage and multimedia resources to highlight homelessness issues.
City Report ($100,000)
A renewal grant to support The City’s news coverage of housing and homelessness issues, dissemination of practical information on housing programs, and provide community-based engagement with its readers.
Coalition for the Homeless ($500,000)
A renewal general operating grant to support the organization’s mission to advocate and provide direct services to homeless individuals and families in New York City.
Coalition for the Homeless ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
Community Mediation Services ($200,000)
A renewal grant to support the expansion of Community Mediation Services’ Housing Mediation Program, as well as the recruitment and training of a cohort of culturally and linguistically competent mediators to handle disputes related to eviction and other landlord–tenant matters.
Community Service Society of New York ($150,000)
A project grant to support policy research, advocacy, and coalition work, which will promote access to affordable housing and housing justice.
Community Voices Heard ($200,000)
A project grant to support ongoing advocacy to reduce housing exclusions based on prior involvement with the justice system in public housing and government-supported affordable housing developments.
Corporation for Supportive Housing ($250,000)
A renewal general operating grant to advance solutions that use housing as a platform for services to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people, maximize public resources, and build healthy communities.
Covenant House New York ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation ($200,000)
A project grant to provide predevelopment funding for Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation’s housing development projects.
Empire State Coalition of Youth and Family Services ($220,000)
A renewal general operating grant supporting the grantee’s mission to improve the lives of runaway, homeless, and street-involved youth across New York in partnership with a consortium of more than 60 agencies.
Enterprise Community Partners ($680,000)
A project grant to support Enterprise Community Partners and local community-based organizations to place tenants with Emergency Housing Vouchers in housing units in smaller buildings.
Enterprise Community Partners ($225,000)
A renewal project grant to support the organization’s policy work to expand fair housing protections in New York, secure funding for more supportive housing units, and develop an education program for the real estate industry on the housing needs of justice-involved people.
Fifth Avenue Committee ($300,000)
A renewal project grant to expand staff capacity to meet the increased demand for comprehensive eviction and foreclosure prevention services for at-risk homeowners and renters in Brooklyn, New York.
Fifth Avenue Committee ($200,000)
A pre-development grant to provide gap funding for the Sunset Park affordable housing and public library project.
FJC - A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds ($250,000)
A renewal project grant to support the New York City Youth and Family Homelessness Fund, a collaborative of philanthropic entities uniting to amplify and fund new pilot programs, research, and narrative change to combat New York City’s homelessness crisis.
Friends of Karen ($150,000)
A project grant to expand housing assistance to low-income families caring for children with life-threatening illnesses so they can stay housed.
Girl Scout Council of Greater New York ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
Henry Street Settlement ($750,000)
A project capital grant to support the renovation of 95 bathrooms in two Lower Manhattan shelters.
Homeless Services United ($300,000)
A renewal general operating grant in support of the organization’s mission to advocate for immediate access to safe, decent emergency and transitional housing; outreach; drop-in services for New Yorkers experiencing homelessness; and prevention services and permanent housing for those facing housing instability.
Hour Children ($225,000)
A renewal project grant to fund mental health and other supportive services at residential programs that provide housing and holistic reentry support for justice-involved women and their families.
Hour Children ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
Housing Plus Solutions ($600,000)
A renewal project grant to support the continued administrative leadership of the Project SHERO collective, which helps women leaving Rikers Island transition back into their communities and reunite with their families.
Housing Rights Initiative ($150,000)
A general operating grant in support of the organization’s mission to protect the rights of tenants in rent-stabilized units by identifying real estate fraud, connecting tenants to legal services, and promoting tenants’ rights to affordable housing.
IMPACCT Brooklyn ($200,000)
A project grant to fund staff salaries for the organization’s housing development team.
JustFix ($150,000)
A general operating grant in support of the organization's mission to create technology for housing justice and to prevent evictions.
Lifeway Network ($150,000)
A renewal grant to expand the capacity of Lifeway’s transitional housing and supportive service program for survivors of human trafficking, and to increase support for women after they leave the program.
Local Initiatives Support Corporation ($400,000)
A renewal project grant to continue supporting the New York Land Opportunity Program, which helps mission-driven organizations preserve and develop affordable housing on their sites.
National Alliance on Mental Illness of New York City ($250,000)
A general operating grant in support of the organization’s mission to assist families and individuals affected by mental illness to build better lives through education, support services, and advocacy.
National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty ($200,000)
A project grant to support the expansion of the Housing Not Handcuffs campaign in New York City, which seeks to end the criminalization of unsheltered people.
Nazareth Housing ($200,000)
A renewal project grant to expand and enhance eviction prevention services for vulnerable individuals and families living in the Lower East Side and the Bronx through food access and case management services.
Nazareth Housing ($80,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter ($150,000)
A renewal planning grant to support the development of a housing model to assist CUNY students experiencing housing instability.
New Alternatives for Children ($250,000)
A renewal project grant to support medically complex children and their families to remain housed through increased access to government entitlements, living essentials, and supportive services.
New Alternatives for LGBTQ+ Homeless Youth ($150,000)
A renewal general operating grant in support of the organization’s mission to increase the self-sufficiency of LGBTQ+ homeless youth by enabling them to transition out of the shelter system into stable adult lives.
New Alternatives for LGBTQ+ Homeless Youth ($65,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
New York City Partnership Foundation ($100,000)
A project grant to expand the outreach and services offered to unsheltered individuals in high-density commercial corridors and transit hubs, including the Financial District.
New York Foundation ($150,000)
A renewal project grant to support the Neighborhoods First Fund, a collaborative of philanthropic entities that supports community-based organizing to ensure equitable land use and housing development as well as protections for New York City’s tenants.
New York Public Radio ($100,000)
A renewal grant to support media coverage of housing and homelessness issues in New York City.
New York State Council of Churches ($200,000)
A renewal grant to the New York State Council of Churches and a group of partner organizations to advise faith-based institutions in New York City on mission-driven real estate development opportunities.
New York State Tenants & Neighbors Information Service ($250,000)
A renewal general operating grant to support the organization’s mission to build a unified and powerful statewide organization that strengthens tenant protections, empowers and educates tenants, and preserves affordable housing, livable neighborhoods, and diverse communities.
New York University ($450,000)
A renewal project grant to New York University’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy to support its range of data-driven housing policy research projects.
Osborne Association ($1,000,000)
A capital grant to provide funds to support the completion of the Fulton Community Reentry Center project, which will provide transitional housing, supportive services, and workforce training for justice-involved and formerly incarcerated individuals.
Osborne Association ($400,000)
A renewal project grant to further Osborne Association’s mission to support and create holistic housing options for justice-involved individuals.
Point Source Youth ($250,000)
A project grant to support a cash transfer program to prevent homelessness for youth who are housing insecure.
Providence House ($200,000)
A renewal grant to help women reentering society from incarceration solidify family bonds with their children.
Project Renewal ($50,000)
A grant to support predevelopment activities, including architectural and land-use advisory services, for the New Providence project.
Project Renewal ($50,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
Providence House ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
Queens Power ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to support the organizing of community and faith-based groups to advocate for affordable housing development in Queens.
RiseBoro Community Partnership ($250,000)
A renewal project grant to expand anti-eviction and homelessness-prevention services, including direct financial payments to households currently unable to access rental arrears assistance.
Safe Horizon ($300,000)
A renewal project grant to increase capacity to advocate for housing-unstable young adults and transition them to permanent housing.
Safety Net Project, a project of the Urban Justice Center ($300,000)
A project grant to use direct services and policy advocacy to address significant barriers preventing current and potential housing voucher holders from securing and maintaining decent, affordable housing.
Settlement Housing Fund ($400,000)
A renewal project grant to support homeless families currently living in shelter cluster units to transition into permanent housing through targeted resident-engagement services.
Sheltering Arms Children & Family Services ($175,000)
A renewal project grant to expand capacity to support young adults experiencing housing instability through peer support, case management, and wraparound services.
The Center for New York City Neighborhoods ($200,000)
A renewal grant to support the Homeowner Landlord Services (formerly known as Mom & Pop Landlord Service) pilot program to provide services for at-risk homeowners of small buildings so that they can stabilize their properties for the benefit of their tenants and themselves.
The Door – A Center of Alternatives ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
The Dwelling Place of New York ($50,000)
A feasibility grant to explore the acquisition, financing, rehabilitation, and programming of an underused property that would expand The Dwelling Place’s unique transitional housing model for women who have experienced domestic violence.
The Fortune Society ($764,000)
A capital grant to support the conversion of an existing single room occupancy hotel into permanent housing for single adults exiting the New York City shelter system.
The Fortune Society ($450,000)
A renewal project grant to support advocacy and policy efforts to meet the housing and reentry needs of justice-involved and formerly incarcerated people.
The Ladies of Hope Ministries ($150,000)
A renewal grant to support Hope House, a signature housing program of Ladies of Hope Ministries, and its continued replication as a housing model for justice-involved women across New York City.
The Partnership to End Homelessness ($150,000)
A general operating grant to support the organization’s mission of building a just and equitable society and creating lasting community change through solution-oriented programs that eliminate the root causes of homelessness.
Trinity Community Connection ($100,000)
A renewal general operating grant to support Trinity Place Shelter, a transitional shelter supporting housing unstable LGBTQIA+ youth and adults.
United Way of New York City ($300,000)
A project grant to support the Change Capital Fund, a funders’ collaborative that will promote community ownership models to create affordable housing for low-income communities.
Unlock NYC, a project of Fund for the City of New York ($125,000)
A project grant to scale access to mobile technology that allows New Yorkers facing source-of-income discrimination to report incidents and to partner with advocates and legal-service providers working to combat it.
Urban Institute ($600,000)
A project grant to engage New York City stakeholders as part of a multi-city research initiative that centers racial equity principles as essential to eradicating homelessness and housing instability.
Urban Pathways ($250,000)
A renewal project grant to deepen and expand the grantee’s Senior Reentry project as well as support the grantee’s internal diversity, equity, and inclusion work.
West End Residences HDFC ($100,000)
A general operating grant to support the organization’s mission to provide housing and supportive services to young families, LGBTQ youth, and senior adults who are experiencing homelessness.
Women in Need ($450,000)
A renewal grant to support efforts to address family homelessness by increasing organizational capacity for policy research, advocacy, and communications.
Women in Need ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
Leadership Development
African Leadership Transformation Foundation ($200,000)
A renewal project grant to support a practical, faith-oriented leadership program for digital audiences and in-person students at universities throughout Africa.
Berkeley Divinity School at Yale University ($200,000)
A project grant to support the development of three complementary leadership development programs for both lay and ordained leaders: (1) a cohort-based leadership fellows program focused on coaching for faith leaders; (2) a set of affordable online faith and leadership courses; and (3) a podcast series on contemporary issues of importance to faith leaders.
Christ Episcopal Church Dearborn, Michigan ($260,000)
A project grant to launch the Intercultural Community Center in Dearborn, Michigan, and originate educational resources that emphasize a model for intercultural neighborhood ministries led by lay and ordained church leaders.
Clal - National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership ($300,000)
A project grant to support the creation of an online version of Glean Network’s successful START entrepreneurship training program for faith leaders.
College for Congregational Development, a project of the Diocese of Olympia ($130,000)
A project grant to create a new model of the congregational leadership development program offered by The College for Congregational Development (The College) by making it more culturally relevant to diverse populations and adapting it to emerging forms of worship and community.
Cyclical ($190,000)
A project grant to support the creation of online ecosystems to train early and mid-career leaders, both lay and ordained, to become faithful innovators.
Diocese of Kurunagala, Sri Lanka ($44,000)
A renewal grant to support a diocesan leadership training program for clergy and lay leaders in the Diocese of Kurunagala, Sri Lanka.
Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative ($180,000)
A project grant to accelerate knowledge sharing and coalition-building among civic and faith-based leaders through a public hackathon targeting inequality in housing, education, jobs, and entrepreneurship.
Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta ($100,000)
A project grant to pilot a “train the trainers” model to develop lay leaders in small congregations across Province IV with the goal of scaling to a province-wide lay leadership development program.
Episcopal Theological School at Claremont Bloy House ($100,000)
A project grant to develop and offer the first round of new courses focused on practical leadership skills for clergy and lay leaders, as well as mentoring support for applying these skills in a congregational setting.
Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest ($500,000)
A project grant to expand the offerings of the Iona Collaborative to encompass continuing education for established ordained and lay leaders and, as the program progresses, to distribute those offerings across a wider array of dioceses with all materials translated into Spanish and some materials developed entirely in Spanish.
Gather Lab, a project of ImpactAssets ($1,260,000)
A project grant to build a network of faith leaders who engage in economic justice work composed of learning communities and projects that align congregational financial resources with their missions.
London Diocesan Fund ($640,000)
A project grant to expand and digitize leadership development resources for church planting and revitalization in the global Anglican Communion through the Gregory Center for Church Multiplication, the Church Revitalization Trust, and Plant Anglican.
National Interfaith Cable Coalition d/b/a Odyssey Impact ($250,000)
A project grant to fund a multi-faith cohort of 8 to 12 Odyssey Fellows who would be equipped to leverage the power of film toward civic and social problems. Fellows would create a video library and written materials as resources for leaders to address pressing social problems.
Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St. George-in-the-East with St. Paul ($65,000)
A project grant to establish a vision and replicable models for congregational development and neighborhood renewal through growing lay leadership and lay ministry beyond the Church, primarily among the poorest urban communities of East London.
Partnership for Renewal ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to develop a “train the trainers” model that would allow Partnership for Renewal to expand its Church leadership development and congregational vibrancy model beyond its current geographic limits.
Presencing Institute ($600,000)
A project grant to accelerate a faith-inspired social action movement by building the global Future and Faith Changemaking Network that prepares faith leaders for social engagement.
Pride in the Pews ($150,000)
A project grant to create a fellowship program that would support and amplify the work of Black church leaders who have demonstrated success in working with their congregations on LGBTQ+ inclusion.
Princeton Theological Seminary ($290,000)
A project grant to equip seminaries across the United States to theologically form and practically prepare students to lead social innovation and entrepreneurial ministries by integrating entrepreneurial perspectives into seminary degree programs.
Saint Andrew's Theological Seminary ($45,000)
A grant to support offering a Certificate in Ministerial Leadership in the Episcopal Church in the Philippines and in the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, in multiple local instructional settings outside the traditional venues of seminary education.
Samuel Dewitt Proctor Conference ($200,000)
A project grant to launch Praxis Groups of the Black Church Summit, a program that would recruit cohorts of Black seminarians, clergy, and lay leaders to gather in person and online to learn practical leadership and management skills and to solve community problems together.
The Episcopal Church Foundation ($100,000)
A renewal grant to support the creation of a digital version of The Episcopal Church Foundation’s successful Congregational Leadership Initiative, to be available online to the entire Church.
The FaithX Project ($200,000)
A project grant to develop a research-based diocesan, or judicatory, vitality assessment tool and provide reduced-cost vitality improvement services to cohorts of small congregations and dioceses.
Trustees of Boston University ($300,000)
A project grant to expand the Hispanic Youth Leadership Academy’s existing national leadership program to Episcopalian Latinx youth through direct instruction of leadership skills and mentorship in an Episcopalian-specific ministry discernment process.
United Church of Canada ($240,000)
A project grant to support the EDGE Network for Ministry Development of the United Church of Canada, which will train and develop communities of over 10,000 innovative, adaptive leaders for the Church.
United Theological College ($150,000)
A project grant to support scholarships for underrepresented faith leaders in theological degree programs at United Theological College, Bangalore.
Virginia Theological Seminary ($750,000)
A project grant to develop mentoring skills among talented clergy in The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion, relying on a train-the-trainer model to spread mentorship across large populations of new clergy in the Church.
Washington National Cathedral ($491,000)
A project grant to design and pilot a Racial Justice and Spirituality leadership development program to harness shared principles of faith, thereby equipping faith-filled leaders with practical skills and actionable workplans for the pursuit of racial and social justice in their communities.
Wesley Theological Seminary of The United Methodist Church ($260,000)
A renewal project grant to create a learning module and cohort program at the Wesley Theological Seminary in partnership with the Oikos Institute for Social Impact, which will help Episcopal, Methodist, and African Methodist Episcopal (AME) faith leaders and congregations to imagine new ways of utilizing capital resources for future ministry.
Mission Real Estate Development
ACK Diocese of Mbeere, a project of Church Commissioners of Kenya ($100,000)
A modification to a grant supporting the Diocese in completing a mixed-use commercial space in Embu, Kenya.
CAPA – Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa ($100,000)
A renewal grant that will help the CAPA Secretariat to continue its important capacity and leadership building work with the Anglican provinces in Africa in 2022.
Codrington Trust ($25,000)
An emergency response grant to support Codrington Trust’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Diocese Anglicana de Brasilia ($60,000)
A new project grant to renovate and reposition an existing office asset into co-working space in the capital city of Brasilia.
Diocesis del Sureste del Mexico ($15,000)
An emergency response grant to support the Diocesis del Sureste del Mexico in their response to Hurricane Grace.
Diocese of Biharamulo, Tanzania ($300,000)
A project grant to construct one 3,500 square foot accommodation block with 14 ensuite rooms in Biharamulo.
Diocese of Bondo, Kenya, a project of Church Commissioners of Kenya ($100,000)
A modification to a grant supporting the Diocese in completing the first four floors of an eight-floor commercial office building in Bondo, Kenya.
Diocese of Bujumbura, Burundi ($180,000)
A project grant to renovate a 7,200-square-foot accommodation block at the Centre Communautaire Guesthouse in Bujumbura to include 14 ensuite guestrooms.
Diocese of Bujumbura, Burundi ($44,500)
A new grant to conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the highest and best use re-development potential for an existing diocesan project centrally located in Burundi’s capital city of Bujumbura.
Diocese of Buye, Burundi ($475,000)
A new project to develop a 15-room, 8,400-square-foot expansion of the Irembo Hotel in Ngozi, Burundi.
Diocese of Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo ($230,000)
A new project grant to complete a 7,535-square-foot multipurpose hall to serve as both a rental event venue and a meeting space for diocesan peacebuilding training in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Diocese of Kagera, Tanzania ($95,000)
A renewal project grant to finalize the expansion and modernization of the Ngara Anglican Primary School campus, increasing capacity from 256 to 600 students.
Diocese of Kondoa, Tanzania ($139,000)
A new project grant to complete a 4,435-square-foot conferencing facility with 14 beds and 2 meeting rooms in Chemba, Tanzania.
Diocese of Nakuru, Kenya ($100,000)
A modification to a grant to complete of construction on the Imani Commercial Center in Nakuru, Kenya.
Diocese of New Bussa, Nigeria ($80,000)
A project grant to construct a permanent structure with 15 market shops on the grounds of All Saints’ Cathedral in the Diocese of New Bussa, Nigeria.
Diocese of Ruvuma, Tanzania ($50,000)
A new grant to conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the development potential of three diocesan sites located in Songea, Tanzania, and to determine the most promising site and corresponding development concept.
Diocese of Sekondi, Ghana ($31,500)
A grant to conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the development potential of two diocesan sites located in the city centers of Tarkwa and Takoradi, Ghana, and to determine the most promising site and corresponding development concept.
Diocese of Tamale, Ghana ($270,000)
A renewal project grant to complete the ground floor of the two-floor, 17,933-square-foot Anglican Hostel, a 32-room (144-bed) student housing facility in Tamale, Ghana.
Diocese of Wiawso, Ghana ($40,500)
A new grant to complete a feasibility study to evaluate the development potential of a diocesan site located in the central business district of Bibiani, Ghana.
Enterprise Community Partners ($1,400,000)
A project grant to provide faith-based organizations throughout New York City with real estate development training, technical assistance, feasibility studies, and predevelopment services to develop their underutilized properties into affordable housing.
Joint Venture Churches of Almaden, San Jose, CA ($50,000)
A new grant to assess the economic feasibility of developing a multi-service community center anchored by the Joint Venture Churches of Almaden that would provide senior and childcare to the greater San Jose community.
Kinetic Christian Center ($50,000)
A grant to fund a feasibility study supporting the initial space programming, planning, and site evaluation to prepare for site selection in the Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn.
St. Christopher’s Mission, Navajoland ($50,000)
A planning grant to evaluate the financial feasibility of various workforce housing development concepts to serve seasonal workers and vulnerable families on St. Christopher’s property.
St. John’s Cathedral, Denver, CO ($200,000)
A project grant to evaluate and determine development concepts on the campus of Saint John’s Cathedral in Denver, Colorado.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Seattle, WA ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to support the planning and development of a two-phase affordable housing project in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, Washington.
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Diocese of Texas ($130,000)
A new project grant to refine and complete the campus development concept for St. Stephen’s in Houston, Texas.
The Episcopal Diocese of New York ($65,000)
A project grant for a neighborhood stakeholder survey and feasibility study to facilitate the planning of a missionally-aligned real estate development project with the Church of the Mediator parish in the Kingsbridge neighborhood of the Bronx.
The Protestant Episcopal Church of Saint Peter in New York City ($50,000)
A new grant to fund a feasibility study to facilitate the planning of a missionally-aligned real estate development project with St. Peter’s parish in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan.
UCC Church Building & Loan Fund ($350,000)
A project grant to fund feasibility and predevelopment studies to support the planning and development of four missionally aligned real estate development projects with the United Church of Christ Church Building & Loan Fund in underserved communities.
Racial Justice
African Communities Together ($525,000)
A renewal project grant to continue support for the Break the Shackles Campaign, which advocates for immigration bond reform, and the Community Guardians program, which builds the capacity of New York’s African immigrant leaders to defend against unjust immigration enforcement in their communities.
African Communities Together ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
A Little Piece of Light ($60,000)
A renewal grant to support one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Alliance for Quality Education ($125,000)
A grant to support statewide advocacy for progressive reform and for policies to end mass incarceration and stop the school-to-prison pipeline.
Alliance of Families for Justice ($175,000)
A renewal general operating grant supporting the grantee’s mission to support, empower, and mobilize families and individuals impacted by the criminal justice system so they can marshal their collective power to create a just world.
American Friends Service Committee ($100,000)
A renewal grant to continue support for the New York Healing Justice Program, a faith-based effort that helps those serving long-term prison sentences be safely released from prison and join family members who have gone through a process of healing and leadership development.
Black Women’s Blueprint ($200,000)
A project grant to support the Restore Forward initiative, a hub for healing and restorative justice practices for justice-involved women and survivors of gender-based violence.
Black Women’s Blueprint ($60,000)
A renewal grant to support one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Borough of Manhattan Community College, a project of the Research Foundation of the City University of New York ($150,000)
A renewal grant to support the Borough of Manhattan Community College’s Project Impact, which ensures the academic success of students impacted by the justice system.
Bronx Community College ($125,000)
A renewal project grant to support a vocational training and education program for justice-impacted students attending Bronx Community College.
Brooklyn Community Bail Fund d/b/a Envision Freedom Fund ($1,000,000)
A program related investment (PRI) to support the New York Immigrant Freedom Fund to make bond payments for immigrants in detention and connect them to legal representation and other post-release services.
Brooklyn Movement Center, a project of the Fund for the City of New York ($250,000)
A renewal grant to support the organization’s Black Freedom Project, which aims to advance a collective agenda for decarceration and criminal justice reform that is crafted by Black-led and Black-centered organizations in New York.
Center for Community Alternatives ($200,000)
A renewal grant for the organization’s Communities, Not Cages initiative in support of statewide organizing and advocacy to decarcerate jails and prisons, end the criminalization of immigrants, and increase alternative-to-incarceration programs.
Center for NuLeadership on Urban Solutions ($200,000)
A renewal grant to support general operations of the Center for NuLeadership on Urban Solutions, whose mission is to shift the paradigm and practice of public safety, justice, and accountability from the criminal legal system to the community-focused “Human Justice” framework.
Children’s Defense Fund – New York ($170,000)
A renewal project grant to continue supporting A New Vision for Youth Justice, a legislative campaign that seeks to decarcerate youth and build alternatives to incarceration for emerging adults.
Children of Promise, NYC ($300,000)
A general operating grant to support the grantee’s mission as a community-centered organization that partners with children and families impacted by mass incarceration to dismantle the stigma and heal from the trauma plaguing Black and Brown communities.
Circle for Justice Innovations, a project of NEO Philanthropy ($175,000)
A renewal grant to support Circle for Justice Innovations to be the anchor for a citywide collaborative that will cultivate restorative justice practices and document a model for violence prevention that incorporates restorative justice principles.
Citizen Action of New York ($125,000)
A renewal grant to support grassroots advocacy, conducted by directly impacted individuals, for a campaign to decarcerate New York.
Common Justice ($750,000)
A renewal grant to continue supporting the grantee’s mission to develop and advance solutions to violence that transform the lives of those harmed and foster racial equity without relying on incarceration.
Community Access ($125,000)
A renewal project grant to support the Correct Crisis Intervention Today-New York City campaign, which seeks to reimagine a community-based alternative response to mental health crises.
Community Connections for Youth ($200,000)
A general operating grant to support the organization’s mission to equip grassroots faith and neighborhood organizations to develop effective community-driven alternatives to incarceration for youth.
Community Service Society of New York ($125,000)
A renewal project grant to support of the Next Door Project, which provides legal services to New Yorkers with criminal convictions and conducts advocacy to improve reentry outcomes.
CONNECT ($60,000)
A renewal grant to support one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using the New York City Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
CUNY Graduate Center, a project of Research Foundation of the City University of New York ($200,000)
A project grant to support a research evaluation of a pilot intervention that connects incarcerated New Yorkers to public benefits shortly before their release from incarceration.
Drive Change ($100,000)
A renewal general operating grant supporting the grantee’s mission to provide workforce development and other reentry support to formerly incarcerated youth.
DRUM - Desis Rising Up & Moving ($125,000)
A renewal grant to support the organization’s mission to build the power of South Asian and Indo-Caribbean low-wage immigrant workers, youth, and families in New York City in order to attain racial justice and immigrant rights.
Elite Learners ($60,000)
A renewal grant to support community-based anti-violence services for youth in Brownsville, Brooklyn.
Exodus Transitional Community ($750,000)
A renewal general operating grant to support the organization’s mission to deliver innovative programming tailored to adults and youth affected by the justice system and to advocate for a society in which all can achieve social, economic, and spiritual well-being.
Exodus Transitional Community ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
Eye to Eye ($300,000)
A project grant to support public middle and high school students with learning disabilities in 20 to 25 New York City schools, with a particular emphasis on District 1 and District 79 schools, through mentoring, teacher support and training, and community building.
Fountain House ($300,000 grant and $700,000 PRI)
A project grant and program-related investment (PRI) to support the construction of a new clubhouse and residency in the South Bronx and planning around how the new 988 crisis hotline can strengthen citywide practices and policies.
Fountain House ($200,000)
A renewal grant to support the advocacy and public education for non-punitive community-based services for individuals in the criminal legal system with serious mental illness.
FreeCap Financial ($150,000)
A project grant would support research on publicly-traded companies’ practices that support the prison-industrial complex in order to inform the recommendations and decisions of investment managers and change industry practices.
Freedom Agenda, a project of the Urban Justice Center ($400,000)
A renewal grant to support community organizing and mobilization to ensure the equitable and timely closure of the Rikers Island jail complex, alongside decarceration and community investments.
Getting Out and Staying Out ($125,000)
A renewal general operating grant supporting the grantee’s mission to empower young men to avoid involvement in the criminal justice system by reshaping their futures through educational achievement, meaningful employment, and financial independence.
Girls for Gender Equity ($150,000)
A renewal general operating grant toward the organization’s mission to support the physical, psychological, social, and economic development of girls and women through education, organizing, and physical fitness.
Girl Vow ($100,000)
A general operating grant to support the grantee’s mission to provide gender-focused intensive mentorship to disadvantaged girls, femmes, and gender-expansive youth in New York City.
Good Call NYC ($100,000)
A general operating grant would support the grantee’s mission to empower communities of color and create systemic transformation by using technology and community organizing to provide immediate access to legal support.
How Our Lives Link Altogether ($60,000)
A renewal grant to support one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison ($125,000)
A renewal grant to support Hudson Link’s Alumni Program to provide education and workforce development, mentoring, and other critical reentry services to its growing base of alumni.
Immigrant Defense Project, a project of the Fund for the City of New York ($125,000)
A renewal grant to support the Immigrant Defense Project, a hub for policy, advocacy, and litigation at the intersection of the criminal legal and immigration systems.
Interfaith Center of New York ($150,000)
A renewal grant to provide general operating support for the faith organization’s mission to overcome prejudice, violence, and misunderstanding by activating the power of the city’s grassroots religious and civic leaders and their communities.
Interfaith Center of New York ($90,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
Justice Committee ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to build community capacity for ensuring members’ safety, health, and well-being.
Justice Innovation d/b/a Center for Court Innovation ($175,000)
A renewal grant to support the Center for Court Innovation to participate in the Restorative Responses to Intimate Partner Violence Project and to extend the reach of this work through a pilot program focused on reentry and restorative justice.
Kings Against Violence Initiative ($150,000)
A renewal general operating grant in support of the organization’s mission to prevent and eliminate interpersonal violence in the lives of young people through restorative violence-intervention programs.
Legal Action Center ($225,000)
A renewal project grant to continue support for coordination and advocacy to increase alternatives to incarceration and reentry services as important tools for decarceration in New York State.
LIFE Camp ($750,000)
A renewal general operating grant supporting the grantee’s mission to provide the valuable tools that youth and families who have been affected by violence need to stay in school and out of the criminal justice system.
Life Comes From It, a project of Tides Foundation ($200,000)
A project grant to support an intermediary fund dedicated to strengthening BIPOC-led grassroots movements for restorative justice, transformative justice, and Indigenous peacemaking in New York City.
Lineage Project ($100,000)
A renewal general operating grant to support the organization’s mission to teach trauma-sensitive mindfulness practices to young people ages 12–24, and to staff inside of schools and in the court, foster care, psychiatric care, shelter, immigration, and education systems.
Marshall Project ($200,000)
A renewal general operating grant to support the grantee’s mission to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about reforming the US criminal justice system.
Make the Road New York ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
Medical Justice Alliance ($100,000)
A general operating grant to support the grantee’s mission to mobilize volunteer healthcare professionals to protect incarcerated people’s constitutional right to medical care.
Mobilization for Justice ($200,000)
A project grant to provide legal advice and representation to parents of students with disabilities seeking appropriate special education services and school placements.
Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility ($300,000)
A renewal grant to continue support of implementation and scaling of the Whole School Racial Equity Model in New York City public schools through outreach, education, and training on restorative practices.
Movement for Family Power ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to support the planning for a state and national campaign to repeal the Adoption Safe and Families Act, which would help break the cycle of generational incarceration by supporting and building up families.
New Hour for Women and Children – Long Island ($200,000)
A project grant to support EMERGE, an advocacy and leadership development training program for women returning from incarceration.
New York City Environmental Justice Alliance ($60,000)
A renewal grant supporting the Renewable Rikers campaign to advance the closure of Rikers by pushing for polices that develop renewable energy sources to ensure that the island will never again be used for incarceration.
New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project ($60,000)
A renewal grant to support one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
New York Communities for Change ($150,000)
A renewal grant to support grassroots advocacy for continued decarceration and expanded housing options for New Yorkers impacted by the criminal legal system.
New York Focus, a project of Investigative Reporters and Editors ($178,000)
A renewal grant to continue support of critical media coverage for decarceration, transparency, and accountability in New York’s criminal legal system.
New York Immigration Coalition ($75,000)
A renewal general operating grant to continue support of the largest and oldest statewide policy organization in its mission to unite immigrants, members, and allies, so all New Yorkers can thrive.
New York Lawyers for the Public Interest ($50,000)
A renewal grant to support community organizing and mobilization to ensure the closure of the Rikers jail complex, including the Renewable Rikers campaign to safeguard that the island will never again be used for incarceration.
New York Peace Institute ($150,000)
A renewal general operating grant to continue support for the organization’s mission to empower people to find creative and durable solutions to their disputes by teaching conflict resolution skills to communities and organizations.
New York State Immigrant Action Fund ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to strengthen political organizing and mobilization of immigrant communities to advocate for immigrant rights and protections in New York’s criminal legal and immigration systems.
New York Theological Seminary ($100,000)
A renewal grant to continue support of the Master of Professional Studies (MPS) theological education program at Sing Sing Correctional Facility.
New York Theological Seminary ($100,000)
A modification to a grant supporting the Master of Professional Studies (MPS) theological education program at Sing Sing Correctional Facility, and expand the program to Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women.
North Star Fund ($150,000)
A renewal grant to support the Let Us Breathe Fund, designed to build the capacity and power of Black-led grassroots groups working to reimagine community safety and hold statewide policymakers accountable table.
Parole Preparation Project ($150,000)
A grant to support Survivors of the System, a program that provides support, fellowship, and mentorship to people returning home after spending decades in prison.
Partners for Dignity & Rights ($350,000)
A renewal project grant to continue supporting the grantee’s management of the Dignity in Schools Campaign, which works to end punitive discipline policies and expand restorative justice in schools.
Pure Legacee ($100,000)
A renewal general operating grant to support the grantee’s mission to serve as a haven of healing for females aged 16 to 21 who have experienced trauma as a direct result of the criminal justice system and/or are aging out of foster care and facing homelessness.
Release Aging People in Prison Campaign, a project of Social Environment Entrepreneurs ($150,000)
A project grant to support directly affected leaders to engage in a grassroots, statewide campaign to promote fair and meaningful release opportunities for incarcerated people, as well as other decarceration efforts.
Restorative Justice Initiative, a project of Fund for the City of New York ($600,000)
A renewal project grant to continue support for the Restorative Justice Initiative—a project aimed at scaling a citywide, multisector network of restorative justice practitioners, advocates, and community members to increase access to restorative justice for all New Yorkers.
Rikers Public Memory Project ($75,000)
A project grant to support a community-based, participatory initiative to collect stories about the impact of incarceration in Rikers Island jails, to increase public awareness of the imperative to close Rikers.
Rising Ground ($60,000)
A renewal grant to support one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Teachers Unite ($150,000)
A renewal general operating grant to support the organization’s mission of ending punitive discipline and its disproportionate impact on students of color in New York City public schools.
The Arab-American Family Support Center ($60,000)
A renewal grant to support one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
The B.R.E.A.T.H.E. Collective ($250,000)
A project grant to prepare girls of color to become peacemakers in their communities and schools through restorative justice, proactive community building, and collective healing.
The Brotherhood Sister Sol ($150,000)
A renewal general operating grant supporting the organization’s mission to provide comprehensive, holistic, and long-term support services to youth aged from 8 to 22.
United Way of New York City ($1,000,000)
A project grant to support a city-wide fund for community-based organizations at the frontlines of community healing and anti-violence efforts.
Urban Justice Center ($100,000)
A project grant to produce research-informed recommendations for community mental health services and alternatives to detention and incarceration to reduce jail incarceration of people with mental health concerns.
Urban Youth Alliance International ($150,000)
A renewal grant to support a Bronx-based, faith-led youth advocacy effort to keep young people out of jail and continue decarceration in New York City.
Urban Youth Collaborative ($300,000)
A renewal project grant to support a student-led coalition of New York City youth-organizing groups fighting to end the school-to-prison pipeline and transform the city’s public schools into nurturing and inclusive learning environments.
Vera Action ($200,000)
A project grant to support data analysis, research, strategic communications, policy change, and advocacy to advance bail and pretrial justice reform and to support reinvestment in strategies that build truly safe and thriving communities.
Violence Intervention Program ($60,000)
A renewal grant to support one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
VOCAL-NY Action Fund ($400,000)
A renewal project grant to support grassroots advocacy that focuses on decarceration efforts and ending homelessness in New York City.
Women’s Community Justice Association ($200,000)
A renewal project grant to support the Beyond Rosie’s campaign—a multi-pronged effort to close the Rose M. Singer Center on Rikers Island by supporting the safe decarceration of women and creating a trauma-informed women’s center that provides therapeutic care, family unification, and skills-building among incarcerated women.
Worth Rises ($200,000)
A renewal general operating grant to support the grantee’s mission to dismantle the prison industry and end the exploitation of those it targets.
Youth Justice Network ($400,000)
A renewal general operating grant in support of the organization’s mission to break cycles of incarceration and to build an equitable justice system by providing young people with individualized advocacy, mentorship, and opportunities to grow, thrive, and lead.
Youth Organizing and Culture Change Fund, a project of New York Foundation ($500,000)
A project grant to support a donor collaborative to strengthen the infrastructure for youth organizing and culture change in New York City.
Youth Represent ($300,000)
A general operating renewal grant to support the grantee’s mission to use legal services, policy advocacy, peer education, and other tools to build power and opportunity for Black, Latinx, and other youth of color whom the criminal legal system and other systems of oppression harm the most.
Special Opportunity
Acacia Network Housing ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support language and cultural enrichment programs for asylum seekers (both adults and children) who are staying at the grantee’s eight emergency transitional housing sites serving migrant families across the city.
Citizens Committee for New York City ($200,000)
A grant to fund the New York Business Grants Program below 14th Street to help economic recovery in Lower Manhattan.
Episcopal Relief and Development ($5,000,000)
A project grant to establish a multi-year strategic partnership that would deliver robust emergency responses and strengthen household economic resilience worldwide, by alleviating hunger and promoting food security and financial inclusion of the most vulnerable.
Episcopal Relief and Development ($400,000)
A grant to support the first 12 months of Episcopal Relief & Development’s Haiti Earthquake Recovery Project, a two-year effort that will build disaster resilience through improved access to financing and trauma care, as well as improved social cohesion, in southwestern Haiti.
Goodnation Foundation ($250,000)
A grant to support NYC Speaks, a public engagement initiative to create a framework for the experiences, challenges, and ideas of New Yorkers to inform the incoming Adams administration’s policies and budget.
Global Impact Investing Network ($100,000)
A project grant to deepen the effectiveness of faith-based investors’ efforts to advance racial equity by introducing them to a common, industry-validated impact measurement and management system.
Human Services Council of New York ($80,000)
An executive discretionary grant to support the Human Services Council's efforts to ensure full and on-time payments through the City's community-based organization contracting system and fair wages for employees in the sector.
The Aspen Institute ($100,000)
A project grant to the Aspen Institute’s Religion & Society Program in support of the development of no-cost, ready-to-use materials on religious literacy and religious pluralism for use at conferences that bring together philanthropy-serving organizations and affiliated grantmakers.
The Bronx Community Foundation ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
The Children’s Aid Society ($250,000)
A project grant to expand the capacity of two existing community centers to provide comprehensive, holistic mental health support services and violence prevention programming to vulnerable youth in the South Bronx and East Harlem.
The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support asylum seekers entering New York City.
The New York Community Trust, GoVoteNYC ($200,000)
A renewal grant as part of a funders’ collaborative to support local nonprofit organizations with increasing voter participation and civic engagement throughout New York City in the upcoming elections.
New York Immigration Coalition ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support the grantee’s Welcoming New York Campaign, which is working to ensure that asylum seekers and migrants arriving in the city have access to the services, shelter, and care they need to begin new lives.
United Way of New York City ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to support the grantee’s Emergency Assistance and Community Needs Fund, which will direct resources to community-based organizations providing support services for asylum seekers and migrants.
The Wellness Classroom ($1,100,000)
A project grant as part of an investment and learning collaborative to support an initiative aimed at addressing child and adolescent mental health among New York City students, by identifying, piloting, and scaling innovative programs.
July 2021-November 2021
Leadership Development
Africa Leadership Transformation Foundation ($50,000)
A planning grant to create a practical, faith-oriented leadership program to be piloted in Anglican universities in MalaJuwi and Zambia.
Ashoka ($1,200,000)
A grant to expand Ashoka’s programming to multiple geographies and languages after the successful U.S.-based pilot of a cohort-based experiential learning program developing faith-inspired changemakers for a rapidly changing world.
Bexley Hall Seabury Western Theological Seminary Federation ($200,000)
A renewal grant to support the next stage of implementing a new professional master’s degree in theology and leadership for Indigenous students preparing for ordination.
Codrington Trust ($100,000)
A project grant to develop a new model for Christian leadership development entitled Retreat, Renew, and Return.
College of the Transfiguration ($150,000)
A renewal grant to create a new Leadership Development certificate, focused on practical leadership skills anchored in faith, to be required of degree candidates at the College of the Transfiguration in South Africa and offered online for clergy and lay leaders throughout the region.
Digital Literacies for Ministry, a project of Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod ($100,000)
A renewal project grant supporting the continued development of digital faith leadership educational programs by Digital Literacies for Ministry.
Diocese of Los Angeles, California ($300,000)
A renewal grant to adapt the traditional clinical pastoral education structure used for seminarian formation to lay pastoral caregivers in diverse contexts.
Duke University ($150,000)
A project grant to digitize the Community Craft Leadership Training program created by the Ormond Center at Duke Divinity School.
Emory University ($225,000)
A project grant to establish the Candler School of Theology’s Foundations in Faith and Leadership certificate program, which will offer cohort-based theological training designed to equip and empower lay ministers and clergy to transform Christian congregations and their communities.
Episcopal Diocese of Montana ($113,000)
A project grant to support Leading Women, two conferences scheduled for 2022 and 2023 that will offer formation, education, and community for an estimated total of 100 qualified women seeking to prepare for executive leadership positions in The Episcopal Church.
Episcopal Preaching Foundation ($300,000)
A renewal grant to continue support for a lay preacher training initiative, in recognition of the growing role of lay leaders in a changing Episcopal Church.
Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest ($120,000)
A project grant to develop a pilot course on faith and finance into a semester-long course with modules on administration, budgeting, financial decision-making, and the theology of economics.
Faith in New York ($100,000)
A renewal project grant to continue training New York faith leaders and future faith leaders in community engagement and civic impact.
Gathering of Leaders ($200,000)
A project grant to create an online networking platform that will link the many different and disconnected populations of faith leaders throughout The Episcopal Church.
Innovative Space for Asian American Christianity, ISAAC ($110,000)
A project grant to create a program for entrepreneurial Latina and female Asian American faith leaders to strengthen their capacities to launch or expand their ministries or organizations.
Luther Seminary ($450,000)
A renewal grant to advance the development of The Seeds Project: An Incubator/Accelerator for Innovation in Faith Leadership.
Rural & Migrant Ministry, Inc. ($150,000)
A renewal grant to continue support for a program to prepare seminarians and clergy to partner with rural migrant organizations in their communities, within the Rural and Migrant Ministry’s Rural Academy of the People.
Saint Augustine’s University ($175,000)
A project grant to create a Chapel Scholars Leadership Program at St. Augustine’s University, a historically Black Episcopal university in North Carolina.
Sojourners ($200,000)
A project grant to expand certificate programs for Black and Latina/o faith leaders to be first responders for racial equity.
The Carver Project ($100,000)
A project grant to digitize and expand access to The Carver Project’s courses, which equip clergy and lay leaders to communicate effectively in diverse societies.
The Episcopal Church ($300,000)
A project grant to support the Latino Lay Leadership Development Project at the Office of Hispanic Ministries of The Episcopal Church.
The Episcopal Church ($200,000)
A project grant to create a competency-based and contextually appropriate faith leadership certificate for Indigenous Episcopalian college students and young adults.
The Episcopal Diocese of New York ($200,000)
A renewal project grant to support a leadership training program, Episcopal Futures: An Initiative for Collaborative Transformation, developed by the Episcopal Diocese of New York to build adaptive leadership capacity to strengthen the missions and ministries of 21 congregations and communities selected from parishes across the diocese.
Mission Real Estate Development
Church Commissioners for Kenya ($2,300,000)
A multi-year grant to establish a low-interest perpetual loan fund to provide loans for mission real estate development projects in dioceses across Kenya.
Diocese of Bondo, Kenya ($282,000)
A renewal project grant to support the Diocese of Bondo in completing the first four floors of an eight-floor, 52,446-square-foot commercial office building in Bondo, southwestern Kenya. Net operating income will be used to repay a project loan, be reinvested to complete the building’s upper floors, and support ministry in rural areas.
Diocese of Cape Town, South Africa ($160,000)
A project grant to fund feasibility and predevelopment studies for a mixed-use development on the campus of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, adjacent to the historic Bo-Kaap neighborhood in Cape Town, South Africa.
Diocese of Kericho, Kenya ($280,000)
A renewal project grant to complete the construction of 10 additional tented units (15 in total), provide access to utilities, equip the amenities center, bring the property to critical mass to support full-service operations (including marketing and reservations), and engage a professional hospitality consultant to help staff and manage operations.
Diocese of Niassa, Mozambique ($123,000)
A renewal project grant to complete the expansion of the Kuchijinji Conference Center, including a 500-seat conference hall, 10 accommodation units, and the conversion of the existing hall to serve as a kitchen and dining facility.
Diocese of Northern Malawi ($155,000)
A renewal project grant to support the completion and operation of a 13,497 square foot, four-floor commercial complex in Mzuzu, Malawi, that will include 30 offices, a conference room, a diocesan printing business, and a garden area for outdoor functions.
Diocese of Rumonge, Burundi ($200,000)
A renewal grant to add 24 beds (a 20% capacity increase) and equipment for laboratory and surgical care to meet increased patient demand at the Birimba Amahoro Hospital. This renewal will also add 5,140 sq. ft. to the internal medicine ward and 10,765 sq. ft. of support space to ensure that the expanded facilities comply with health and safety recommendations for increased patient volume.
Good Samaritan Episcopal Church ($150,000)
A project grant to fund predevelopment costs to support the planning and development of a multi-purpose Village Hub community.
Housing and Homelessness
Bailey House, Inc. ($50,000)
A grant to support the Housing Placement Assistance Unit at Bailey House to expand its capacity to provide housing placement assistance for justice-involved individuals who are experiencing housing instability.
Brooklyn Community Housing and Services ($325,000)
A renewal grant to continue support of the Fresh Start Initiative, a three-pronged programmatic approach to help families who have experienced domestic violence, with an emphasis on heads of households with mental health needs.
Center for Urban Community Services, Inc. ($200,000)
A project grant to expand the Center for Urban Community Services’ housing development and property management capacity.
Citizens Committee for Children of New York ($300,000)
A renewal project grant to support the Citizens’ Committee for Children as a co-convener of the Family Homelessness Coalition, a collective of 16 organizations. Funds will be used to improve policies and programs for homeless children and families and to focus on raising New Yorkers’ awareness and understanding of the lives of homeless families.
City Limits ($100,000)
A project grant will support City Limits’ expansion of its news coverage and related resources to highlight homelessness issues.
Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence ($100,000)
A project grant to support organizing and advocacy efforts that will help prevent illegal evictions and harassment of Asian residents of Chinatown and the Lower East Side.
Corporation for Supportive Housing ($125,000)
A renewal project grant to continue support for the expansion of housing for justice-involved people in New York City.
Empire State Coalition of Youth and Family Services, dba Coalition for Homeless Youth ($75,000)
A general operating grant supporting the Coalition for Homeless Youth’s work to improve the lives of runaway, homeless, and street-involved youth across New York State, in partnership with a consortium of over 60 agencies.
Funders for Housing and Opportunity, a project of New Venture Fund ($500,000)
A renewal grant to continue supporting Funders for Housing and
Opportunity, a national, nonpartisan, cross-sector funder collaborative that
seeks to catalyze a movement that will fundamentally change the ways of thinking about, talking about, and providing housing in the United States.
Girl Scout Council of Greater New York, Inc. ($150,000)
A project grant will strengthen essential support services, innovative programming, and transition assistance for girls, young women, and their families living in New York City homeless shelters.
Good Shepherd Services ($350,000)
A grant to expand the capacity of Chelsea Foyer, a transitional housing program for young adults between 18 and 25 years of age who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or aging out of foster care.
Hetrick- Martin Institute, Inc. ($100,000)
A project grant to launch the pilot LGBTQ Youth Homelessness Prevention Program, a unified and coordinated system of partnerships across service providers and city agencies to ensure that LGBTQ youth experiencing housing instability have access to essential services that allow them to avoid homelessness.
Housing Justice for All ($200,000)
A renewal grant to expand the capacity of Housing Justice for All member organizations to advocate for policies that end homelessness and increase the number of mission-oriented housing units.
Housing Plus Solutions, Inc. ($200,000)
A renewal project grant for the continued implementation of the Family Initiative program to provide incarcerated women with the ability to remain with their children and reunite with their families.
Korean American Family Service Center, Inc. ($200,000)
A renewal project grant to continue support of the Pathways to Empowerment Project, a client-centered initiative to assist women who have experienced domestic violence by providing housing and childcare subsidies, counseling, job training, and other wraparound services.
Local Initiatives Support Corporation ($200,000)
A renewal grant to continue support of the New York Land Opportunity Program (NYLOP) as an offering to help mission-driven organizations preserve and develop affordable housing on their sites.
Montefiore Medical Center ($170,000)
A project grant to support the Bronx Health Collective’s new Family Homeless Risk Assessment Screener. The Screener will be used to determine the strongest predictors of future homelessness among families with children aged zero to five years old.
Neighbors Together Corporation ($250,000)
A renewal project grant will support the Three-Quarter House Tenant Organizing Project and the VALUE in Housing campaign.
New Alternatives for Children, Inc. ($200,000)
A renewal project grant to support medically complex children and their families by helping them locate to or remain in homes through increased access to government entitlements, living essentials, and supportive services.
New Alternatives for Homeless LGBT Youth ($75,000)
A general operating grant in support of the organization’s mission to increase the self-sufficiency of LGBTQ+ homeless youth by enabling them to transition out of the shelter system into stable adult lives.
New Destiny Housing Corporation ($300,000)
A renewal project grant that will support advocacy and communications work on behalf of homeless families who have survived domestic violence.
New York Foundation ($150,000)
A grant to support the Neighborhoods First Fund, a collaborative of philanthropic entities that supports community-based organizing to ensure equitable land use and housing development as well as protections for New York City’s tenants.
New York Housing Conference, Inc. ($300,000)
A renewal project grant to support United for Housing, a campaign that brings together New Yorkers, housing policymakers, and practitioners to create a cohesive and comprehensive housing and homelessness policy platform for the incoming leadership of New York City.
New York University ($150,000)
A renewal project grant to New York University’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy will support continued monitoring of rent regulations on multifamily housing and the impact of COVID-19, as well as research and analysis of the potential adaptive reuse of hotels and commercial spaces.
Open Hearts Initiative, a project of Fund for the City of New York ($200,000)
A project grant to support the expansion of the Open Hearts Initiative into Lower Manhattan, so that its community-based volunteers can serve as local advocates for the development and siting of various types of housing as well as supporters of those who are experiencing housing instability.
Osborne Association ($200,000)
A renewal grant to further Osborne Association’s mission to support and create holistic housing options for justice-involved individuals.
Princess Janae Place, Inc. ($100,000)
A general operating grant to support Princess Janae Place’s mission to help people of trans experience maximize their full potential as they transition from homelessness to independent living.
Queens Power, Inc. ($100,000)
A project grant to support organizing community and faith-based groups to advocate for affordable housing development in Queens.
Safe Horizon, Inc. ($100,000)
A project grant to increase capacity to advocate for unstable young adults and transition them to permanent housing.
Sakhi for South Asian Women ($330,000)
A renewal grant to support the relocation of South Asian survivors of gender-based violence to safe and stable housing using rental subsidies and wraparound services.
Settlement Housing Fund, Inc. ($150,000)
A project grant to support homeless families currently living in shelter cluster units with transitioning into permanent housing through targeted resident engagement services.
Sheltering Arms Children & Family Services ($100,000)
A project grant to expand its capacity to support young adults experiencing housing instability through peer support, case management, and wraparound services.
Supportive Housing Network of New York ($300,000)
A general operating renewal grant in support of the organization’s mission to increase the public’s understanding of supportive housing, share best practices that continually improve supportive housing’s effectiveness, and encourage the creation of enough supportive housing to end homelessness among the most vulnerable New Yorkers.
The Door – A Center of Alternatives, Inc. ($300,000)
A project grant to grow The Door’s capacity to strengthen its continuum of housing services for youth experiencing housing instability.
Trinity Community Connection ($100,000)
A general operating grant to support Trinity Place Shelter, a transitional shelter supporting housing unstable LGBTQIA+ youth and adults.
Under 21, dba Covenant House of New York ($200,000)
A project grant to support grantee’s advocacy work and increase its ability to provide housing navigation and placement for its young adult clients.
We Are Not Afraid Community Resource Center ($75,000)
A renewal grant to support the Robert Daniel Jones Refugee Shelter to provide temporary housing, employment, and legal services to asylum seekers and refugees.
Women’s Prison Association & Home, Inc. ($200,000)
A grant toward community-based support programs serving justice-involved women and the rehabilitation of Sarah Powell Huntington House, a homeless shelter for formerly incarcerated women and their families.
Racial Justice
African Communities Together ($175,000)
A renewal grant to continue support for the Break the Shackles Campaign, which advocates for immigration bond reform, and the Community Guardians program, which builds the capacity of New York’s African immigrant leaders to defend against unjust immigration enforcement in their communities.
Black Women’s Blueprint, Inc. ($200,000)
A project grant to support the Restore Forward initiative, a hub for healing and restorative justice practices for justice-involved women and survivors of gender-based violence.
Bronx Community College, a project of the Research Foundation of the City University of New York ($125,000)
A grant to support a vocational training and education program for justice-impacted students attending Bronx Community College.
Children’s Defense Fund – New York ($150,000)
A renewal grant to continue supporting A New Vision for Youth Justice, which will advance a legislative campaign that seeks to decarcerate youth and build alternatives to incarceration for emerging adults.
Community Access ($125,000)
A project grant to support the Correct Crisis Intervention Today-New York City campaign, which seeks to reimagine a community-based alternative response to mental health crises, and which removes the primary role of criminal legal system actors.
Community Service Society of New York ($125,000)
A project grant to support the Next Door Project, which provides legal services to New Yorkers with criminal convictions and conducts advocacy to improve reentry outcomes.
Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation ($80,000)
A project grant to support Future of Tomorrow, a youth-led community organizing and leadership initiative that focuses on dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline in New York City.
Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies ($75,000)
A project grant to build the capacity of Brooklyn-based nonprofit organizations to deliver trauma-informed care to justice-impacted New Yorkers.
FreeCap Financial, a project of Echoing Green ($150,000)
A project grant to support research on publicly-traded companies’ practices that support the prison-industrial complex in order to inform the recommendations and decisions of investment managers and change industry practices.
Girl Vow ($100,000)
A general operating grant to support the grantee’s mission to provide gender-focused intensive mentorship to disadvantaged girls, femmes, and gender-expansive youth in New York City.
Good Call NYC ($100,000)
A general operating grant will support Good Call NYC’s mission to empower communities of color and create systemic transformation by using technology and community organizing to provide immediate access to legal support.
Justice Committee ($100,000)
A project grant to build community capacity for ensuring members’ safety, health, and well-being.
Legal Action Center ($225,000)
A renewal project grant to continue support for coordination and advocacy to increase alternatives to incarceration and reentry services as important tools for decarceration in New York State.
LIFE Camp, Inc. ($250,000)
A grant to support the grantee’s mission to provide youth and families who have been impacted by violence with the valuable tools they need to stay in school and out of the criminal justice system.
Lineage Project, Inc. ($100,000)
A general operating grant in support of the organization’s mission to teach trauma-informed mindfulness to system-involved young people, the adults who work with them, and caregivers.
Make the Road New York ($350,000)
A renewal general operating grant to continue supporting the grantee’s mission to build the power of New York’s immigrant and working-class communities to achieve dignity and justice.
Marshall Project, Inc. ($200,000)
A renewal general operating grant to continue supporting the grantee’s mission to create and sustain a sense of national urgency about reforming the US criminal justice system.
Movement for Family Power, a project of Social Environment Entrepreneurs ($100,000)
A project grant to support the planning for a national campaign to repeal the Adoption Safe and Families Act.
New York Immigration Coalition ($150,000)
A renewal general operating grant to continue support of the largest and oldest statewide policy organization in its mission to unite immigrants, members, and allies so all New Yorkers can thrive.
New York Peace Institute, Inc. ($125,000)
A general operating grant to support the grantee’s mission to empower people to find creative and durable solutions to their disputes by teaching vital conflict resolution skills to communities and organizations.
Osborne Association ($1,000,000)
A renewal project grant to support the Kinship Reentry pilot, a program that addresses housing insecurity for people released from prison by giving monetary and other supports to family members who provide housing for their loved ones returning to the community post-incarceration.
Pure Legacee ($75,000)
A general operating support grant to support the grantee’s mission to serve as a haven of healing for females ages 16 to 21 who have experienced trauma as a direct result of the criminal justice system and/or aging out of foster care and facing homelessness.
The Fortune Society ($150,000)
A project grant to study the reentry experience of formerly incarcerated New Yorkers who are returning to their communities under parole supervision to identify the factors that support and hinder their success.
The National Economic and Social Rights Initiative dba Partners for Dignity & Rights ($175,000)
A renewal project grant to continue supporting the grantee’s management of the Dignity in Schools Campaign, which works to end punitive discipline policies and expand restorative justice in schools.
Urban Youth Collaborative, a project of Make the Road New York ($100,000)
A project grant to support the Police-Free Schools Campaign, which seeks to end the criminalization of youth in New York City public schools.
Women’s Community Justice Association ($200,000)
A modification to a grant supporting the Beyond Rosie’s campaign, an effort to close the Rosie M. Singer Center on Rikers Island.
Worth Rises ($125,000)
A general operating grant to support the grantee’s mission to dismantle the predatory financial system in the prison industry and end the exploitation of those it targets.
Special Opportunity
Episcopal Relief & Development ($1,000,000)
A grant to provide financial support for Episcopal Relief & Development’s efforts within the Anglican Communion to respond to COVID-19.
Episcopal Relief & Development ($100,000)
A rapid response grant to enable Episcopal Relief & Development to double the size and scope of its current humanitarian response in southwestern Haiti and reach at least 20,000 people following the August 14, 2021, earthquake and subsequent tropical storm that affected the region.
Fund for Public Housing ($100,000)
A project grant to fund an energy and sustainability workforce course for a cohort of 27 New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) residents as part of the NYCHA Resident Training Academy.
Philanthropy New York ($50,000)
A project grant to develop an engagement infrastructure that will build long-lasting partnerships between New York City and the philanthropic sector, including advocating for prompt payments to nonprofit community organizations, many of which are Trinity grantees.
January 2021-June 2021
Leadership Development
Auburn Theological Seminary ($100,000)
This grant supports the Auburn Senior Fellows Program and funds the creation of an open-access digital version of the Auburn Senior Fellows’ media training.
Berkeley Divinity School at Yale University ($150,000)
This grant supports the education of new faith leaders in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean, with scholarships for the Masters of Sacred Theology program at Berkeley Divinity School.
Diocese of Western Tanganyika, Tanzania ($40,000)
This research grant supports the review of current curricula in 22 Tanzanian theological schools, focusing on skills-based practical courses for church leadership training.
Hispanic Youth Leadership Academy ($90,000)
This grant expands Boston University School of Theology’s existing national leadership program for Episcopalian Latinx youth; the program provides direct instruction of leadership skills and mentorship in the ministry discernment process.
Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities ($100,000)
This grant supports the creation and launch of a new “State of the Evidence” report on evidence-based decision making by faith leaders engaged in global development projects.
Partnership for Renewal ($100,000)
This grant supports the development of a “train the trainers” model that will allow Partnership for Renewal to expand its Church leadership development and congregational vibrancy model beyond current geographic limits.
Princeton Theological Seminary ($100,000)
This grant supports the digitization and revision of the professional development curriculum at Princeton’s Hispanic Theological Initiative.
The Episcopal Church ($25,000)
This executive discretionary grant supports the training of Digital Specialists and Interns to equip predominantly COVID-impacted Latinx congregations with digital resources and platforms for worship, congregational development, and outreach.
The Episcopal Church Foundation ($100,000)
This grant supports the creation of a digital version of The Episcopal Church Foundation’s Congregational Leadership Initiative, accessible online for the entire Episcopal community.
The Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina ($120,000)
This grant supports the creation of a national network of organizations working to develop lay and ordained leaders within all levels of The Episcopal Church.
The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan ($100,000)
This grant supports the “Beyond These Walls” initiative to map relevant faith leadership education for a diverse audience unlikely to enroll in traditional seminaries, bridging the education gap with practical courses on a digital platform.
The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St. George-in-the-East with St. Paul ($60,000)
This grant supports the establishment of congregational development models and neighborhood renewal by expanding lay leadership amongst the poorest urban communities in East London.
Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York ($750,000)
This grant supports the implementation of the Trinity Union Fellows Program, bringing international students from China and India to Union Theological Seminary for a year of academic training in the Masters of Sacred Theology program.
United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia ($50,000)
This grant supports the establishment of a training center and curriculum for chaplains in Asian universities.
Wesley Theological Seminary ($100,000)
This grant supports the creation of a learning module and cohort program, in partnership with the Oikos Institute for Social Impact, to help Episcopal, Methodist, and AME faith leaders imagine new ways of utilizing capital resources for future ministry.
Mission Real Estate Development
Anglican Diocese of Nampula, Mozambique ($20,000)
This renewal grant replenishes reserves for the operation of a completed 4,000+ square foot diocesan hospitality facility with student housing.
Diocese of Central Zimbabwe ($300,000)
This grant supports the installation of a solar farm at St. Patrick’s Mission outside Gweru, Zimbabwe, providing reliable affordable energy to the Anglican hospital, boarding school, and neighboring diocesan businesses.
Diocese of Honduras ($60,000)
This renewal grant modification funds the completion of renovations at St. Mary’s school, generating incremental income to make the school self-sustaining while also supporting diocesan operations and ministry.
Diocese of Freetown, Sierra Leone ($275,000)
This renewal grant supports 50% of project costs to complete a four-story, 13,000+ square foot office and retail building in the Freetown city center.
Diocese of Lweru, Tanzania ($42,000)
This grant supports the construction of 10 retail stalls along the Bukoba road connecting Tanzania’s major cities, Dar-es-Salaam and Dodoma, to Kampala through the northwestern part of Tanzania; net incomes from the project will support diocesan operations.
Diocese of Mbeere, Kenya ($480,000)
This grant supports 75% of the costs to complete 13,000+ square feet of rentable mixed-use commercial space and 4,000+ square feet of parking in Embu, Kenya.
Diocese of Nakuru, Kenya ($375,000)
This renewal grant supports 63% of the second phase of the Imani Commercial Center construction in Nakuru, Kenya; net profits will be used to provide food, medical care, and expanded ministries to parishes in rural communities through the diocese.
Diocese of Recife / IEAB ($20,000)
This renewal grant funds the final finishes and furnishings to operate the recently renovated parish hall that now serves as a 7,000+ square foot mixed-use coworking and hospitality facility.
Diocese of the Rift Valley, Tanzania ($114,000)
This grant supports the completion of St. John’s English Pre- & Primary School; the new building will house quality English-language education to children from five neighboring villages.
New York State Council of Churches ($100,000)
This renewal grant supports the New York State Council of Churches and a group of partner organizations to advise faith-based institutions in New York City on mission-driven real estate development opportunities.
Nonprofit Finance Fund ($500,000)
This new loan guarantee commitment supports neighborhood transformation in communities of color by facilitating low-interest real estate loans to churches undertaking a structured discernment and planning process for mission-oriented property redevelopment.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Seattle, Washington ($200,000)
This grant funds pre-development costs to support the planning and development of a two-phase affordable housing project in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, Washington.
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Anchorage, Alaska ($50,000)
This grant supports a feasibility study evaluating the economic, financial, and community implications of future development for church capacity.
The Episcopal Diocese of Long Island, New York ($200,000)
This grant supports pre-development and feasibility studies that will examine four missionally aligned real estate development projects in Brooklyn and Queens.
Housing and Homelessness
A Little Piece of Light Inc. ($100,000)
This general operating support grant furthers the organization’s mission to empower and facilitate healing for women, girls, and gender-fluid individuals who are directly impacted by trauma and involvement in the criminal justice system.
Alliance for Downtown New York Inc. ($175,000)
This renewal grant supports the Alliance for Downtown New York’s street homeless outreach services in Lower Manhattan.
Association for Neighborhood and Housing Development ($125,000)
This general operating support renewal grant furthers the organization’s mission of assisting nonprofit affordable housing developers and creating thriving, equitable neighborhoods for all New Yorkers.
Chhaya Community Development ($150,000)
This grant establishes the Housing Security Emergency Fund, a program that will combine direct financial assistance with case management and wrap-around services to prevent evictions and foreclosures for low-to-moderate-income South Asian and Indo-Caribbean households in Queens.
Churches United for Fair Housing ($100,000)
This renewal grant supports the organization’s partnership with key New York City agencies in a targeted approach to assist homeless families’ transitions from shelters to permanent housing.
Citizens Housing and Planning Council of New York Inc. ($100,000)
This renewal grant supports the organization’s “New Lens” project, which highlights various policy frameworks for how a reimagined housing plan for New York City can better meet the needs of New Yorkers and bring new perspectives to the housing policy discussion.
City Report Inc. ($100,000)
This grant supports The City’s news coverage of housing and homelessness issues, the dissemination of practical information on housing programs, and community-based engagement with its readers.
Coalition for the Homeless Inc. ($250,000)
This general operating support renewal grant furthers the organization’s mission to provide homeless men, women, and children in New York City with affordable housing, sufficient food, and the chance to work for a living wage.
Community Development Project Inc, “TakeRoot Justice” ($250,000)
This grant supports the expansion of the organization’s capacity to provide legal services and tenant organizing support, helping prevent the displacement of low-income and undocumented New Yorkers.
Community Mediation Services ($100,000)
This grant supports the expansion of the Housing Mediation Program, funding the recruitment and training of culturally and linguistically competent mediators to handle disputes related to eviction and other landlord-tenant matters.
Enterprise Community Partners ($100,000)
This renewal grant supports the organization’s New York policy work to secure funding for more supportive housing units, expand fair housing protections for households with rental subsidies, and focus on justice-involved individuals’ housing rights.
Fifth Avenue Committee Inc. ($150,000)
This grant ensures and expands the organization’s staff capacity to meet the increased demand for comprehensive eviction and foreclosure prevention services that assist at-risk homeowners and renters in Brooklyn, New York.
Find Aid for the Aged Inc. ($50,000)
This grant supports the acquisition and conversion of a single-room-occupancy hotel into supportive housing for low-income and formerly homeless seniors.
FJC – A Foundation of Donor Advised Funds ($250,000)
This grant supports the New York City Youth and Family Homelessness Fund, a collaborative of philanthropic entities that seek to amplify and fund new pilot programs, research, and narrative change to combat the homelessness crisis in New York City.
Homeless Services United Inc. ($100,000)
This general operating support renewal grant funds the organization’s mission to advocate for immediate access to transitional housing, provide outreach and drop-in services for New Yorkers experiencing homelessness, support prevention services, and create permanent housing for those facing housing instability.
Hour Children Inc. ($200,000)
This renewal grant funds mental health and other supportive services at various residential programs; these programs provide housing and holistic reentry support for justice-involved women and their families in Queens, New York.
Lifeway Network Inc. ($75,000)
This renewal grant expands the capacity of Lifeway Network’s transitional housing and supportive service program for survivors of human trafficking, increasing support for women after they leave the program.
Nazareth Housing Inc. ($100,000)
This grant expands and enhances housing prevention services through increased access to food and case management for vulnerable individuals and families living in the Lower East Side and The Bronx.
Neighborhood Coalition for Shelter Inc. ($100,000)
This grant supports the planning and development of a housing model to assist CUNY students experiencing housing instability.
New York Public Radio ($100,000)
This grant supports media coverage of housing and homelessness issues in New York City.
New York State Council of Churches ($100,000)
This renewal grant supports the New York State Council of Churches and a group of partner organizations to advise faith-based institutions in New York City on mission-driven real estate development opportunities.
New York State Tenants & Neighbors Information Service Inc. ($125,000)
This general operating support grant expands the organization’s capacity to build a strong grassroots movement of tenants working to preserve affordable housing.
Providence House Inc. ($200,000)
This renewal grant supports women reentering society from incarceration solidify family bonds with their children and provides financial and construction feasibility for the organization’s future development projects.
RiseBoro Community Partnership ($250,000)
This grant expands Riseboro Community Partnership’s anti-eviction and homeless prevention services, including direct financial payments, to households currently unable to access them in Brooklyn, New York.
The Center for New York City Neighborhoods Inc. ($100,000)
This grant supports the Mom & Pop Landlord Service pilot program to provide services for at-risk homeowners of small buildings so that they can stabilize their properties for the benefit of their tenants and themselves.
The Fortune Society ($50,000)
This grant supports a feasibility study to evaluate the conversion of a single room occupancy hotel into permanent housing for single adults who have histories of involvement with the criminal justice system and who are exiting the New York City shelter system.
The Fortune Society ($200,000)
This renewal grant supports the Fortune Society’s advocacy and policy efforts to meet the housing and reentry needs of justice-involved and formerly incarcerated people.
The Ladies of Hope Ministries ($150,000)
This renewal grant supports Hope House, a signature housing program of The Ladies of Hope Ministries, and its continued replication as a housing model for justice-involved women across New York City.
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania ($225,000)
This renewal grant supports a research team at the University of Pennsylvania that will analyze New York City government data using a predictive research methodology to understand how best to prevent homelessness and assist homeless young adults and families.
University Settlement Society of New York ($150,000)
This grant supports an increase in staff capacity to meet the heightened demand for comprehensive eviction prevention services.
Urban Pathways Inc. ($200,000)
This renewal grant expands Urban Pathway’s pilot program, which uses the Critical Time Intervention model to assess housing needs for recently incarcerated seniors living in shelters, provides housing, and connects participants to supportive services to reduce their risk of recidivism.
Women in Need Inc. ($200,000)
This renewal grant supports efforts to address family homelessness by increasing capacity for policy research, advocacy, and communications.
Racial Justice
A Little Piece of Light Inc. ($60,000)
This renewal grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Alliance for Quality Education ($125,000)
This grant supports statewide advocacy for progressive reform, and policies to end mass incarceration and the school-to-prison pipeline.
Alliance of Families for Justice ($150,000)
This general operating support grant furthers the organization’s mission to support, empower, and mobilize families and individuals impacted by the criminal justice system so they can marshal their collective power to create a just world.
American Friends Service Committee ($100,000)
This renewal grant supports the New York Healing Justice Program, a faith-based effort that helps those serving long-term prison sentences be safely released from prison and join family members who have gone through a process of healing and leadership development.
Black Women’s Blueprint Inc. ($60,000)
This renewal grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Borough of Manhattan Community College, a project of Research Foundation of the City University of New York ($125,000)
This renewal grant supports the Borough of Manhattan Community College’s “Project Impact,” which ensures the academic success of students impacted by the justice system.
Brooklyn Community Bail Fund ($150,000)
This renewal grant supports an immigration bond fund to secure freedom for immigrants who are being detained and facing deportation, while also informing public education and advocacy around ending the criminalization of immigrants.
Brooklyn Movement Center, a project of Fund for the City of New York ($250,000)
This renewal grant supports the organization’s “Black Freedom Project,” which aims to advance a collective agenda for decarceration and criminal justice reform that is crafted by Black-led and Black-centered organizations in New York.
Center for Community Alternatives ($100,000)
This grant supports the organization’s “Communities, Not Cages” initiative, which enables statewide organizing and advocacy to decarcerate jails and prisons, end the criminalization of immigrants, and increase alternative-to-incarceration programs.
Center for Court Innovation, a project of Fund for the City of New York ($175,000)
This renewal grant supports the Center for Court Innovation’s participation in the “Restorative Responses to Intimate Partner Violence Project,” and seeks to expand the reach of this work through a pilot program focused on reentry and restorative justice.
Center for Nuleadership on Urban Solutions Inc. ($125,000)
This general operating support renewal grant funds the Center for NuLeadership on Urban Solutions, whose mission is to shift the paradigm and practice of public safety, justice, and accountability from the criminal legal system to the community-focused “Human Justice” framework.
Children’s Defense Fund – New York ($22,000)
This grant supports the Youth Justice Research Collaborative to monitor the implementation and impact of the Raise the Age legislation.
Circle for Justice Innovations, a project of NEO Philanthropy ($175,000)
This renewal grant supports Circle for Justice Innovations to be the anchor for a city-wide collaborative that will cultivate restorative justice practices and document a model for violence prevention that incorporates restorative justice principles.
Citizen Action of New York Inc. ($125,000)
This grant supports grassroots advocacy, conducted by directly impacted individuals, for a campaign to decarcerate New York.
Connect Inc. ($60,000)
This renewal grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using the New York City Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Drive Change Inc. ($80,000)
This general operating grant supports the grantee’s mission to provide workforce development and other reentry support to formerly incarcerated youth.
DRUM – Desis Rising Up & Moving ($125,000)
This general operating support renewal grant funds the organization’s mission to build the power of South Asian and Indo-Caribbean low-wage immigrant workers, youth, and families in New York City to attain racial justice and immigrant rights.
Elite Learners Inc. ($50,000)
This grant supports community-based antiviolence services for youth in Brownsville, Brooklyn.
Exodus Transitional Community Inc. ($200,000)
This general operating support renewal grant furthers the organization’s mission to deliver housing, employment, and other social services to youth and adults returning to the community after incarceration.
Fountain House Inc. ($150,000)
This grant supports advocacy and public education for non-punitive community-based services for individuals in the criminal legal system with serious mental illness.
Freedom Agenda, a project of Urban Justice Center ($30,000)
This grant supports Freedom Agenda’s community organizing and mobilization to ensure the closure of the Rikers jail complex, alongside decarceration and community investments.
Freedom Agenda, a project of Urban Justice Center ($150,000)
This general operating support grant helps fund the organization’s “Freedom Agenda” project, a program that enables community organizing and mobilization to ensure the equitable and timely closure of the Rikers Island jail complex, alongside decarceration and community investments.
Getting Out and Staying Out Inc. ($125,000)
This general operating support grant furthers the organization’s mission of empowering young men to avoid involvement in the criminal justice system by reshaping their futures through educational achievement, meaningful employment, and financial independence.
Girls for Gender Equity Inc. ($125,000)
This general operating support renewal grant furthers the organization’s mission to support the physical, psychological, social, and economic development of girls and women through education, organizing, and physical fitness.
How Our Lives Link Altogether ($60,000)
This renewal grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Hudson Link for Higher Education ($125,000)
This grant supports Hudson Link’s Alumni Program to provide education and workforce development, mentoring, and other critical reentry services to its growing base of alumni.
Immigrant Defense Project, a project of Fund for the City of New York ($125,000)
This renewal grant supports the Immigrant Defense Project, a hub for policy, advocacy, and litigation at the intersection of the criminal legal and immigration systems.
Independent Commission on NYC Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform, a project of Fund for the City of New York ($30,000)
This grant supports the creation of a New York City jail decarceration roadmap that seeks to reduce the city’s jail population to below 3,300 people (the threshold for closing the Rikers Island jail complex).
Interfaith Center of New York Inc. ($150,000)
This general operating support renewal grant provides funding for the faith organization’s mission to overcome prejudice, violence, and misunderstanding by activating the power of the city’s grassroots religious and civic leaders and their communities.
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, Data Collaborative for Justice, a project of Research Foundation of the City University of New York ($30,000)
This project grant supports supplemental research analyses and communications activities to educate policymakers and the public about trends in criminal convictions in New York.
Kings Against Violence Initiative Inc. ($150,000)
This general operating support renewal grant furthers the organization’s mission to prevent and eliminate interpersonal violence in the lives of young people through restorative violence intervention programs.
Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City ($200,000)
This renewal grant continues support of the Credible Messenger Justice Center, a training, research, policy, and incubation hub for credible messenger mentoring in New York City and the United States.
Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility ($125,000)
This renewal grant supports the continued implementation and scaling of the Whole School Racial Equity Model in New York City public schools through outreach, education, and training on restorative practices.
Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility ($300,000)
This grant supports the implementation of the organization’s evidence-based Whole School Racial Equity model to advance racial equity and restorative justice at Leadership and Public Service High School.
New York City Environmental Justice Alliance Inc. ($30,000)
This grant supports the Renewable Rikers campaign to advance the closure of Rikers by pushing for policies that develop renewable energy sources to ensure that the island will never again be used for incarceration.
New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project Inc. ($60,000)
This renewal grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
New York Communities for Change ($150,000)
This grant supports grassroots advocacy for continued decarceration and expanded housing options for New Yorkers impacted by the criminal legal system.
New York Focus, a project of Investigative Reporters and Editors Inc. ($30,000)
This grant supports critical media coverage for decarceration, transparency, and accountability in New York’s criminal legal system.
New York Lawyers for the Public Interest ($30,000)
This grant supports community organizing and mobilization to ensure the closure of the Rikers jail complex, including the Renewable Rikers campaign to safeguard that the island will never again be used for incarceration.
New York Immigration Coalition Action ($100,000)
This grant strengthens political organizing and mobilization of immigrant communities to advocate for immigrant rights and protections in New York’s criminal, legal, and immigration systems.
New York Theological Seminary ($100,000)
This renewal grant supports the Master of Professional Studies (MPS) theological education program at Sing Sing Correctional Facility.
North Star Fund Inc. ($75,000)
This grant supports the “Let Us Breathe Fund,” designed to build the capacity and power of Black-led grassroots groups working to reimagine community safety and hold statewide policymakers accountable.
Restorative Justice Initiative, a project of Fund for the City of New York ($150,000)
This renewal grant supports the Restorative Justice Initiative, a project aimed at scaling a citywide, multisector network of restorative justice practitioners, advocates, and community members to increase access to restorative justice for all New Yorkers.
Rising Ground ($60,000)
This renewal grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Soul Sisters Leadership Collective Inc. ($150,000)
This grant supports the organization’s New York City programming, which is aimed at breaking the cycle of mass incarceration for girls and transgender and gender-nonconforming youth of color through restorative justice programming.
The Arab-American Family Support Center Inc. ($60,000)
This renewal grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
The Brotherhood Sister Sol Inc. ($100,000)
This general operating support grant furthers the organization’s mission to provide comprehensive, holistic, and long-term support services to youth aged from 8 to 22.
Urban Youth Alliance International Inc. ($150,000)
This grant supports a Bronx-based, faith-led youth advocacy effort to keep young people out of jail and continue decarceration in New York City.
Vera Institute of Justice Inc. ($200,000)
This renewal grant supports the Greater Justice New York initiative, which uses research, policy, education, and advocacy to reform the pretrial process, promote jail decarceration, and advance racial equity and systemic change in New York State’s criminal legal system.
Violence Intervention Program ($60,000)
This renewal grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, using New York City’s Blueprint on Restorative Justice and Intimate Partner Violence to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
VOCAL-NY Action Fund Inc. ($125,000)
This grant supports grassroots advocacy to protect pretrial and bail reform and to continue citywide decarceration efforts.
Women's Community Justice Association ($30,000)
This grant supports the “Beyond Rosie’s” campaign, an effort to close the Rosie M. Singer Center on Rikers Island.
Youth Justice Network Inc. ($200,000)
This general operating support renewal grant furthers the organization’s mission to deliver neighborhood-based reentry support to justice system–involved youths while they are incarcerated beyond their release from jail.
Youth Represent ($150,000)
This general operating support grant furthers the organization’s mission to improve the lives and futures of young people affected by the criminal legal system.
Special Opportunity
Anglican Alliance ($75,000)
This grant supports the Anglican Alliance’s COVID-19 emergency response work in coordination with its partners across the worldwide Anglican Communion.
CAPA – Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa ($50,000)
This grant supports the CAPA Secretariat to continue its important capacity and leadership-building work with the Anglican provinces in Africa.
Global Impact Investing Network ($30,000)
This grant supports the development of a comprehensive suite of impact measurement and management (IMM) resources to support impact investors focused on advancing racial equity.
November-December 2020
Nonprofit Finance Fund ($8,000,000)
This is a program-related investment to provide loans to New York City Trinity grantees negatively impacted by COVID-19
Housing & Homelessness
Brooklyn Community Housing and Services ($150,000)
This grant supports the Fresh Start Initiative, a three-pronged programmatic approach to help families who have experienced domestic violence, with an emphasis on heads of households with mental health needs.
Citizens Committee for Children of New York ($150,000)
This grant supports the co-convening of the Family Homelessness Coalition, a collective of 16 organizations seeking to improve policies and programs for homeless children and families, emphasizing raising New Yorkers’ awareness and understanding of the lives of homeless families.
Corporation for Supportive Housing ($125,000)
This grant supports the expansion of housing for justice-involved people in New York City.
Enterprise Community Partners ($1,000,000)
This grant supports the rental arrears fund within Project Parachute, an emergency rental assistance program established by Enterprise Community Partners in collaboration with the City of New York and Homebase, to prevent eviction for undocumented households impacted by COVID-19
Funders for Housing and Opportunity ($250,000)
This is a renewal grant that continues to support Funders for Housing and Opportunity, a cross-sector, nonpartisan, national funder collaborative that seeks to catalyze a movement that fundamentally changes the ways to think about, talk about, and provide housing in the US.
Housing Justice for All ($150,000)
This grant increases the capacity of Housing Justice for All (HJ4A) member organizations to advocate for policies that end homelessness and increase the number of mission-oriented housing units.
Housing Plus Solutions ($150,000)
This grant is applied toward the costs of developing and implementing the Family Initiative pilot program, which provides incarcerated women with the ability to remain with their children and reunify with their families.
Korean American Family Service Center, Inc. ($74,000)
This grant supports the expansion of Pathways to Empowerment Project, a client-centered initiative led by the grantee to assist women who have experienced domestic violence, by providing housing and childcare subsidies, counseling and job training, and other wraparound services.
Local Initiatives Support Corporation ($100,000)
This is a renewal grant to support the New York Land Opportunity Program as a permanent offering to help mission-driven organizations preserve or develop new affordable housing on their sites.
Neighbors Together Corp ($100,000)
This grant supports the Three-Quarter House Tenant Organizing Project and the VALUE in Housing campaign.
New Alternatives for Children ($150,000)
This grant supports medically complex children and their families by helping them locate or preserve homes through increased access to government entitlements, living essentials, and supportive services.
New Destiny Housing Corporation ($150,000)
This grant is to support advocacy and communications work on behalf of homeless families who have survived domestic violence.
New York Housing Conference, Inc. ($125,000)
This grant supports United for Housing, a campaign to bring together New Yorkers, housing policymakers, and practitioners to create a cohesive and comprehensive housing and homelessness policy platform for the next cohort of New York City leadership.
New York University (The Furman Center) ($150,000)
This is a renewal grant to New York University’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy to support continued monitoring of 2019 rent regulations on multifamily housing and the impact of COVID-19, as well as research and analysis of the potential adaptive reuse of hotels.
Osborne Association ($200,000)
This grant is to further the grantee’s mission to support and create holistic housing options for justice-involved individuals.
Research Foundation of the City University of New York ($150,000)
This grant supports the Institute for Justice and Opportunity’s ongoing advocacy campaign to reduce housing exclusions based on prior involvement with the justice system in public housing and in government-supported affordable housing developments. This grant is co-funded with our Racial Justice initiative.
Sakhi for South Asian Women ($125,000)
This grant supports the relocation of South Asian survivors of gender-based violence to safe and stable housing through the use of rental subsidies and wraparound services.
Services for the UnderServed ($250,000)
This grant is for predevelopment funds to preserve supportive housing units.
Supportive Housing Network of New York ($120,000)
This is a general operating grant in support of the organization’s mission to increase the public’s understanding of supportive housing, share best practices that continually improve supportive housing’s effectiveness, and encourage the creation of enough supportive housing to end homelessness among the most vulnerable New Yorkers.
We Are Not Afraid Community Resource Center ($50,000)
This grant supports the Robert Daniel Jones Refugee Shelter to provide temporary housing, employment, and legal services to asylum seekers and refugees.
Women in Need (Win) ($150,000)
This grant supports remote and hybrid learning for more than 1,000 homeless youth and their families living in Win’s family shelters.
Racial Justice
African Communities Together ($150,000)
This grant continues support for the Break the Shackles Campaign, which advocates for immigration bond reform; and the Community Guardians program, which builds the capacity of New York’s African immigrant leaders to defend against immigration enforcement in their communities.
Children's Defense Fund - New York ($150,000)
This grant supports A New Vision for Youth Justice, a 2021 legislative campaign that seeks to decarcerate youth and build alternatives to incarceration for emerging adults.
Common Justice ($150,000)
This is a general operating grant supporting the grantee’s mission to develop and advance racially equitable solutions to violence that transform the lives of those harmed and do not rely on incarceration.
Legal Action Center ($150,000)
This grant supports coordination and advocacy around increasing alternatives to incarceration and reentry services as important tools for decarceration in New York State.
Make the Road New York ($175,000)
This is a general operating grant supporting the grantee’s mission to build the power of New York’s immigrant and working-class communities to achieve dignity and justice.
Marshall Project Inc. ($200,000)
This is a general operating grant supporting the grantee’s mission to create and sustain a sense of national urgency around the United States’ criminal justice system.
New York Immigration Coalition ($150,000)
This is a general operating grant in support of the largest and oldest statewide policy organization working with immigrants and refugees in New York.
Osborne Association ($1,000,000)
A grant to support a pilot reentry program that addresses housing insecurity of people being released from prison by providing monetary and other supports to family members who can provide housing for their loved ones returning to the community post-incarceration.
Partners for Dignity & Rights ($150,000)
This grant provides continued support for the Dignity in Schools Campaign—New York, which works to end punitive discipline policies and expand restorative justice in schools.
The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York ($1,500,000)
This grant is to support the creation of the Justice Beyond Punishment Collaborative, a three-year initiative, led by the Center for Justice, that aims to change narratives around violence to further enable ending the cycle of mass incarceration.
Leadership Development
Ashoka ($150,000)
This grant funds the design and launch of a cohort-based experiential learning program developing faith leadership for a rapidly changing world.
Bexley Hall Seabury Western Theological Seminary Federation ($100,000)
This grant supports the design of a new professional master’s degree in theology and leadership for Indigenous students preparing for ordination.
College of the Transfiguration ($150,000)
This grant is for the creation of a new Leadership Development certificate, focused on practical leadership skills anchored in faith, to be required of Master of Divinity students at the college and offered online for clergy and lay leaders throughout the region.
Comisión de Educación Teológica para América Latina y el Caribe ($75,000)
This grant promotes support from bishops and deans for innovation in leadership education in Latin American seminaries and parishes.
Digital Literacies for Ministry, a project of Texas Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod ($50,000)
This grant supports the creation of educational programs on the Digital Literacies for Ministry website.
Diocese of Kurunagala, Sri Lanka ($45,000)
This grant supports a diocesan leadership training program for both clergy and lay leaders in the Diocese of Kurunagala, Sri Lanka.
Episcopal Divinity School at Union ($100,000)
This grant seeks to expand content in the required capstone course of Episcopal Divinity School at Union, to include a focus on leading conversations across differences on pressing social issues, a key leadership skill in today’s polarized climate, and will also produce digital online resources for public use.
Episcopal Preaching Foundation ($100,000)
This grant serves to create a lay preacher training initiative, recognizing the growing role of lay leaders in a changing church.
Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest ($100,000)
This grant supports the creation of new Spanish-language online curricula based on English curricula offered at the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest’s Iona Collaborative and creating additional English-language online curricular resources on leadership development targeted to the laity.
Faith in New York ($50,000)
This grant supports the training of faith leaders and future faith leaders in community engagement and civic impact.
Luther Seminary ($150,000)
This grant serves to advance the development of "The Seeds Project: An Incubator/ Accelerator for Faith Leadership."
Rural & Migrant Ministry, Inc. ($50,000)
This is a grant supporting the Rural and Migrant Ministry's Rural Academy of the People to prepare seminarians and clergy to partner with rural communities.
Saint Andrew's Theological Seminary ($10,000)
This grant supports the development of an online continuing education course in ministerial leadership for clergy and lay leaders throughout the Philippines.
Sewanee: The University of the South ($25,000)
This grant supports the grantee’s mission for renewal and digitization of leadership formation courses for seminarians and recently ordained clergy.
The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles ($125,000)
This grant serves to adapt the traditional "Clinical Pastoral Education" structure used for seminarian formation to lay pastoral caregivers in diverse contexts.
The Episcopal Diocese Of New York ($100,000)
This is a planning grant to support a new leadership training program, “Episcopal Futures: An Initiative for Collaborative Transformation,” developed by the Episcopal Diocese of New York to build adaptive leadership capacity to strengthen the capacity of 15 congregations and communities selected from parishes across the diocese.
United Theological College ($250,000)
This grant supports the construction of the "Centenary Women’s Research Center" to provide accommodations, study, and gathering space for the growing numbers of female students at United Theological College.
Mission Real Estate Development
Anglican Church of Tanzania ($350,000)
This is a renewal grant to fund an additional 25% of a hotel project cost to bring the project to initial operation with retail, dining, conferencing, and eight accommodation rooms.
Anglican Council in Malawi ($32,000)
This is a new grant to conduct a feasibility study for income-generation opportunities on church property in the capital city of Lilongwe.
Anglican Diocese of Guinea ($130,000)
This is a new grant to build a Health Clinic in the Tonguiron district of Coyah. Net profits will be used to support diocesan administration and reinvested in diocesan health services.
Diocese of Central Tanganyika, Tanzania ($350,000)
This is a renewal grant to fund additional project costs to complete 26,900 sq. ft. of office and retail space in a three-story commercial complex in the Dodoma city center.
Diocese of Jamaica & the Cayman Islands ($500,000)
This is a new grant to fund 30% of the construction and operations costs of a 21-unit; three-story apartment complex in Kingston, Jamaica. Net profits will be used with a focus on community programming, outreach, and increasing technological capabilities.
Diocese of Kagera, Tanzania ($200,000)
This is a new grant to fund 63% of the cost to expand and modernize the Ngara Anglican Primary School campus and to increase capacity from 256 to 600 students. Net profits will be used to fund the diocesan microloan program and reinvest in the diocese.
Diocese of Katanga, Congo ($128,000)
This is a renewal grant to fund project cost to complete a guesthouse with 16 rooms and a meeting capacity for 300 people. Net operating income will repay a project loan and support literacy and vocational training for women and youth.
Diocese of Lusaka, Zambia CA ($117,750)
This is a new grant to fund limited operational support for Holy Cross House, an 18,600 square foot, three-story office building in Lusaka, Zambia that was completed in April 2018.
Diocese of New Bussa, Nigeria ($42,250)
This is a new grant to complete a feasibility study to evaluate the highest and best use income-generating opportunities and environmental review of church property in New Bussa, Nigeria.
Diocese of Rumonge, Burundi ($391,000)
This is a new grant to fund 77% of the cost to expand services at the Birimba Amahoro Hospital by adding three new patient wards and equipment for laboratory and surgical care. Net profits will be used with a focus on ministry in rural communities.
June 2020
Housing & Homelessness
Alliance for Downtown New York, Inc. ($156,000)
This grant will support street homeless outreach in Lower Manhattan, led by the Bowery Residents’ Committee, a subgrantee of the Alliance for Downtown New York.
Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development ($100,000)
This grant will provide general support of the organization’s mission to help nonprofit affordable housing developers to create thriving, equitable neighborhoods for all New Yorkers.
Churches United for Fair Housing ($100,000)
This grant funds a pilot program supporting housing ambassadors to assist homeless families with the New York City Housing Connect application process, as families transition from shelters to newly constructed homes.
Citizens Housing and Planning Council of New York, Inc. ($100,000)
This grant supports the New Lens project, which imagines how the city’s next housing plan can better meet the needs of New Yorkers and bring new perspectives to the housing policy discussion.
Coalition for the Homeless, Inc. ($100,000)
This grant provides general support of the Coalition’s mission of advocacy work for the homeless.
Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. ($100,000)
This grant provides general support of the organization’s New York policy work to expand fair housing protections to households with rental subsidies and justice-involved individuals, and to secure funding for supportive housing units.
Homeless Services United, Inc. ($100,000)
This grant will provide general support of the organization’s mission to advocate for the expansion of affordable housing and homeless prevention services, and immediate access to safe emergency and transitional housing, outreach, and drop-in services for homeless New Yorkers.
Hour Children, Inc. ($200,000)
This grant funds mental health services at residential programs that provide housing and holistic reentry support for justice-involved women and their families.
LifeWay Network, Inc. ($50,000)
This grant expands the capacity of a transitional housing and supportive services program for women who have experienced human trafficking, and increases support for women after they leave the program.
New York State Council of Churches ($200,000)
This grant funds the New York State Council of Churches and partner organizations to help advise faith-based institutions in New York City on mission-driven real estate development opportunities.
Nonprofit Finance Fund ($300,000)
This grant supports organizations that provide housing and reentry services to justice-involved and formerly incarcerated women.
Providence House, Inc. ($200,000)
This grant helps women reentering society from incarceration solidify family bonds with their children and provides technical support in the form of financial and construction feasibility for Providence House’s future development projects.
Samaritan Daytop Village, Inc. ($200,000)
This grant increases access to Samaritan Daytop Village’s Young Mothers Program, one of the only residential drug treatment programs for justice-involved women and their children in New York City.
The Fortune Society ($200,000)
This grant supports the Fortune Society’s advocacy and policy work to meet the housing and reentry needs of justice-involved and formerly incarcerated people.
The Ladies of Hope Ministries ($150,000)
This grant supports Hope House—a signature housing program—and its replication as a housing model for justice-involved women.
The New York Community Trust aka Community Funds, Inc. ($300,000)
This grant supports the New York City Youth and Family Homelessness Fund, which have united to amplify and fund new programs, research, and narrative change to combat New York City’s homelessness crisis.
The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania ($225,000)
This grant funds analysis of New York City government data using a predictive research methodology to understand how best to prevent homelessness and assist homeless individuals and families.
Women in Need, Inc. ($200,000)
This grant supports work to address family homelessness by funding policy research, advocacy, and communications.
Womens Prison Association & Home, Inc. ($200,000)
This grant supports community-based programs serving justice-involved women, and the rehabilitation of Sarah Powell Huntington House, a homeless shelter for formerly incarcerated women and their families.
Mission Real Estate Development
Anglican Diocese of Niassa, Mozambique ($338,000)
This grant will fund the expansion of Kuchijinji Conference Center by constructing a 500-seat conference hall and 10 accommodation units, and will include the renovation of the existing hall.
Diocese of Biharamulo, Tanzania ($38,000)
This grant will fund the construction of 20 retail stalls next to the diocesan office.
Diocese of Honduras ($180,000)
This grant will fund the completion of renovations at St. Mary's school to improve educational quality, achieve accreditation, increase enrollment and help the school become self-sustainabile.
Victoria Inter-Diocesan Investment Company Limited ($400,000)
This grant will effectively reduce monthly debt service on Victoria Inter-Diocesan Investment Co. Ltd.’s (VIDIC) flagship investment, Alpha House, an 89% occupied office building located in Kisumu, Kenya enabling freed up cash flow for resumption of support payments to VIDIC’s five member dioceses.
Racial Justice
A Little Piece of Light, Inc. ($50,000)
This grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Alliance for Quality Education ($100,000)
This grant supports Schools, Not Jails, a parent-led campaign that advocates for policies to reduce suspensions and arrests, eliminate racial disparities in discipline, and implement restorative practices in schools.
American Friends Service Committee ($80,000)
This grant supports the New York Healing Justice Program, a faith-based effort engaged in the transformative healing of individuals, communities, and systems and dedicated to providing safe spaces for those impacted by the criminal justice system.
Black Women’s Blueprint, Inc. ($50,000)
This grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Borough of Manhattan Community College ($100,000)
This grant supports Project Impact, whose work ensures the academic success of students impacted by the justice system.
Brooklyn Community Bail Fund ($150,000)
This grant supports an immigration bond fund to secure freedom for immigrants who are being detained and are facing deportation.
Brooklyn Movement Center ($150,000)
This grant supports the Black Freedom Project to develop a statewide strategy that advances a collective agenda for decarceration, implemented by Black-led and Black-centered base-building organizations.
Center for Court Innovation ($125,000)
This grant supports the Center for Court Innovation’s participation in the Restorative Responses to Intimate Partner Violence Project, a Collaborative working to design and implement a program to address violence.
Center for Nuleadership on Urban Solutions, Inc. ($75,000)
This grant supports the grantee’s mission to shift the paradigm and practice of public safety, justice, and accountability from criminal justice to Human Justice.
Circle for Justice Innovations ($150,000)
This grant supports Circle for Justice Innovations to serve as the anchor for a citywide Collaborative that will cultivate restorative justice practices and document a model for violence prevention that incorporates restorative principles.
Connect, Inc. ($50,000)
This grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
DRUM- Desis Rising Up & Moving ($75,000)
This grant provides general support of the organization’s mission to empower South Asian and Indo-Caribbean low-wage immigrant workers, youth, and families in New York City seeking economic and educational justice and civil and immigrant rights.
Friends of Island Academy, Inc. ($100,000)
This grant provides general support of the organization’s Friends of Island Academy, Inc.’s mission to deliver neighborhood-based reentry support to justice-involved youth while they are incarcerated and upon their release from jail.
Girls for Gender Equity, Inc. ($100,000)
This grant provides general support of the organization’s mission to combat the widespread gender-based, racialized violence that young women of color experience.
How Our Lives Link Altogether ($50,000)
This grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison ($125,000)
This grant supports Hudson Link’s Alumni Program to provide workforce development, mentoring, and other key reentry servicesto its graduates returning from incarceration.
Immigrant Defense Project ($100,000)
This grant supports Immigrant Defense Project, a hub for policy, advocacy, and litigation at the intersection of the criminal legal and immigration systems.
Interfaith Center of New York, Inc. ($100,000)
This grant provides general support of the organization’s mission to overcome prejudice, violence, and misunderstanding by activating the power of the city’s grassroots religious and civic leaders and their communities.
Kings Against Violence Initiative, Inc. ($150,000)
This grant provides general support of the mission’s work to prevent and eliminate interpersonal violence in the lives of young people through restorative violence intervention programs.
Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility ($100,000)
This grant supports the scaling and implementation of the Whole School Racial Equity Model to New York City educators and administrators through outreach, education, and training on restorative practices.
New York City Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, Inc. ($50,000)
This grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
New York Communities Organizing Fund, Inc. ($100,000)
This grant supports public education, leadership development, and grassroots organizing in the mobilization of directly-impacted New Yorkers to protect pretrial reform and advance more equitable criminal justice reforms.
Public Policy and Education Fund of New York, Inc. ($100,000)
This grant supports the #DemandJustice campaign, which uses public education, grassroots organizing, and advocacy to protect pretrial reform and expand more equitable criminal justice reforms across New York State.
Public Science Project ($200,000)
This grant supports the Public Science Project’s participatory action research to inform definitions of community safety for those living in the most heavily policed neighborhoods in New York City.
Restorative Justice Initiative ($150,000)
This grant supports Restorative Justice Initiative, a project aimed at scaling a citywide, multisector network of restorative justice practitioners, advocates, and community members to increase access to restorative justice for all New Yorkers.
Rising Ground ($50,000)
This grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Rockaway Youth Task Force ($80,000)
This grant provides general support of the organization’s mission to advocate for and secure social, economic, and racial justice for residents of the Rockaway Peninsula and beyond.
Teachers Unite ($100,000)
This grant provides general support of the mission’s work to end punitive discipline and its disproportionate impact on students of color in New York City public schools.
The Arab-American Family Support Center, Inc. ($50,000)
This grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Vera Institute of Justice, Inc. ($150,000)
This grant provides continued support of the Greater Justice New York initiative, which uses research, policy, education, and advocacy to protect pretrial reforms, promote jail decarceration, and advance statewide criminal justice reform initiatives.
Violence Intervention Program ($50,000)
This grant supports one of ten community-based organizations that are partnering to cultivate restorative justice practices within victim services programs, to enable citywide scaling of restorative justice.
Voices of Community Activists & Leaders (VOCAL-NY) ($100,000)
This grant provides general support of the organization’s mission to end unjust policies that drive mass incarceration and to expand access to affordable housing to New York’s most vulnerable residents.
Special Opportunity
Children of Promise NYC ($75,000)
This grant provides general support of the organization’s mission to embrace children of incarcerated parents and empower them to break the cycle of intergenerational involvement in the criminal justice system.
April-June 2020 Covid-19 Rapid Response Grants
Neighborhood Partners
Emergency Response Grants
In response to the Covid-19 health crisis in New York City, Trinity Church Wall Street has awarded emergency grants to 17 nonprofit organizations focused on aiding those who are homeless, and those involved in the criminal justice system. In addition, these $25,000 grants will help with the provision of direct services, such as basic cleaning supplies, and digital access for caseworkers and homeless schoolchildren. All 17 organizations are current Trinity grantees, with a history of strong partnership and positive outcomes for those in need. These organizations are:
- African Communities Together
- Bowery Residents Committee
- Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.
- Coalition for the Homeless, Inc.
- Exodus Transitional Community, Inc.
- Girls for Gender Equity Inc.
- Housing Plus Solutions, Inc.
- Local Initiatives Support Corp. (LISC)
- Neighbors Together Corp.
- Osborne Association
- Research Foundation of the City University of New York (Prisoner Reentry Institute)
- Robert Daniel Jones Refugee Shelter (St. Mary's Manhattanville Episcopal Church)
- The Fortune Society
- Urban Pathways
- Voices of Community Activists & Leaders
- Women in Need, Inc.
- Women’s Prison Association & Home Inc.
Trinity also awarded $500,000 of grant funding to New York City organizations providing Rikers Island reentry support programs. These partner organizations have been working to bail people out of Rikers, where individuals are at higher risk of contracting the coronavirus, and provide housing and medical support upon release. These organizations are:
- Exodus Transitional Community
- Brooklyn Defender Services
- Bronx Defenders
- Legal Aid Society
- Black Alliance for Just Immigration
International Partners
Emergency Response Grants
Trinity made 37 emergency response grants to support Anglican dioceses and organizations in Africa, the Caribbean, and South America. Ranging from $5,000 to $15,000, these emergency funds have enabled our international partners to provide essential items to their communities, such as face masks, hand sanitizer, and food. Theses Anglican organizations are:
- Diocese of Katanga, DR Congo
- Diocese of Kindu, DR Congo
- Diocese of Guinea
- Diocese of Bondo, Kenya
- Diocese of Kajiado, Kenya
- Diocese of Kericho, Kenya
- Diocese of Nakuru, Kenya
- Diocese of Northern Malawi
- Diocese of Nampula, Mozambique
- Diocese of Central Tanganyika, Tanzania
- Diocese of Kondoa, Tanzania
- Diocese of Lusaka, Zambia
- Diocese of Northern Zambia
- Codrington Trust, Barbados (Codrington Theological College)
- Diocese of Belize
- Diocese of Amazonia, Brazil
- Province of Burundi
- Diocese of Rumonge, Burundi
- Diocese of Cuba
- Diocese of Litoral Ecuador
- Diocese of Eswatini
- Diocese of Accra, Ghana
- Diocese of Asante Mampong, Ghana
- Province of West Africa
- Diocese of Tamale, Ghana
- Diocese of Honduras
- Diocese of Antananarivo, Madagascar
- Diocese of Mexico
- Diocese of Cuernavaca, Mexico
- Diocese of Niassa, Mozambique
- Diocese of Freetown, Sierra Leone
- Anglican Church of Tanzania
- Diocese of Biharamulo, Tanzania
- Diocese of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
- Diocese of Eastern Zambia
- Diocese of Harare, Zimbabwe
Trinity also awarded a $1,021,683 grant to Episcopal Relief & Development to enhance and expand its international response to the pandemic.
January 2020
Neighborhood ($275,000)
Credible Messenger Justice Center
This grant will support the Credible Messenger Justice Center, a training, research, policy, and incubation hub for credible messenger mentoring in New York City and the United States.
New York Theological Seminary
This grant will support the Master of Professional Studies theological education program at Sing Sing Correctional Facility.
Capacity ($428,000)
Diocese of Cape Coast, Ghana
This grant will support the completion and operation of a three-story student residential building at the University of Education, Winneba.
Diocese of Northern Malawi
This grant will support the completion and operation of a four floor commercial complex which will include thirty offices, a conference room, a diocesan printing business, and a garden area for outdoor functions.
Special Opportunity ($110,000)
The City Report
This general operating grant will support The City, an independent, nonprofit news outlet dedicated to reporting that serves the people of New York.
Diocese of Costa Rica, Central America
This grant will support the renovation and operation of the Hogar Escuela building in the Heredia neighborhood of San Jose, Costa Rica.
The Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
This grant will support The Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice initiative to increase transportation resources for individuals who are released from Rikers Island.
The Province of the Anglican Church of Congo
This grant will support efforts to raise awareness, educate, combat and eradicate the spread of the Ebola virus in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
November 2019
Neighborhood ($2,255,000)
African Communities Together
This grant will support advocacy for immigration bond reform and build the capacity of New York’s African immigrant leaders.
This grant will provide general support of the organization’s mission to provide strategic and rapid response communications to Black-led organizations nationwide.
Bowery Residents Committee
This planning grant will support the design of a medical respite program in collaboration with NYC Health + Hospitals.
Children’s Defense Fund-New York
This grant will support the organization in monitoring and advising the implementation of the Raise the Age legislation.
Corporation for Supportive Housing
This grant will support research and the development of a platform that aligns housing resources for justice-involved poulations with repeated systems involvement.
Exodus Transitional Community
This grant will provide general support of the organization’s mission to provide holistic re-entry services to the East Harlem Community.
Freedom for Immigrants
This grant will support an immigration detention monitoring program that engages community volunteers and informs the creation of alternatives to detention.
Housing Plus Solutions
This grant will support the development and implementation of the Family Initiative pilot program.
Independent Commission on NYC Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform
This grant will further research, advocacy, and communication efforts that advance comprehensive criminal justice reform in New York.
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
This grant will support and formalize the New York Land Opportunity Program as a permanent offering to help mission-driven organizations preserve or develop new affordable housing on their sites.
Make the Road New York
This grant will support the Youth Power Project, a youth-led leadership development initiative that advocates for the end of the school-to-prison pipeline and restorative justice in New York City schools.
The National Economic and Social Rights Initiative
This grant will support the Dignity in Schools Campaign which works to end punitive school discipline policies and expand restorative justice practices in New York City schools.
Neighbors Together
This grant will support the Three-Quarter House Tenant Organizing Project and the Source of Income Discrimination campaign.
New York Immigration Coalition
This grant will provide general support of organizational mission in support of immigrants and refugees in New York.
New York University, Furman Center
This grant will support research of the impact of the 2019 New York rent regulation legislation on the housing market and renters.
Osborne Association
This grant will help to identify and establish a spectrum of housing options for formerly incarcerated individuals and support the establishment of an evaluation plan for the Fulton Community Reentry Center.
Research Foundation of the City University of New York
This grant will support the Prisoner Reentry Institute’s advocacy program that addresses discrimination based on prior involvement with the justice system in public housing and in government-supported affordable housing developments.
Supportive Housing Network of New York
This grant will support the Getting to 35k campaign and the development of preservation plans for existing supportive housing.
Urban Pathways
This grant will support a pilot using the Critical Time Intervention model to assess and house recently incaracerated seniors living in shelters and connect them to supportive services to reduce their risk of recidivism.
Capacity ($1,272,000)
Codrington Trust, Barbados
This grant will support the assessment of real estate development opportunities.
Diocese of Butere, Kenya
This grant will support the diocese in hiring a professional consulting firm to conduct feasibility studies on four diocesan preperties, thereby identifying appropriate income generation opportunities to support the ministry of the church.
Diocese of Cuba
This grant will support the completion of the diocesan guesthouse renovations and furnish the facility to begin operations.
Diocese of Cuernavaca, Mexico
This grant will help to increase room rates and occupancy levels at the Spanish Language Insitute of the Anglican Church of Mexico by adding a swimming pool and patio area.
Diocese of Kajiado
This grant will support the construction and first-year operations of a three-story residential apartment building.
Diocese of Kindu, Congo
This grant will equip the diocesan commercial building and begin operations.
Province of West Africa
This grant will support the completion and operation of twelve two-bedroom units at the provincial residential apartment complex.
Leadership Development ($625,000)
Union Theological Seminary
This grant will support a third year of the Trinity Union Fellows program, a one-year immersion and leadership development program.
Special Opportunity ($240,000)
Diocese of Northern Mexico
This grant will support one year of the Recibimos y Compartimos shelter operations and the development of a business plan for sustaining the shelter.
Friends of the Anglican Pilgrimage Centre in Santiago de Compostela
This grant will support the purchase and repurposing of a building for the Anglican Pilgrim Centre in Santiago, Spain.
Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice
This grant will provide general operating support for the work and mission of the Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice.
June 2019
Neighborhood ($1,795,000)
Alliance for Quality Education
This grant will support sustaining grassroots infrastructure to advance pretrial reform and other efforts to reduce unnecessary incarceration and to ensure full implementation of bail reform legislation. Grant funds are exclusively for charitable purposes.
Down Payment Assistance Fund
This program related investment (PRI) will increase the supply of low-income and supportive housing in New York City by providing strong not-for-profit developers access to flexible capital that can be used to move quickly on a down payment for acquiring vacant land.
The Fortune Society
This grant will support housing and other social service provisions to over 7,000 individuals with justice involvement and elevate the voices and lived experiences of directly-impacted people to advocate for alternatives to incarceration and other reforms to New York City’s justice system.
Girls for Gender Equity
This grant will support the development and implementation of New York City’s first gender-responsive alternative to incarceration for girls.
Kings Against Violence Initiative (KAVI)
This grant will help increase the capacity of community responses to violence by using public health approaches.
Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City for the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice
This grant will support a multi-stakeholder delegation to visit three to four innovative correctional facilities, predominately in Scandinavia.
New Venture Fund (Funders for Housing and Opportunity)
This grant will support better life outcomes for renter households who spend more than half of their income on housing or who are homeless through a national funders’ collaborative.
New York Communities Organizing Fund
This grant will support sustaining grassroots infrastructure to advance pretrial reform and other efforts to reduce unnecessary incarceration and to ensure full implementation of bail reform.
Public Policy and Education Fund of New York
This grant will support sustaining grassroots infrastructure to advance pretrial reform and other efforts to reduce unnecessary incarceration and to ensure full implementation of bail reform legislation.
Research Foundation of CUNY (o/b/o John Jay College of Criminal Justice)
This grant will help to develop an empirical basis for the reform of policies that use criminal histories in decision making, thereby potentially perpetuating racial disparities in New York’s justice system.
Teachers Unite
This grant will support the primary organizer of New York City public school educators committed to using restorative justice to end the criminalization of students.
Vera Institute of Justice
This grant will support reforming pretrial justice and jail reduction in New York.
Voices of Community Activists and Leaders (VOCAL)
This grant will support sustaining grassroots infrastructure to advance pretrial reform and other efforts to reduce unnecessary incarceration and to ensure full implementation of bail reform.
Capacity ($788,000)
Diocese of Accra, Ghana
This grant will help to finish and equip the restaurant and conference facility at the Anglican Retreat Center and provide support for first year of operation.
Diocese of Amazonia, Brazil / Diocese Anglicana da Amazônia
This grant will support the construction of a multipurpose coworking and conferencing center and to renovate existing structures on the diocesan cathedral property into a garden café and small hostel.
Diocese of Harare, Zimbabwe
This grant will install the finishings, furnishings, water service, and parking area at Bishop's Mount ten-room guesthouse and conference facility, and to help operate the facility for one year.
Diocese of Northern Zambia
This grant will help complete the interiors of the auditorium at the Multipurpose Centre in Kitwe. This will include completing ceilings, floors, and windows and furnishing and equipping the auditorium. This work will allow the Centre to begin operations.
Leadership Development ($500,000)
Codrington College
This grant will support a global convening and the preparation and consideration of Codrington College as a member of an emerging network of institutions building leadership development globally.
Special Opportunity ($25,000)
National September 11 Memorial & Museum
This grant will support the completion of the 9/11 Memorial Glade to honor the ongoing sacrifice of rescue, recovery and relief workers, and the survivors and members of the broader Lower Manhattan community, who are sick or have died from exposure to toxins in the aftermath of 9/11.
April 2019
Neighborhood ($281,000)
Donors’ Education Collaborative (DEC) through the New York Community Trust
This grant will support the grantmaking and convening activities of DEC that aim to create a more inclusive school system in New York City.
Alliance for Downtown New York
This grant will support the Alliance for Downtown New York in providing outreach, advocacy, and service to the homeless people throughout the Business Improvement District (South of City Hall, river to river).
New York Theological Seminary
This grant will support the Master of Professional Studies program at Sing Sing Correctional Facility.
Capacity ($115,000)
Anglican Diocese of Eastern Zambia
This grant will complete construction and begin operating a two-story commercial office space.
Special Opportunity ($25,000)
Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.
This grant will support program staff salaries and the purchase of new musical instruments and related classroom materials for its after-school music program.
November 2018
Neighborhood ($743,254)
Children’s Defense Fund of New York City
This grant will support the implementation phase of the Raise the Age legislation and co-lead the Raise the Age – New York Campaign.
Credible Messenger Justice Center
This grant will support the expansion the Credible Messenger model as a strategy for juvenile justice reform in New York City.
Faith Matters Network
This grant will support Daring Compassion, Growing Movement Chaplaincy, a curriculum designed to equip 21st century faith leaders to enhance social movements.
Make the Road
This grant will support the Youth Power Project, a youth-led leadership development initiative, to advocate for the end of the school-to-deportation pipeline and the school-to-prison pipeline in New York City.
National Economic and Social Rights Initiative
This grant will support the Dignity in Schools Campaign to lead efforts to change school discipline policies and embed restorative justice practices in New York City schools.
Robert Daniel Jones Refugee Shelter
This grant will support the RDJ Refugee Shelter that works to provide housing, employment, and legal services to refugees and asylum seekers.
Capacity ($1,210,500)
Diocese of Bondo, Kenya
This grant will help to complete the first four floors of a commercial office in Bondo, southwestern Kenya.
Diocese of Central Tanganyika, Tanzania
This grant will allow for the construction of a three-story commercial building on land adjacent to the cathedral to generate income for mission. The income from the constructed building will increase revenue for use in the Church’s mission and ministry, especially in paying clergy, who often go unpaid as they work in rural and very economically challenged areas.
Diocese of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
This grant will support the hiring of a consultant to complete a feasibility study of income-generation opportunities appropriate for diocesan land in and around Dar es Salaam.
Diocese of Nord Kivu, Congo
This grant will support the operation of twelve guestrooms on the ground floor of the Devi guesthouse. It will also support enclosing the unfinished first floor to protect the structure while allowing for possible future expansion.
Diocese of Tamale, Ghana
This grant will fund a hotel with thirty-five rooms, a bar, and breakfast area. Future phases will include a full restaurant and conferencing facility.
Special Opportunity ($285,000)
Funders for Housing and Opportunity
This grant will support better life outcomes for renter households who spend more than half of their income on housing or who are homeless.
South Asian Descent International Anglican Clergy Conference (SADIACC)
This grant will support travel costs for participants to attend the 2019 conference "A Theology of Migration" to be held in Sri Lanka in September 2019.
September 2018
Neighborhood ($850,000)
New York Immigration Coalition
This grant will support core programming and the “This is Our New York” rapid response initiative, which prioritizes the coordination of legal services, policy, and advocacy work to protect immigrants from continual attacks.
African Communities Together
This grant will support the City of Refuge Coalition, a grassroots advocacy movement in defense of humanitarian immigrants and refugees.
Freedom for Immigrants
This grant will support the expansion of a national pro bono hotline for people in immigration detention by hiring a regional coordinator for the Northeastern United States, and retaining full-time support for the VIANEY database, a key resource in logging interactions with immigrants in detention.
Flanbwayan Haitian Literacy Project
This grant will support the implementation of the Your School, Your Choice Campaign to eliminate barriers for immigrant youth in the school enrollment process.
NYC Coalition for Educational Justice
This grant will support the campaign for Culturally Responsive Education (CRE) and the implementation of CRE strategies in New York City public schools, which promote rigorous, student-centered education that relates academic instruction and cultural identities.
This grant will support Blackbird’s capacity to conduct rapid response communications and technical assistance, build the capacity of Black organizers, and develop infrastructure and coordination strategies for the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) and other aligned formations and groups.
Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform
This grant will support research and advocacy efforts to close Rikers Island and advance criminal justice reform in New York City.
Capacity ($658,000)
Diocese of Kondoa, Tanzania
This grant will install finishings and furnishings and fund one year of operational expenses to launch the twelve-room Mothers’ Union guesthouse.
Diocese of Niassa, Mozambique
This grant will install finishings and furnishings and fund one year of operational expenses to launch the twenty-four bed Nampula Mission Guesthouse.
Province of Congo
This grant will allow the province to hire a consultant to complete a feasibility study of income-generation opportunities appropriate for provincial land in Kinshasa, Congo.
Diocese of Lweru, Tanzania
This grant will establish a microfinance program to provide loans and small business training to 200 women and youth.
Diocese of Cuba
This grant will acquire a plot of land and the house on it to continue the Camp Blankingship project.
Diocese of Mexico
This grant will renovate the current diocese property to increase the rental rate of the guesthouse.
Diocese of Ecuador Litoral
This grant will renovate a current property into a panaderia (bread bakery) called the Episcopal Bakery in a highly visible location.
Diocese of Belize
This grant will renovate and improve an existing two-story building in the capital of Belize.
Diocese of Recife, Brazil
This grant will renovate a hostel whose income would contribute to the diocesan mission.
Leadership ($850,000)
Union Theological Seminary
Trinity Union Fellows is a one-year immersion program, in which six Fellows will experience academic life at the Union Theological Seminary and community life at Trinity Church Wall Street.
Diocese of Puerto Rico
This grant will fund the expansion, renovation and creation of a community development center in Loiza.
Capacity and Leadership ($140,000)
Diocese of Southeast Mexico
This grant will build a three-level building for commercial and office rentals.
Diocese of Honduras
This grant will fund a renovation project at Saint Mary’s Episcopal School that will help it to become accredited.
June 2018
Neighborhood ($455,000)
American Friends Service Committee
This grant will support the Hope Lives for Lifers program to provide rehabilitation strategies to young people serving long-term or life sentences at the Eastern New York Correctional Facility, complete an external evaluation, and revise the Sentencing Planning Manual to make the content available to incarcerated persons across the country.
The Fortune Society
This grant will support the development of an Advocacy Team of formerly incarcerated leaders, with a wide variety of experiences, to increase visibility and raise awareness of the impact of mass incarceration and the needs of the reentry community to influence policy and funding decisions.
Teachers United
This grant will support a Research Institute to deepen the work of cohort schools by training educators and students in Participatory Action Research (PAR) skills to implement a project during the 2018–2019 school year that elevates new methods for school safety and accountability to demonstrate that divestment from police in schools is an achievable goal.
Churches United for Fair Housing
This grant will support the Network Leadership Program to cultivate strong clergy, lay, and youth leaders to address housing and other social justice issues in their congregations and communities.
Kings Against Violence Intiative
This grant will support the Community Healing and Recovery Project, a violence prevention program that builds community-level capacity to respond to violence.
Capacity ($1,771,000)
Diocese of Atlanta – Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing
This grant will, over two years, increase the capacity of the Absalom Center for Racial Healing, a convener for the Episcopal Church leading on anti-racism initiatives, to provide training opportunities to youth, clergy, and lay leaders nationwide.
Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice
This grant will support the Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice to continue the legacy of the Episcopal saint by conducting innovative racial justice programming for national audiences, and by opening her childhood home to the public in 2020.
Diocese of Central Tanganyika, Tanzania
This grant will expand the loan pool of the diocesan microfinance program and pilot a mobile money program.
Diocese of Rumonge, Burundi
This grant will construct a security wall around the Birimba Health Center and equip the new hospital wing, birthing rooms, operating rooms, laboratory, and pharmacy.
Diocese of Katanga, Congo
This grant will construct a guesthouse in Lubumbashi containing 16 guest rooms, a conference room, and 2 retail or office spaces in the city of Lubumbashi in southern Congo.
Diocese of Makamba, Burundi
This grant will complete finishings on a multipurpose office/commercial space in the capital city of Bujumbura.
The Jerusalem Princess Basma Center for Disabled Children
This grant will upgrade the Center's electrical infrastructure to comply with new safety standards and provide sufficient power for additional rehabilitation equipment.
Diocese of North Argentina
This grant will renovate and expand a diocesan retreat center.
Diocese of Colombia
This grant will aid in the purchase of a property and include small renovations to the property.
Leadership ($25,000)
Anglican Church of South Africa
This grant will enable the province to engage in a listening and consultation process in advance of the upcoming synod on the issue of human sexuality, especially regarding same sex unions.
Capacity and Leadership ($62,000)
Province IX, TEC
This grant will allow Province IX dioceses to form the Development Group which will focus on shared learning around financial capacity and leadership.
March 2018
Neighborhood ($482,000)
Donors’ Education Collaborative in New York Community Trust
This grant will support the grantmaking and convening activities of the Donors’ Education Collaborative, a partnership of member foundations, committed to strengthening research, advocacy, and community organizing efforts that aim to advance equity, opportunity, and excellence for all students, particularly those facing the greatest challenges.
Rural and Migrant Ministry
This grant will support the Justice for Farmworkers Campaign, a statewide educational and legislative movement, aimed at giving farmworkers the same rights as every other worker in New York State. This grant would also provide leadership development and education for the farmworker community to build a shared understanding of the support needed for change, and offer community education programming to raise awareness among allies and advocates.
Queer Detainee Empowerment Project
This grant will support a full-time Member Advocate to continue advocacy, direct service, and community organizing efforts to serve LGBTQIA immigrant prisoners, their families, and those at-risk of entering detention in New York.
Alliance for Downtown New York, Inc.
This grant will support the Alliance for Downtown NY in partnership with the Bowery Residents’ Committee (BRC) to provide outreach, advocacy, and service to the homeless people in lower Manhattan.
Capacity ($850,000)
Province of West Africa
This grant will enable the province to build and operate a residential apartment building of eight, two-to-three bedroom units to generate income for the province to support mission and ministry.
Diocese of Kericho, Kenya
This grant will enable the diocese to build a tented hotel, Empiris Mara, bordering the Maasai Mara National Park in southern Kenya, to generate income to support diocesan mission and minsitry.
December 2017
Capacity Building ($1,649,022)
Diocese of Nakuru, Kenya
This grant will offer microloans to the poor and the vulnerable who have no access to capital from other lenders, thereby allowing them to start a small scale business or trade.
Diocese of Asante Mampong, Ghana
This grant will offer microloans to the poor and the vulnerable who have no access to capital from other lenders, thereby allowing them to start a small scale business or trade.
Anglican Diocese of Northern Malawi
This grant will construct a three-story office complex.
Romeck Joy of Disabled Association, Uganda
This grant will establish a two-year vocational training program for disadvantaged women and young people in the Luweero district of Uganda.
Diocese of Kindu, Congo
This grant will construct a one-story hostel along the boulevard connecting the airport with Kindu's town center.
Anglican Province of Congo
This grant will pay Internet access fees for 9 dioceses and the Anglican University of Congo through April 2018.
Diocese of the North, Mexico
This grant will construct accommodations and one classroom as the first phase of an education and retreat center. The center will facilitate distance formation for seminarians, as well as continuing education and formation for clergy and laity.
Diocese of Cuba
This grant will support the diocese's ecclesial vision and mission in the country, which is to provide a vibrant center of worship and sustainable education in ecological, economic, social and spiritual aspects. The facility will host retreats, conventions and workshops, benefiting from sustainable agriculture and renewal energy on site.
Diocese of Cuba
This grant will renovate and expand the Education and Training Center for continuing education and formation of clergy and laity in community development, theology, and leadership.
Anglican Dioceses of Mexico
This grant will support dioceses to support repairs and rebuilding for the most vulnerable families impacted in rural communities.
Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands
This grant will enable the diocese to rebuild The Wortley Home that was deemed uninhabitable after a fire in 2015. Rebuilding and fixing the home will allow the girls in need, who once lived there, to return.
Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Island
This grant will allocate funds to the East Indian Mission of the Church of the Good Shepard to aid the diocese in its mission to build resources for its neighborhood and financial capacity, by helping to repay a construction loan.
Diocese of the Domincan Repubic
This grant will enable the diocese to accomplish some remodeling to their clinic which will continue to serve as a model for social justice outreach and deepen the diocese’s commitment to those in need.
Leadership ($100,000)
Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA)
This grant will support a gathering of 400 youth delegates, from Africa and around the world, for an Anglican Youth Congress. The meeting will inform and empower young people to take leadership in their churches and communities particularly on issues of peace building, religious extremism, migration, human trafficking, climate change, entrepreneurship and community development.
October 2017
Neighborhood ($697,216)
Solar One
This grant will support the Here Comes Solar program to expand access to clean, renewable, and reliable solar power for low- and moderate-income communities and renters in New York City, who are often disproportionately subjected to dangerous and unnecessary shut offs.
The Children’s Defense Fund–New York
This grant will increase knowledge of the new “Raise the Age” law, which states no 16- or 17-year-old will be sentenced to, or detained in, a facility with adults.
The National Economic and Social Rights Initiative (Dignity in Schools - NY)
This grant will support the Dignity in Schools Campaign–New York, which seeks to transform the climate of New York City public schools, and create a system of school discipline and safety that is based on mutual respect and problem solving, not punishment and pushout.
Chinese-American Planning Council
This grant will support the Youth Arts Network pilot initiative, which will use CPC's extensive infrastructure, to examine and refine how the afterschool enrichment model can more efficiently support underserved youth citywide.
Mission to End Modern Slavery
This grant will, over one year, support the Survivor Defense and Action Project to build a survivor-led movement to end modern slavery by establishing the economic and social security of trafficked guest workers through comprehensive leadership training and activities.
Strategic Volunteer Planning & Management Coalition, Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City (NYC)
This grant will support collaboration on a new volunteer messaging strategy to help unify New York City, and empower more New Yorkers to serve the City.
Leadership ($970,000)
Trinity Church in the City of Boston for the National All Our Children Network
This grant will allow the All Our Children Network to plan and implement “All Our Children: The Church’s Role in Education Equity,” a national symposium which was called for at General Convention 2015. The symposium will be held in January 2018 in Columbia, South Carolina.
Union Theological Seminary
Trinity Union Fellows will be a one-year immersion experience for students with an academic life at Union and a pastoral life of Trinity. The program will begin in the 2018-19 academic year with a goal of a cohort of 6 students.
Anglicans for Decriminalization
This grant will support the network to organize a symposium in Kingston, Jamaica to begin a critical conversation across the Commonwealth among Christian leaders on the subject of decriminalization of same-gender intimacy.
Capacity Building ($977,500)
Stop the Traffik – USA
This grant will hire an Executive Director who will develop and coordinate the marketing, education, and infrastructure needed to expand the applicant's work in the United States to abolish modern slavery.
First Friends of New Jersey & New York
This grant will build capacity by hiring the group’s first executive director to serve a growing population of detained immigrants and engage an expanding pool of trained volunteers.
Diocese of Freetown, Sierra Leone
This grant will build two floors of a four-story commercial and office facility in the central business district of the nation’s capital, Freetown.
Anglican Diocese of Swaziland
This grant will construct private student housing on vacant church land to accommodate students from the University of Swaziland, Luyengo Campus.
Diocese of Antananarivo, Madagascar
This grant will construct a three-story mixed-use commercial building on prime land in Antananarivo, the nation's capital.
Special Opportunity ($130,500)
Joel Nafuma Refugee Center, Rome
This grant will renovate restroom and kitchen facilities that serve close to 20,000 refugees who use the center annually for language and job training, counseling, and to receive breakfast, clothing, and other necessary items.
Virginia Theological Seminary
This grant will support students from Cuttington University (Liberia) and Msalato Theological College (Tanzania) to participate in a short-term partnership program at St. George’s College, Jerusalem. The program is designed to equip leaders for ministry in conflict situations by building skills for dialogue, peacemaking, and reconciliation.
May 2017
Neighborhood ($535,000)
"This is Our New York" Campaign, NY Immigration Coalition (NYC)
This grant will fund the “This is Our New York” Campaign developed to protect and defend immigrant and refugee communities in a changing political landscape.
Qualitas of Life Foundation (NYC)
This grant will provide culturally sensitive financial education to Hispanic individuals and launch Me preparo: procesos migratorios y mi dinero, a new workshop preparing families that may be affected by federal immigration proceedings.
Department of Probation "Credible Messenger" Program, Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City (NYC)
This grant will continue, over one year, the Department of Probation's Credible Messenger mentoring program which matches young people under probation supervision with adult mentors from similar backgrounds.
Strategic Volunteer Planning & Management Coalition, Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City (NYC)
This grant will support collaboration on a new volunteer messaging strategy to help unify New York City and empower more New Yorkers to serve the City.
The Domestic Violence Project, Northern Manhattan Improvement Corp. (NYC)
This grant will hire a bilingual Self-Sufficiency Coordinator to expand economic empowerment services for immigrant survivors of domestic violence.
Leadership ($329,000)
Interfaith Leadership Academy, Interfaith Center of New York (NYC)
This grant will create an Interfaith Civic Leadership Academy and designate twenty New York religious leaders as fellows to participate in civic engagement, legal literacy, and community organizing training.
New York City Service Corps, Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City (NYC)
This grant will support City Service Corps, an AmeriCorps program addressing City agency priorities, and to provide professional development opportunities to Corps members.
Province of Central Africa
This grant will support the travel of the primate of the Church of Province of Central Africa to use his moral voice in meeting with influential leaders in order to build peace in war-torn South Sudan.
Capacity Building ($1,098,000)
Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform, Fund for the City of New York
This grant will strengthen the Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform's capacity to engage the public and explore viable alternatives to Rikers Island.
Equal Justice Initiative Criminal Justice Reform, Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) (Alabama)
This grant will build institutional capacity to expand criminal justice reform initiatives, including litigation advocacy and education projects that illuminate the nation's history of racial injustice.
Blackbird (NYC)
This grant will build baseline organizational capacity and provide strategic campaign communications support to aligned organizers, communities, and coalitions with the goal of changing the material conditions of working class Black people.
Province of Congo
This grant will pay for a provincial audit, a new process for the province.
Diocese of Lusaka, Zambia
This grant will construct a three-story building for the diocese's sustainable mission programs.
Diocese of Accra, Ghana
This grant will construct a restaurant, auditorium, and gymnasium, and renovate the existing hostel with additional en-suite rooms.
Diocese of Costa Rica
This grant will construct a second level to accommodate three new rooms that will be used for both a Vocational Training and Teen Center.
Diocese of Jamaica & the Cayman Islands
This grant will upgrade its online presence and establish a website for the Church in the Province of the West Indies.
Program Related Investment ($850,000)
The Osborne Association
This no-interest loan will cover pre-development to transform the former Fulton Prison, located in the Claremont neighborhood of the South Bronx, into the Fulton Community Reentry Center.
February 2017
Neighborhood ($675,000)
Osborne Association (NYC)
This grant will fund operational costs related to the planning and development of the Fulton Community Reentry Center capital project.
American Friends Service Committee (NYC)
This grant will support the second year of a pilot program that seeks to help incarcerated individuals with long term or life sentences manage their sentences and, if possible, gain access to parole or other forms of release.
Community Learning Schools (UFT)(NYC)
This grant will support a Trinity Church Wall Street-sponsored, community schools model in New York City public schools.
Make the Road (NYC)
This grant will support the Youth Power Project, a Latino youth-led organizing program, which advocates for an end to the school-to-prison pipeline. Make the Road New York is a member of the Dignity in Schools Campaign.
Robert Daniel Jones Refugee Shelter (NYC)
This grant will provide long-term shelter and supportive services to asylum seekers and refugees in New York City.
Urban Youth Collaborative (NYC)
This grant will support the "School Justice" campaign, which aims to eliminate racial inequities in school policing through youth-led community organizing. The Urban Youth Collaborative is a member of the Dignity in Schools Campaign.
Digital Media Training Program (NYC)
This grant will provide a journalism reentry program to formally-incarcerated men and women aged 18 to 24.
Leadership ($52,000)
Servant Leadership School (NC)
This grant will build an interactive, online platform to distribute current program resources.
Capacity Building- Income Generation ($683,000)
Diocese of Nakuru, Kenya
This grant will add three stories of commercial space to the Imani shopping mall, an existing diocesan rental building, bringing the completed structure to six stories.
Diocese of Harare, Zimbabwe
This grant will construct a hotel and conferencing facility as the first phase of an expansive convention, exhibition, and lifestyle center.
Diocese of Guinea
This grant will construct a health clinic in a suburb of the capital city of Conakry.
Special Opportunity- Africa ($230,500)
Province of Congo
This grant will establish Internet connectivity and related income-generation activities at four new dioceses: Brazzaville, Goma, Kalemi, and Kamango
November 2016
Strengthening the Anglican Communion: Africa ($402,242)
Diocese of Cape Coast, Ghana
This grant will construct a student hostel at Academy of Christ the King in Cape Coast.
Diocese of Central Tanganyika, Tanzania
This grant will help to construct a three-story commercial building on land adjacent to the Cathedral to generate income for mission.
Special Opportunity- Anglican Relations ($190,000)
Diocese of Bo, Sierra Leone
This grant will provide school readiness packs to vulnerable children from families impacted by Ebola and organize a renewal retreat for church leaders experiencing trauma and burnout from working on the front lines during the outbreak.
Province of Congo
This grant will support Internet access and technical support for nine dioceses and the Anglican University.
Justice System ($221,000)
Advancing Real Change
This grant will establish juvenile mitigation specialist resources by hiring a Juvenile Justice Coordinator.
Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement (CIVIC)
This grant will expand a hotline for immigrants in detention to restore family unity and to increase public and Congressional awareness by collecting data about rights violations in U.S. immigration detention centers.
Kings Against Violence Initiative (KAVI)
This grant will decrease and eliminate violence among youth in Brooklyn communities by providing in-school and after-school education and empowerment programs led by trained conflict mediators and licensed clinical social workers, as well as expand programming to include therapeutic support.
Advocating for Children ($200,000)
Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility
This grant will implement restorative practices at ten NYC District 18 schools to reduce suspensions and foster equity. District 18 schools are high-need schools with 80% poverty serving the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Flatbush and Canarsie.
Desis Rising Up and Moving (DRUM) South Asian Organizing Center
This grant will grow DRUM's base and leadership of low-income South Asian immigrant adults and youth to dismantle the growing overlapping systems that criminalize communities of color in the United States.
Special Opportunity- Justice & Reconciliation ($177,900)
Churches United for Fair Housing (CUFFH)
This grant will organize clergy, lay leaders, and youth from congregations and surrounding communities to combat the affordable housing crises impacting New York City’s most vulnerable communities.
Bishops Against Gun Violence
This grant will convene 250 people in Chicago for "The Unholy Trinity: Poverty, Racism, and Gun Violence.
October 2016
Strengthening the Anglican Communion: Africa ($566,273)
Diocese of Buye, Burundi
Over one year to complete construction of the diocesan guesthouse in Ngozi.
Church of the Province of West Africa
To conduct a feasibility study of income-generation opportunities related to redevelopment of existing structures and development on available provincial land in Accra.
Diocese of Kagera, Tanzania
Over two years to expand an agricultural training and savings program for young people and women in the Diocese of Kagera.
Diocese of Rumonge
Over one year to expand the Birimba Health Center into a full medical clinic with a special focus on laboratory services and maternity care.
Diocese of Tanga, Tanzania
To pilot a microloan program for women in two archdeaconries.
Strengthening the Anglican Communion: Latin America ($173,500)
Diocese of Cuba
To renovate the existing diocesan hostel in order to provide appropriate accommodation for local participants in spiritual retreats and committee meetings as well as for visiting missionary groups.
Justice System ($383,600)
Downtown Alliance of New York
To continue contracting Bowery Residence Committee services and fully fund the staffing and related operational costs for two, two-person outreach teams to provide comprehensive outreach services within the Alliance catchment area Monday through Friday, 7am to 11pm, plus at least one overnight a month.
Calvary Episcopal Church (WDC)
The Center for the Study of Faith in Justice at Calvary Episcopal Church, in partnership with the Washington, DC chapter of the Union of Black Episcopalians, will present a one-day conference for members of law enforcement, faith communities and the broader community to deconstruct the culture of American policing and better the relationship between police and the communities they serve.
New York Theological Seminary
To support administrative costs to run the Master of Professional Studies Program at Sing Sing Correctional Facility over the next three years.
The Psalm of Howard Thurman
To support the production of a feature-length documentary film on the life of Howard Thurman. The applicant aims to use the film to engage audiences who may be interested in spirituality, racial reconciliation, and African-American history.
Advocating for Children ($250,000)
The Expectations Project (WDC)
To build the capacity of faith groups to participate in collective action around national school-to-prison pipeline and early childhood education policies. The Expectations Project will also work with the National All Our Children Network to build its capacity for collective action.
Teachers Unite (NY)
To expand the Restore the Future project and train students as Restorative Justice Leaders to establish sustainable systems for alternative-to-suspension programming.
Emmaus House (GA)
To strengthen its programming by including mindfulness curricula in its parenting classes and youth enrichment courses. If expansion were successful, the work could be used as a pilot for replication elsewhere.
Financial Inclusion (25,000)
Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow (NY)
To add a financial literacy initiative to its 22-week job training program for youth ages 16 to 24. This initiative will serve 240 youth who reside in Brooklyn neighborhoods with poverty rates averaging 30% and unemployment rates as high as 10%.
June 2016
Justice System ($495,000)
College & Community Fellowship
One year to eliminate barriers to higher education for formerly incarcerated women through the Academic Support Program and to launch the program's Community Sisters component to expand services to previously ineligible women.
Dignity in Schools Campaign - NY (DSC-NY)
Over one year to advocate for reduced racial disparities in school discipline and for implementation of positive approaches, such as restorative justice, in New York City public schools.
Vera Institute of Justice
Over two years to improve housing access for people with convictions by transforming public housing practices in New York City and nationwide.
Advocating for Children ($50,000)
Donors' Education Collaborative
over one year to continue Trinity's participation in the Donor's Education Collaborative, leveraging the funds of eleven grantmaking institutions to support initiatives increasing equity in NYC public schools.
Financial Inclusion (57,000)
Qualitas of Life Foundation
Over one year to provide basic financial education to Hispanic individuals and their families in New York to foster their financial security and improve their standard of living.
Special Opportunity- Justice & Reconciliation ($136,000)
Rural and Migrant Ministry
Over one year to advocate for and empower marginalized Long Island farmworkers and day laborers who seek to improve their living and working conditions.
Special Opportunity- Anglican Relations ($170,885)
The Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan
To continue operation of the Kampala office to allow communication with supporters and among the dioceses, to provide logistical support and help to develop the capacity of the dioceses to serve their communities.
Institute for the Healing of Memories
To support Healing Journeys in a Turbulent World, a conference to be held in Cape Town, South Africa in September 2016.
Province of Central Africa
To support travel expenses for the Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe to be held August 2016.
Province of Congo
Over two years, to provide general operating support for the Provincial Office in Kinshasa.
Strengthening the Anglican Communion: Africa ($301,335)
Greenbelt Women's Initiative for Development
To train vulnerable women in agriculture, handicrafts and entrepreneurship and provide a storefront to sell their products.
Diocese of Machakos, Kenya
To conduct a feasibility study of income-generation opportunities related to redevelopment of existing structures and development on vacant diocesan land.
Dioceses of Makamba
To complete construction of the Tanganyika Conference Center to generate income for mission.
Diocese of Nord Kivu
To support construction of the Devi diocesan guesthouse to generate income for mission.
March 2016
Justice System ($100,000)
Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison (NY)
As a renewal over two years to expand the Alumni Support program.
Advocating for Children ($150,000)
Trinity Church in the City of Boston (MA)
As a renewal over one year to staff the All Our Children (AOC) national network and support implementation of Resolution B005: Quality Public Education for All.
Special Opportunity- Anglican Relations ($181,000)
Anglican Church of Canada
To support African bishops' participation in the Bishops' Dialogue meeting to be held in Accra, Ghana in May 2016.
Church of South India
To support relief and rehabilitation efforts in and around Chennai following devastating flooding.
Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem
To support renovation of the kitchen at Princess Basma Center for Disabled Children to comply with new health and safety regulations.
Province of Congo
To gather diocesan youth and youth ministers for a one-week training to build youth’s capacity to mobilize their communities for peace and social action.
Strengthening the Anglican Communion- Africa ($324,100)
Diocese of Matabeleland, Zimbabwe
To launch a diocesan tailoring company which will generate income for ministry through the sale of school uniforms.
Diocese of Northern Zambia, Central Africa
To construct a diocesan conferencing facility for income-generation and ministry.
Diocese of Tabora, Tanzania
To conduct a feasibility study of income-generation opportunities on vacant diocesan property.
Luweero Holding Company
As a renewal over one year to complete additional guestrooms above the new conferencing facility at the Luweero Diocese Guest House
December 2015
Special Opportunity ($250,000)
Episcopal Diocese of New York
To match diocesan fundraising to establish a credit union for people served by Episcopal churches throughout the diocese.
November 2015
Advocating for Children ($176,000)
Chinese Planning Council (NY)
As a renewal to continue afterschool music enrichment at two Lower Manhattan public schools in collaboration with Trinity Wall Street music educators.
Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility (NY)
As a renewal to expand Project Restore360 which aims to reduce suspensions and build community in public schools by implementing restorative practices.
Emerging Out of Conflict Seeking Reconciliation ($332,500)
Diocese of Bo, Sierra Leone
To pay diocesan staff and teacher salaries for three months due to ongoing economic impacts of the Ebola Virus Disease.
Diocese of Freetown, Sierra Leone
To support the diocese’s continued response to the impacts of the Ebola Virus Disease and to pay diocesan staff and teacher salaries for three months due to the ongoing economic impacts of the disease.
Diocese of Guinea
To pay diocesan staff and teacher salaries for three months due to ongoing economic impacts of the Ebola Virus Disease.
Episcopal Diocese of Haiti Region du Nord
For Radio Redemption to broadcast information about community development and Episcopal identity.
Episcopal Diocese of Navajoland
To complete three hogans which are Navajo spiritual and physical homes.
Province of Congo
To convene a provincial synod.
Raise Up Leaders ($5,000)
Episcopal Diocese of California
As a renewal to support further development of a young adult service program, the DioCal Internship Program.
Special Opportunity ($280,500)
Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real (CA)
Over two years to expand and deepen the Beautiful Authority movement supporting lay and ordained women who feel called to seek positions of leadership within the Episcopal Church.
Episcopal Diocese of New York
Over three years to lead forty-five congregations through RenewalWorks, a process of discernment and peer-mentoring that will lead to increased spiritual vitality.
Equal Justice Initiative (AL)
To support efforts to understand and discuss historic racial injustice as the root of current policies that impact people of color.
Strengthening the Anglican Communion ($1,435,619)
Anglican Church of Tanzania
As a renewal over one year to support the construction of a hotel and conferencing facility.
Anglican Diocese of Eastern Zambia
To complete construction of an office complex for rental income and diocesan use.
Diocese of Asante Mampong, Ghana
To construct a student hostel at the Nursing and Midwifery Training College that will generate income for mission and ministry.
Eglise Anglican du Burundi
As a renewal over one year to construct accommodation facilities at the Faith Center Conferencing Facility.
Zambia Anglican Council
As a renewal over one year to support the construction of a twelve-unit block of residential rental apartments.
Vital Presence in New York City ($254,100)
American Friends Service Committee (NY)
To pilot the Hope Lives for Lifers program which seeks, through a peer-mentorship model, to assist participants to reconcile a meaningful life with a long-term/life sentence and achieve parole where possible for incarcerated individuals who have bettered themselves within the program.
Bertram M. Beck Institute on Religion and Poverty (NY)
Over two years to fund Coming Home, the aspect of the LifeSkills Empowerment program that supports post-incarcerated men and women returning into the community.
Church of St. Luke in the Fields (NY)
To expand the Art, Acceptance and a Place to be Yourself program serving Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning youth and their allies (LGBTQA) who are homeless and marginally housed.
St. James Episcopal Church (Queens)
To grow the Asiamerica Mission to End Modern Slavery, a grassroots network to organize, provide relief, and mobilize community support for survivors of human trafficking in the United States.
October 2015
Advocating for Children ($70,000)
Trinity Church Boston
As a renewal over six to support, strengthen, and build the All Our Children (AOC) national network as a sustainable, independent gathering of engaged church-school partnerships.
Emerging Out of Conflict Seeking Reconciliation ($216,900)
The Episcopal Church of South Sudan & Sudan (modification)
Over two years to offer technical support and IT training to all dioceses in South Sudan and additional support for nine dioceses that are currently 'offline,' in the form of small income-generation grants and one year of Internet access.
Province of Congo
As a renewal over one year, to convert select dioceses’ telecommunications equipment to solar power as needed and to provide technical support and decreasing Internet access support to the nine dioceses and the Anglican University of Congo.
Province of Congo
As a renewal over two months, to hire a consultant to assist with installation of solar equipment in telecommunications sites in the Province. (Administered by the Trinity Grants Program)
Special Opportunity ($10,000)
Institute of Healing of Memories (South Africa)
To convene indigenous leaders from across South Africa, and across the world, to a Healing Journeys of Indigenous People conference in Cape Town, South Africa.
Strengthen the Anglican Communion ($142,630)
Diocese of Cyangugu, Rwanda
As a renewal over one year to complete construction of a three-story extension to the Peace Guest House which is one of the major income-generating projects of the Diocese.
Diocese of Rumonge, Burundi
Over one year to conduct a feasibility study on the income-generation opportunities of adding additional services to the Birimba Health Center.
June 2015
Vital Local Presence in NYC ($356,000)
The Alliance for Downtown New York/Bowery Residents Committee (NY)
Over one year, in partnership with the Alliance for Downtown New York (DANY) for the Bowery Residents Committee (BRC), to provide outreach services among homeless persons in Lower Manhattan.
The Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City
Over two years the NYC Civic Corps will develop the HomeCorps Program, a year-long service internship program focused on bolstering NYC's homelessness prevention program, Homebase.
Advocating for Children ($175,000)
Alliance for Quality Education (NY)
Renewal over one year to secure funds for NYC Renewal Schools, which lack basic resources, and to build AQE's fundraising capacity as Trinity funding ceases.
New York City Coalition for Educational Justice (NY)
Over one year, to ensure transformative parent engagement within the NYC Community Schools Initiative.
Emerging Out of Conflict Seeking Reconciliation ($300,000)
Deanery of Nepal
To support the rebuilding efforts of the Anglican Church in Nepal following the 2015 earthquakes
Earthquake Relief in Nepal
To support disaster response following the devastating earthquakes in the Anglican Deanery of Nepal.
Province of the Anglican Church of Burundi
Over one year to respond to the emerging humanitarian crisis as many Burundians flee growing political tensions
Strengthen the Anglican Communion ($284,000)
Diocese of Central Tanganyika
To fund a feasibility study to determine the development which would best suit the four underutilized plots of land owned by the Diocese.
Diocese of Maseno West
Over one year to support an income generating project to construct two floors for business purposes.
Special Opportunity ($36,000)
The Reformed Episcopal Church of Spain
To update existing website to a well-designed, bi-lingual site with the ability to telecast services.
March 2015
Vital Local Presence ($75,000)
Downtown Alliance of New York/Bowery Residents’ Committee (NYC)
Over six months, in partnership with the Alliance for Downtown New York for Bowery Residents Committee to provide outreach services serving homeless persons in Lower Manhattan.
Advocating for Children ($245,000)
Over one year to support a Downtown Initiative that engages local private sector leaders in the work of transforming public schools in Lower Manhattan.
Community Learning Schools (UFT) (NYC)
Over one year to continue support of a community school model in New York City public schools.
Trinity Boston Foundation
To fund the costs of implementing the recommendations of consultants.
Strengthen the Anglican Communion ($57,300)
Anglican Church of Canada
To support African bishops' participation in the Bishops' Dialogue meeting to be held in the Diocese of Virginia in May 2015.
Diocese of Mount Kilimanjaro
Over one year to conduct a feasibility study on diocesan land for potential income generation opportunities.
November 2014
Advocating for Children ($375,000)
Episcopal Charities (NY)
As a renewal grant over one year to fund support for All Our Children parishes involved in arts education throughout the Diocese of New York.
Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, Inc. (NY)
Over one year to support stipends for the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies (FWPA)'s Faith and Justice Fellowship Program preparing faith leaders to respond to community poverty and justice issues, with a focus on caring for and educating children.
Fund for Public Advocacy (NY)
Over one year to support the Parent Education, Engagement and Empowerment program which provides resources to community-based organizations (CBOs) working with New York City public school parents who are English Language Learners (ELLs) or have less than a high-school-equivalency diploma.
Emerging out of Conflict ($161,000)
Province of Congo
Over three years, to provide general operating support for the Kampala Office and for the Liaison Officer
The Clericus of the Episcopal Parishes of St. Louis
To support a reconciliation program in St. Louis, the metro area in which the shooting of Michael Brown and the ensuing protests took place.
Strengthen the Anglican Communion ($302,000)
Diocese of Central Tanganyika
To support an institutional and financial review of the Diocese.
Diocese of Kagera, Tanzania
Over two years to fund an agricultural vocational training program for young people and women in the Diocese of Kagera.
Trinity Grants Program
To gather a planning committee to organize a partners’ convening with bishops from across Latin America and the Caribbean.
Trinity Grants Program (TTF)
Over one year, to support sabbaticals for three Global Trinity Transformational Fellows, experienced leaders engaged in the financial sustainability of the Church.
Special Opportunity ($125,754)
Trinity Grants Program
Over one year to conduct financial reviews of select Trinity grants.
Diocese of Chicago
To convene Black Clergy Leadership in Chicago from April 27 - May 1, 2015.
September 2014
Advocating for Children ($396,000)
Donors’ Education Collaborative
To support Trinity's participation in the Donor's Education Collaborative, enable the collaborative to make mid-year grants to new grantees identified in the 2013 RFP and convene two learning sessions to bring DEC grantee issues to wider audience.
Episcopal Charities
Renewal grant over one year to provide technical assistance and collaborative support for pilot parishes involved in the All Our Children program.
Healing Arts Initiative
To fund the Youth Leadership Program for three schools in Lower Manhattan through theater and role play methods.
Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility
To fund the expansion of project Restore360 which aims to reduce suspensions and build community in middle and high schools by implementing restorative practices.
Trinity Boston Foundation
Over twelve months to support, strengthen, and build the All Our Children (AOC) national network as a sustainable, independent gathering of engaged church-school partnerships.
Communities Emerging from Conflict ($50,000)
Metropolitan Industrial Areas Foundation
To curb gun violence by working to isolate irresponsible gun dealers and advocate for gun safety technology.
Strengthen the Anglican Communion ($1,125,500)
Diocese of Buye, Burundi
Over one year to complete construction of the diocesan guesthouse in Ngozi.
Province of Congo
To cover increased costs, mostly due to extraordinarily high travel costs in Congo.
Province of Congo
To allow IT consultant to travel and work closely with new IT Officer for the Province.
Luweero Holding Company
To support construction of a conference hall and cafeteria at the Luweero Diocese Guest House.
Trinity Grants Program
To enable a five regional peer-mentoring groups to convene meetings focused on Financial Management to further develop the Anglican Church in Africa's capacity for financial sustainability.
Special Opportunity ($150,000)
Province of West Africa: Dioceses of Bo (Sierra Leona), Freetown (Sierra Leona), Guinea, and Liberia
To support the Anglican dioceses' emergency relief and response to the outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) including purchasing medical supplies and providing food for quarantined areas.
May 2014
Advocating for Children ($182,000)
Philanthropy New York
Renewal over one year to support Philanthropy New York's 2014 Education Funders Research Initiative.
Trinity Boston Foundation
Over six months to support, strengthen, and build the All Our Children (AOC) national network as a sustainable, independent gathering of engaged church-school partnerships. TBF is a separately incorporated subsidiary of Trinity Copley Square.
Trinity Grants Program
Over one year to convene community organizations serving Lower Manhattan public schools to determine ways that Trinity can better support local students.
Communities Emerging from Conflict ($100,000)
Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison
Over two years to fund an Alumni Coordinator.
Strengthen the Anglican Communion ($216,500)
Diocese of Makamba, Burundi
To support construction of the Tanganyika Conference Center to generate income for mission.
Diocese of Shyira, Rwanda
To expand the Diocesan savings and credit program by adding ten new microfinance groups.
Episcopal Church of South Sudan & Sudan
Over two years for continued support of the Kampala office of ECS to facilitate communication with supporters and among the dioceses and international partners, to provide logistical support, and to develop the capacity of the dioceses to serve their communities.
March 2014
Vital Presence in Lower Manhattan ($150,000)
Downtown Alliance/BRC
Over one year, in partnership with the Alliance for Downtown New York, to provide outreach services serving homeless persons in Lower Manhattan.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($25,000)
Diocese of Atlanta (The Road)
Final year to support further development of a young adult service program, The Road, in partnership with Emmaus House in the Diocese of Atlanta.
Diocese of California
Penultimate year, to support a young adult service program, The DioCal Internship Program, through the Diocese of California.
Episcopal Service Corps — MD
Final year to support a young adult service program in partnership with the Diocese of Maryland.
Communities Emerging from Conflict ($180,000)
Episcopal Church of Sudan
To support emergency relief and peace-building and reconciliation efforts in South Sudan.
Province of Congo
Modification of grant to hire a qualified professional to support local diocesan staff with their IT needs.
Trinity Grants Program
To support congregational and staff participation in The Episcopal Church’s national conference Reclaiming the Gospel of Peace: An Episcopal Gathering to Challenge the Epidemic of Violence.
Anglican Communion in Africa ($540,000)
The Anglican Church of Canada
To support African bishops' participation in the Bishops' Dialogue meeting to be held Coventry Cathedral in 2014.
Trinity Grants Program
Over one year to enable a leadership network of African bishops to pilot five regional sustainability peer-mentoring groups to further develop the Anglican Church in Africa’s capacity for financial sustainability.
November 2013
Advocating for Children ($219,000)
Alliance for Quality Education
As renewal grant over one year, to support the implementation of A+ NYC recommendations by advocating for quality full-day pre-K and extended learning time within public schools.
Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.
Over one year to develop a pilot music enrichment program, in collaboration with Trinity Wall Street music educators, for Lower Manhattan public school students.
Trinity Church in the City of Boston, Copley Square
Over one year to support and convene a national network within the Episcopal Church of church-school partnerships from across the country.
Communities Emerging from Conflict ($534,824)
All Souls Episcopal Church, New Orleans
Over three years, to fund a Program Manager for the Community Center to manage the Scholar Success, music enrichment, and annual summer camp programs.
Episcopal Church of Sudan
Over one year to offer technical support and IT training to all dioceses in the province and additional support for nine dioceses that are currently 'offline,' in the form of small income-generation grants and one year of Internet access.
Province of Congo
Over two years to support Internet access, technical support, IT training and development of small, technology-based income generation projects for the nine dioceses and the Anglican University..
Province of Congo
Over two years to support a consultant to provide expert technical support and troubleshooting for the nine dioceses and Anglican University of the Province.
Strengthening the Anglican Communion ($470,000)
Diocese of Antananarivo, Madagascar
Over one year to launch a microfinance project and granary storage facility to offer economic empowerment in the rural areas of the Diocese.
Diocese of Cyangugu, Rwanda
Over one year to build a two-story extension to the present Peace Guest House, which is one of the major income generating projects of the Diocese.
Diocese of Zanzibar, Tanzania
Over one year to fund a feasibility study for development on diocesan beachfront property outside Stone Town, Zanzibar’s largest town.
Gombe Savings & Credit Cooperative, Uganda
To empower and build capacity of economically disadvantaged women by providing them with business and management skills and access to low-interest credit.
Trinity Transformation Fellows Program
Over one year to support sabbaticals for three Global Trinity Transformational Fellows, experienced leaders engaged in the financial sustainability of the Church in Zambia.
Trinity Transformation Fellows Program
To synchronize the program’s fiscal year to the calendar year.
Trinity Grants Program
To fund a training of a core group of bishops to lead regional financial sustainability mentoring and mutual support groups.
Wildcard Award ($100,000)
Creative Arts Workshop for Kids
To develop new business partnerships to generate for a program that teaches underserved youth (ages 4–24) in Northern Manhattan to learn job and developmental skills through the use of visual, performing, and technology arts.
Healing Community Network
to support a re-entry program for the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated that addresses issues of transitional trauma and successful re-integration into the community.
Magdalene St. Louis
To provide general start-up costs, such as buying or leasing a residential house, for a program that help women who have survived lives of abuse, prostitution, trafficking, addiction and life on the streets by providing a community where they can recover and rebuild their lives.
Movable Feast
To fund general start-up and first-year operating costs, including purchasing a bus or RV, for pilot program that seeks to engage young adults (age 18-35) to explore and develop authentic communities of spiritual life and service by providing a roaming feast through a bus with kitchen facilities and chapel space.
September 2013
Advocating for Children ($100,733)
Episcopal Charities
To provide technical assistance and collaborative support for pilot parishes involved in the All Our Children initiative.
Communities Emerging from Conflict ($12,000)
Episcopal Church of Sudan
To support continuing peace negotiations between Sudan and South Sudan.
Strengthen the Anglican Communion ($194,000)
Diocese of Tanga, Tanzania
To conduct a feasibility study for diocesan-owned land which is adjacent to a health institute.
Trinity Grants Program
To develop four, in-depth, financial-sustainability curriculum modules that focus on practical implementation strategies using Church-based examples and accessible language.
May 2013
Advocating for Children ($576,600)
To develop the “P.S. I Love You” strategy to change the commentary about NYC public schools from focusing on the negative to recognizing the positive — thereby encouraging private support of public schools as a worthy endeavor.
Community Learning Schools (UFT initiative)
To expand the community school model in New York City.
Donor's Education Collaborative
Collaborate with educational grantmakers that give grants to organizations working toward systemic improvement of NYC public schools.
To launch and support a Downtown Initiative that will engage local private sector leaders in the work of transforming public schools in Lower Manhattan.
Trinity Church, Copley Square Boston
To continue to develop the national All Our Children strategy investigating the relationships and building the capacity to support deepening partnerships between communities of faith and local public schools.
Strengthen the Anglican Communion ($300,000)
Province of Tanzania
As part of the Sustainability emphasis, to support the construction of light commercial-use buildings on one of the Province’s plots in Dodoma.
Trinity Grants Program
To host a consultation for leaders from across the United States who are experienced in working in the field of domestic financially sustainable programming.
February 2013
Vital Presence in Lower Manhattan ($160,000)
Bowery Residents’ Committee (BRC)
Sponsoring two outreach teams who, daily, proactively search for and engage with chronically homeless people in hope of getting them to be able to work with the current systems that can provide shelter.
Trinity Grants Program
For professional services to provide due diligence and underwriting expertise for Program Related Investments.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($75,000)
Christ Church Cathedral
To further the development of the young adult internship program, New Seeds, in Louisville, Kentucky.
Episcopal Service Corps
To support the ESC in hosting its annual consultation.
Episcopal Service Corps — MD
To support continued development of a young adult service program in partnership with the Diocese of Maryland.
The Road (Emmaus House)
To support further development of a young adult service program in partnership with Emmaus House in the Diocese of Atlanta.
Trinity Cathedral
Over one year to support the continued development of Trinity Cathedral's young adult service program.
Communities Emerging from Conflict ($43,500)
Province of Congo
To replace damaged equipment and build technical capacity of IT officers in nine dioceses.
Anglican Communion in Africa ($440,000)
The Anglican Church of Canada
To support African bishops' participation in the Bishops' Dialogue meeting to be held in Cape Town, South Africa in May 2013.
Trinity Grants Program
To support a Financial Sustainability & Stewardship workshop on Business & Property Management in Kumasi, Ghana.
Trinity Transformation Fellows Program
To support sabbaticals for three Global Trinity Transformational Fellows who are experienced leaders engaged in the financial sustainability of the Church in Zimbabwe.
Special Opportunity ($25,000)
Rural & Migrant Ministry
Over two years as a matching grant to support the organizational capacity through a part-time development officer.
November 2012
Advocating for Children ($293,000)
Alliance for Quality Education
A renewal grant, as part of the All Our Children initiative, for advocacy for policy reform and equitable funding.
Philanthropy New York
To support PNY’s Education Working Group which will research and publish realistic reform options for NYC public education.
Community Learning Schools (UFT initiative)
To fund a community school pilot in New York City.
Urban Youth Collaborative
To support youth leadership group that advocate for improved college readiness programs for NYC students.
Communities Emerging from Conflict ($50,000)
Diocese of New York
In the wake of Superstorm Sandy, to fund a pilot intern program in Staten Island that will focus on disaster recovery.
Strengthening the Anglican Communion ($309,000)
Diocese of Bogo, DRC
As part of the Sustainability initiative, to help support the construction of a 2-story commercial center in town.
Diocese of Harare, Zimbabwe
To conduct a feasibility study for developing five hectares of land thirty-five kilometers from Harare’s city center.
Diocese of Northern Malawi
To conduct a feasibility study on the viability of several potential income-generation project on a piece of diocesan land in the local hub of Mzuzu.
Province of Central Africa
Piggybacking on the Provincial Synod, this grant will fund a leadership workshop for clergy and laity to engage in community transformation.
Province of Congo
To support the expenses of operating the Archbishop’s newly appointed Kinshasa office.
Diocese of Rift Valley, Tanzania
As part of the Sustainability initiative, to help build on diocesan land a girls’ hostel for nursing students.
Trinity Grants Program
To fund a training of a core group of bishops to lead regional financial sustainability mentoring and mutual support groups.
September 2012
Advocating for Children ($280,000)
To develop strategy for advocating private support of public education roundtable in NYC.
Episcopal Charities
A renewal grant to support nearly twenty All Our Children public school-Episcopal volunteering partnerships.
Trinity Church, Copley Square Boston
To develop the All Our Children strategy nationally and act as a consultant for a gathering of similar faith institutions-public school partnership programs in Richmond, Virginia.
Trinity Grants Program
To seed and convene a national network of All Our Children church-school partnerships.
Communities Emerging from Conflict ($21,000)
Trinity Grants Program
To perform due diligence of program-related investments in areas that are emerging from conflict.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($7,000)
Abundant Table Farming Project
To further the development of a new young adult internship program in California where the interns work on a farm.
June 2012
Advocating for Children ($100,000)
Common Cents
Exploratory grant to an organization specializing in creating and managing service-learning programs for young people. Their most well-known program is Penny Harvest, the largest child philanthropy program in the United States.
Rural and Migrant Ministry
Support for the Youth Economic Group, a business collaborative of youth from Sullivan County who, with Trinity Support, have started and are now sustaining a business cooperative that creates and sells shoulder bags.
Communities Emerging from Conflict ($10,000)
Episcopal Church of Sudan
Fund travel of the Archbishop of Sudan to dioceses that have again erupted in violence as Sudan and South Sudan fight over territory and oil revenue. Archbishop Deng is a recognized peacemaker and well-respected in both countries. He will provide witness to the current conditions within the dioceses of Aweil and Kadugli in the Nuba Mountains.
May 2012
Advocating for Children ($100,000)
Donor's Education Collaborative
Support advocacy for research-based policies in NYC public education with an emphasis on students of color, low-income students, and English Language Learners.
Lutheran Family Health Center
Fund job-readiness coaching for disconnected youth in Brooklyn. Grantee will work in tandem with Southwest Brooklyn Industrial Development Corporation.
Southwest Brooklyn Industrial Development Corporation
Create new jobs for disconnected youth by contracting with local Brooklyn businesses. Grantee is working closely with NYC Economic Development Corporation to rehabilitate and re-activate the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal which is estimated to create 1,300 industrial jobs and 400 construction jobs.
Anglican Communion in Africa ($154,000)
Diocese of Matana, Burundi
Support for the construction of a diocesan community center to generate income that teaches vocational skills to women. Many hope that economically empowering women will provide stability in conflicted African regions.
Episcopal Church of Sudan
Fund the operation of an office in Kampala, Uganda to provide logistical support to war-ravaged dioceses in South Sudan which lack the infrastructure to operate independently.
Trinity Grants Program
Modify a previous grant for the September Financial Sustainability & Stewardship workshop on Governance & Financial Management in Nairobi, Kenya. The workshop will concentrate on good financial management practices that provide control of accounts and oversight through auditing.
Communities Emerging from Conflict ($516,500)
Province of the Congo
Two grants to install equipment in eight dioceses across the Democratic Republic of Congo which has been experiencing violent conflict for decades. Access to the Internet allows dioceses to communicate with each other, their archbishop, and the outside world. Internet access was, and continues to be, vital to the dioceses straddling the border between South Sudan and Sudan.
Vital Presence in Lower Manhattan ($100,000)
Bowery Residents’ Committee (BRC)
Sponsoring two outreach teams who, daily, proactively search for and engage with chronically homeless people in hope of getting them to be able to work with the current systems that can provide shelter.
February 2012
Anglican Communion in Africa ($528,600)
The Anglican Church of Canada
to support African bishops' participation in the Bishops' Dialogue meeting to be held outside Toronto in June 2012.
Diocese of Shyira, Rwanda
over one year to support the construction of a diocesan commercial complex of fifteen retail/office spaces
Diocese of Yei, Sudan
to commission a feasibility study to expand and improve current guesthouse and to develop other land held by the Diocese.
Luweero Holding Company
over one year to add seventeen self‑contained rooms to the diocesan guesthouse at Rondavel Village
Province of Tanzania
over one year to undertake a feasibility study for development on church land in Tanzania's new capital city of Dodoma.
Gombe Savings and Credit Cooperative Society (GSACCO)
to empower and build capacity of the economically disadvantaged women by providing them with business and management skills and access to low interest credit
Province of Congo
to provide financial assistance to hold a Provincial Assembly in Kinshasa in May‑June 2012
Trinity Grants Program
financial audit of select grants
Trinity Grants Program
over one year to support a Financial Sustainability & Stewardship workshop on Governance & Financial
Episcopal Church in the U.S. ($20,000)
Episcopal Service Corps
over the 2011‑2012 program as a final internal grant to ensure the Episcopal Service Corp's long‑term sustainability.
Metropolitan New York ($35,000)
Criterion Ventures
to create a model for a fund, part loan and part philanthropic, that will invest in job creation and invite others in to participate.
Special Opportunity ($138,500)
Gathering 2013
over one year to gather 130 clergy for five days in Estes Park at the YMCA of the Rockies.
Trinity Transformational Fellows Program
over one year, to support sabbaticals for Global Trinity Transformational Fellows, experienced leaders engaged in social transformation in the dioceses of Madagascar.
Spiritual Formation/Development $215,000
Christ Church Cathedral
to further the development of a new young adult internship program, New Seeds, in Lexington, Kentucky.
Christ Church
over one year, as a final renewal, to support development of a young adult service program, St. Hilda's House
Diocese of Newark
over one year, as final renewal, to support continued development of a young adult service program.
Emmaus House
to support further development of a young adult service program in partnership with Emmaus House in the Diocese of Atlanta.
Episcopal Charities and Community Services
over one year, as a renewal, to sustain the young adult service program, The Julian Year, through a staff transition and the last phase of expansion before attaining sustainability.
Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
over one year to support the further development of a young adult service program
Episcopal Evangelism Network
to host a Conference with the long‑term goal of creating a missional development organization that meets the needs of the Episcopal Church.
Episcopal Service Corps ‑‑ Maryland
to support further development of a young adult service program in partnership with the Diocese of Maryland.
Grace Church
to launch Grace House in August 2012 thereby providing a one‑year experience of vocational discernment, service, spiritual reflection, and intentional communal living for four young adults in Syracuse, NY.
Trinity Cathedral
over one year to support the continued development of Trinity Cathedral's young adult service program.
November 2011
Metropolitan New York ($70,000)
Bed Stuy's Project Re-Generation, Inc.
over one year to continue creating & growing micro-enterprise jobs for disconnected youth in Bedford-Stuyvesant.
The Cloud Institute
over one year to support the Green Bronx Machine in developing a stand-alone training and employment program for disconnected youth in the green roof and horticulture industry.
Anglican Communion in Africa ($413,849)
Eglise Anglicane du Burundi (Anglican Church of Burundi)
to build a "Faith Centre" to strenghten the church's financial resources for mission through investments and stewardship.
The Episcopal Church of Sudan
over one year to undertake a feasibility study for development on church land in Juba, South Sudan.
Province of Congo
over three years to provide general operating support for the Kampala Office and for the Liaison Officer.
Trinity Grants Program
to convene the second Financial Sustainability & Stewardship workshop in Bujumbura, Burundi in March 2012.
Telecommunications ($43,000)
Province of Congo
over one year to secure a consultant to conduct a feasibility study to install hardware and software for Internet access over the nine diocese in the Anglican Church of Congo. Grant administered by the Trinity Grants Program.
Spiritual Formation ($80,000)
Diocese of California
over one year to support further development of a young adult service program.
Episcopal Service Corps
over one year to expand the current capacity of the Episcopal Service Corps' existing Executive Director in July 2012.
Episcopal Service Corps
over six months to host a consultation for leaders from the Episcopal Service Corps across the United States.
Special Opportunities ($30,000)
Baton Rouge Together
to fund the development of One City, One Body: Building the Beloved Community through Contextual Scripture Study, a new program of Together Baton Rouge as part of the Trinity Institute special initiate.
September 2011
Metropolitan New York ($100,000)
Alliance for Quality Education
renewal over one year as part of the All Our Children initiative to broaden our funding equity advocacy to include constituency-building and create an alternative dialogue for the success of our public schools.
Anglican Communion in Africa ($165,000)
Trinity Grants Program
over one year to support a Financial Sustainability & Stewardship workshop on Real Estate & Property Management.
Zambia Anglican Council
over one year to undertake a feasibility study for development on church land in Zambia's capital city, Lusaka.
May 2011
Anglican Communion in Africa ($228,000)
Theological Education by Extension in Zambia
over one year to develop new courses, retrain tutors and promote the program in rural areas.
Gulu Community Vocational School
over one year to continue to support poverty reduction through the expansion of the food processing project.
Diocese of Maseno West, Kenya
over three years to provide leadership training and Theological Education by Extension training in the Diocese.
Metropolitan New York ($436,500)
Rural and Migrant Ministry
over one year as a renewal to fund the Youth Economic Group, an experiential education program that will create a socially responsible business cooperative.
Donors' Education Collaborative
over one year as a renewal as part of the All Our Children education initiative to join the Donors' Education Collaborative, a consortium of grantmakers funding and evaluating improvement in New York City schools.
Learning Leaders
over one year as part of the All Our Children initiative across the Diocese of New York to expand eBook Buddy and engage 500 volunteers directly with New York City public schools.
NYC Coalition for Educational Justice
over one year as a renewal as part of the All Our Children initiative to extend a city-wide coalition for greater emphasis on education equity in our New York City public schools.
Urban Youth Collaborative
over one year as a renewal through the All Our Children education initiative to support youth organizing for public school reform.
Episcopal Charities
over one year as a renewal to support ongoing collaborative work and complete grants management of the pilot churches in the All Our Children initiative.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($15,000)
Berkeley Divinity School at Yale
over one year to continue developing an urban ministry program at Berkeley Divinity School, in partnership with St. Hilda’s House internship program.
Telecommunications ($436,500)
The Episcopal Church of Sudan
over one year to hire Direction Wave to conduct an independent review of telecommunications investments in the Episcopal Church of Sudan totaling over one million dollars (Grants #8601, #8601.01, #8601.02 and #8601.03).
The Episcopal Church of Sudan
over one year to secure a consultant to oversee Phase IV the installation process for computers and internet access for ten dioceses across Sudan.
The Episcopal Church of Sudan
over one year for Phase IV of a telecommunications/network development grant to the Episcopal Church of Sudan to install solar powered internet infrastructure in ten additional dioceses.
Special Opportunity ($60,000)
Trinity Transformational Fellows Program
over one year to support sabbaticals for three global Trinity Transformational Fellows, experienced leaders engaged in social transformation in the dioceses of Johannesburg, Pretoria and Christ the King in South Africa.
February 2011
Spiritual Formation/Development ($231,000)
The Abundant Table Farm Project, Camarillo, CA
over one year as a renewal for a young adult service program.
Christ Church, New Haven, CT
over one year as a renewal for a young adult service program.
Diocese of Newark
over one year as a renewal for a young adult service program.
Episcopal Charities and Community Services, Chicago, IL
over one year as a renewal for a young adult service program.
Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
over one year as a renewal for a young adult service program.
Christ Church Cathedral,< Louisville, KY
over one year as a renewal for a young adult service program.
Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, OH
over one year as a renewal for a young adult service program.
Emmaus House, Atlanta, GA
over one year to develop a new young adult service program.
Episcopal Service Corps, Bel-Air, Maryland
over one year to develop a new young adult service program.
Grace Church, Syracuse, NY
over one year to develop a new young adult service program.
Episcopal Service Corps
over six months to host a consultation for leaders from the Episcopal Service Corps.
Metropolitan New York ($85,000)
Southwest Brooklyn Industrial Development Corp
over one year for jobs creation in Southwest Brooklyn.
Sunset Park Alliance for Youth
over one year for accademic and soft-skills training and case management to 20 disconnected youth.
South Bronx Churches
over one year to connect youth from the South Bronx community to jobs in the area.
Anglican Communion in Africa ($177,000)
Diocese of Southern Nyanza
over one year to establish a microfinance project for women and youth.
Province of Congo
over one year to organize a retreat for bishops and spouses.
Province of Tanzania
over one year to empower Bishops, Vicar Generals, and Diocesan Secretaries through leadership training.
Telecommunications ($180,000)
Séminaire de Théologie
over three years for telecommunications equipment and connectivity for the Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church of Haiti.
Anglican Consultative Council
over three years to appoint an Africa-based Communications Officer.
July-November 2010
Anglican Communion in Africa ($135,850)
Friends of Canon Gideon Foundation - Kampala, Uganda
over three years to support vocational training in mechanics and carpentry for orphans and vulnerable children.
Luweero Savings and Credit Cooperative Society – Luweero, Uganda
over one year to establish a microfinance project with training on women's rights and development.
Province of Central Africa, Kitwe, Zambia
to support transportation costs for the bishops to attend the All Africa Bishops Conference in August 2010.
Province of Congo
to support transportation costs for the bishops to attend the All Africa Bishops Conference in August 2010.
Telecommunications ($159,500)
Diocese of Panama - Balboa, Panama
$78,000 over two years to support the diocesan Episcopal communications project.
St. Nicholas Seminary - Cape Coast, Ghana
$81,500 over one year to develop a satellite broadband internet and video conference facility to strengthen theological education.
Global Partners ($31,600)
Dioceses of North Carolina and Costa Rica
over two years to develop and share the program 'Radical Welcoming: An Inter-Cultural Program for Vestry Capacity-Building' and produce a reflection tool and materials for use across the Church.
Special Opportunity – Trinity Institute 2010 ($40,000)
Ecclesia Ministries - Boston, MA
over one year to complete a feasibility study to launch Ecclesia House, a residential, intentional community for currently un-housed individuals that is made financially sustainable through residents' participation in a small cooperative enterprise.
St. Mary-le-Bow (ARCUBUS) - London, United Kingdom
over one year to support a collaboration between the Church, government, and business, to spread economic empowerment through socially responsible investing in microfinance in Africa.
Episcopal Church in the U.S. ($70,000)
Episcopal Service Corps - Chicago, IL
over one year for the further development of the Episcopal Service Corps pending the hire of a new Executive Director in early 2011.
Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, New Haven, CT
over one year to pilot an urban ministry program at Berkeley Divinity School, in partnership with Christ Church, New Haven's internship program.
Metropolitan New York ($261,500)
Seedco Financial - New York City, NY
$70,000 over one year as part of the Seven Communities Project to support development of jobs for youth.
Bed Stuy's Project Re-Generation, Inc. - Brooklyn, New York
$30,000 over one year to continue creating & growing micro-enterprise jobs for disconnected youth in Bedford-Stuyvesant.
Episcopal Charities - New York, NY
$32,500 over one year to provide assistance and collaborative support for Year 3 pilot parishes involved in the All Our Children education initiative.
Seedco - New York, NY
$30,000 over one year to support Seedco's Supporting the Youth Workforce pilot program, which will launch a partnership with Groundwork to develop new loan possibilities for jobs employing disconnected youth.
The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education - New York, NY
$25,000 over one year to support employment opportunities for 'disconnected' youth in the green roof and horticulture industry in the South Bronx.
Episcopal Urban Caucus - New York, NY
$24,000 over one year as part of the All Our Children initiative for the Episcopal Urban Caucus and Harvey Milk High School collaboration, and support of the initiative’s national work by connecting the initiative to other inner-city church-school partnerships across the country.
Christ Church - Bronxville, NY
$5,000 over one year through the All Our Children initiative as a renewal grant to provide arts education through the Young at Art's program to students in the Mount Vernon school district through a partnership with the City of Mount Vernon Board of Education.
Church of the Intercession, New York, NY
$5,000 over one year through the All Our Children initiative as a renewal grant to continue a reading group for third and fourth graders in order to foster and sustain community relationships between the Hamilton Heights School and the Church of the Intercession.
Grace Church - New York, NY
$5,000 over one year through the All Our Children initiative as a renewal grant to expand the weekday tutoring program P.S. 364 students sponsored by Grace Church in New York.
Grace Church - Monroe, NY
$5,000 over one year through the All Our Children initiative for a renewal grant to continue the Community Garden with North Main Elementary School. It will also be used to provide scholarship assistance for nineteen students to attend summer camp.
Grace Episcopal Church - Nyack, NY
$5,000 over one year through the All Our Children initiative as a renewal grant to support Amazing Grace Circus!, a mission partner of Grace Episcopal Church Nyack, to provide a ten-week circus arts program to identified gang members at the Nyack Middle School.
St. Mark’s Church in the Bowery - New York, NY
$5,000 over one year through the All Our Children initiative for a renewal grant to provide integrative arts programming at the Manhattan School for Career Development.
St. Peter’s Church - Bronx, NY
$5,000 over one-year through the All Our Children initiative as a renewal grant to continue the after-school music enrichment program at St. Peter's Church for the children of Lewis & Clark Elementary School (P.S. 12).
Trinity Church - Mount Vernon, NY
$5,000 over one year through the All Our Children initiative as a renewal grant to provide library and enrichment services to the students of Edward Williams Elementary School.
Trinity Episcopal Church - Bronx, NY
$5,000 over one-year through the All Our Children initiative as a renewal grant to continue an after-school program for adolescent males run jointly by Trinity Episcopal Church and M.S.301.
Trinity School - New York, NY
$5,000 over one year through the All Our Children initiative as a renewal grant to Trinity School to strengthen their partnerships with P.S. 84, P.S. 166 and a Pre-K program through voluntary classroom assistance.
May 2010
Church in the Anglican Communion in Africa ($458,500)
Diocese of Angola
146,000 over one year to establish a microfinance project in Luanda and Uige.
Diocese of Tamale, Ghana
70,000 over one year to fund a microfinance project for women through the Anglican Diocesan Development and Relief Organization.
Diocese of Lusaka, Zambia
65,500 over one year to renew and expand the vocational training programs at the Waddington Community Center.
Province of Southern Africa, South Africa
42,000 over one year to strengthen the Church’s advocacy work in South Africa and the other countries within the province.
Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
25,000 over one year to fund the All Africa Bishops Conference, a week long gathering in August that will address the emerging pastoral and contextual education concerns in Africa.
Trinity Grants Program, New York, NY
110,000 over one year to coordinate the final two meetings of the Financial Sustainability & Stewardship Research & Development team, which will make guideline recommendations to Trinity Grants Program.
Metropolitan New York ($245,000)
Alliance for Quality Education, Albany, NY
100,000 renewal over one year as part of the All Our Children initiative to support state-wide organizing in faith communities for public school funding and policy reform.
NYC Coalition for Educational Justice, New York, NY
60,000 renewal over one year as part of the All Our Children education initiative to extend a city-wide coalition for greater emphasis on college preparation in our public schools.
Urban Youth Collaborative, Brooklyn, NY
60,000 renewal over one year through the All Our Children education initiative to support youth organizing for public school reform.
Donors' Education Collaborative, New York, NY
25,000 renewal over one year as part of the All Our Children education initiative to join the Donors' Education Collaborative, a consortium of grantmakers funding and evaluating improvement in New York City schools.
Special Opportunity ($26,000)
Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation, Cambridge, MA
26,000 over one year to launch local ethical economy initiatives in five to ten parishes in the Diocese of Spokane through training and coaching.
Episcopal Church in United States (260,000)
The Abundant Table Farm Project, Camarillo, CA
40,000 over one year as a renewal to support the development of a young adult service program.
Christ Church, New Haven, CT
35,000 over one year as a renewal to support development of a young adult service program in collaboration with Berkeley Divinity School at Yale.
Diocese of Newark, NJ
25,000 over one year as a renewal to support development of a young adult service program.
Episcopal Charities and Community Services, Chicago, IL
35,000 over one year as a renewal to support development of a young adult service program, The Julian Year.
Episcopal Community Services, New Orleans, LA
30,000 over one year to support the further development of a young adult service program.
Diocese of Massachusetts
50,000 over one year as a renewal grant to support the further development of the Relational Evangelism Pilot Project and to share the leadership tools with other organizations/diocese.
Christ Church Cathedral, Louisville, KY
15,000 over one year to support development of a young adult service program.
Diocese of California, San Francisco, CA
15,000 over one year to support development of a young adult service program.
Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, OH
15,000 over one year to support development of a young adult service program.
Telecommunications ($395,250)
The Episcopal Church of Sudan
331,000 over one year to connect ten dioceses in Sudan to the internet and support the provincial telecommunications infrastructure, including the development of an Episcopal Church of the Sudan website.
Trinity Grants Program, New York, NY
52,250 over one year to secure a consultant to oversee the installation process for computers and internet access for dioceses across Sudan.
Trinity Grants Program, New York, NY
12,000 over one year to conduct a financial review of recent telecommunications grants to the Episcopal Church of Sudan, #8601 and #8601.01, totaling $383,000.
Grace Church, Monroe, NY
$5,000 over one year for a renewal grant to continue the Community Garden which North Main Elementary School children will maintain and deliver vegetables to families in the community. It will also be used to provide scholarship assistance for nineteen students to attend summer camp.
Grace Episcopal Church, Nyack, NY
$5,000 over one year for a renewal grant to support Amazing Grace Circus! (AGC), a mission partner of Grace Episcopal Church Nyack, to further develop a ten-week circus arts program at the Nyack Middle School.
St. Mark’s Church in the Bowery, New York, NY
$5,000 over one year for a renewal grant to expand the services to include a new event "Stop the Violence" and increase the number of students involved in the program at P751.
Diocese of Southern Nyanza, Kenya
$5,750 to hold one week leadership training for clergy, lay staff, and their spouses in March 2010.
February 2010
Church in the Anglican Communion in Africa ($321,000)
Province of Burundi
$175,000 over two years to train women in six dioceses in micro-enterprise development.
The Episcopal Church of Sudan
$88,500 over two years for continued support of the Kampala office of ECS to allow communication with supporters and among the dioceses, to provide logistical support and help to develop the capacity of the dioceses to serve their communities.
The Episcopal Church of Sudan
$57,500 over one year to fund a peace conference between Greater Bahr El-Ghazel and Western Equatorial community leaders.
Metropolitan New York ($170,000)
Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, Inc., New York, NY
$50,000 over one year to support faith communities organizing for local and state public policies relating to development of jobs for disconnected youth.
Lower East Side People's Federal Credit Union, New York, NYSudan
$60,000 over one year to administer small business loans in the Lower East Side and Central Harlem area for the purpose of creating twenty new jobs and retaining twenty-five existing jobs.
Rural and Migrant Ministry, Poughkeepsie, NY
$60,000 over one year to develop a pilot experiential education program leading to a socially responsible business cooperative for five-to-ten youth.
Spiritual Formation ($37,100)
Trinity Grants Program, New York, NY
$37,100 to host a consultation for leaders from the Episcopal Service Corps across the United States.
December 2009 Executive Discretionary
Metropolitan New York ($122,500)
Christ Church, Bronxville, NY
$5,000 over one year to expand Young at Art's program to include the preschool level and further partner with the City of Mount Vernon and the Board of Education to create an after school program.
Christ Church, Poughkeepsie, NY
$5,000 over one year to partner with Poughkeepsie High School and Arlington High School to provide leadership skills to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students.
Church of the Intercession, New York, NY
$5,000 over one year to start a reading group of third and fourth graders in order to foster and sustain community relationships between the Hamilton Heights School and the Church of the Intercession.
The Episcopal Church of Our Savior, New York, NY
$2,500 for the Jubilee Community Center at the Church of Our Savior to support, in partnership with PS124M, an after school program and a summer music workshop with its Jubilee Youth Chorale.
Grace Church in New York, NY
$5,000 over one year to expand a weekday tutoring program sponsored by The Go Project for P.S. 364 students sponsored by Grace Church in New York.
St. John's Church, Monticello, NY
$5,000 one year to expand the services provided by the Sullivan Leadership Institute to include after-school tutoring in order to strengthen the relationships between the Institute and Monticello, Liberty, and Fallsburg middle schools.
St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Mohegan Lake, NY
$5,000 over one year to develop, in partnership with Yorktown, Lakeland, and Walter Panas High Schools, a community-based ethics program.
St. Paul's On-The-Hill, Ossining, NY
$5,000 over one year to support music connections between St. Paul's on the Hill in Ossining and Ossining AMD Middle School.
St. Peter's Church - The Bronx, NY
$5,000 over one year to develop an after-school music enrichment program at St. Peter's church for the children of Lewis & Clark Elementary School (P.S. 12).
Trinity Episcopal Church, Bronx, NY
$5,000 over one-year to support an after-school program run jointly by Trinity Episcopal Church and M.S.301.
Trinity Church, Mount Vernon, NY
$5,000 over one year to provide library services to the students of Edward Williams Elementary School.
Trinity Church, Ossining on Hudson, NY
$5,000 over one year to develop a youth band and create an apprenticeship/internship program with Ossining High School & Anne M. Dorner Middle School.
Trinity School, New York, NY
$5,000 over one year to Trinity School to strengthen and enliven the existing relationship between the school and the Lillian Weber School (PS 84) through voluntary classroom assistance.
Episcopal Charities, New York, NY
$30,000 over one year to provide assistance and collaborative support for Year 2 pilot parishes involved in the All Our Children education initiative.
Trinity Grants Program, New York, NY
$30,000 to cover fees for the Calvert Foundation and their work on our PRI portfolio during the 2009/2010 program year.
November 2009
Church in the Global South ($449,206)
Diocese of Northern Zambia, Central Africa
$117,000 over one year to establish an agricultural training center and related microcredit program.
Gulu Community Vocational School, Uganda
$100,000 over one year to support the poverty reduction through a food processing project.
Joint Anglican Diocesan Council of Ghana
$65,000 over three years to establish a Lay Training Center to train local leaders.
Diocese of Koforidua, Ghana
$61,000 over one year to support a food security program and promote economic growth among palm oil farmers in Kwabeng.
Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa, Kenya
$20,000 over one year to conduct an orientation for new archbishops.
Trinity Grants Program
$86,206 over one year to coordinate the Financial Sustainability & Stewardship Research & Development team, which will make guideline recommendations to Trinity Grants Program.
Global Partners ($54,000)
Diocese of Southwestern Brazil
$20,000 with the Dioceses of Uruguay, Southwestern Brazil, Southern Brazil, and Pelotas over one year to support leadership training and formation opportunities for Anglican youth leaders.
Diocese of Vermont
$20,000 with the Diocese of El Salvador over one year to explore sustainable agriculture through the diversification of family farms as part of the Hasta La Cosecha (Until the Harvest) program.
Saint Stephen's Episcopal Church, Richmond, VA
$14,000 with the Diocese of Jerusalem over one year to further "Encounter Islam," a program featuring speakers from the Middle East, equipping lay and civic leaders to foster understanding and cooperation in the workplace and public life.
Metropolitan New York ($160,000)
Seedco Financial, New York, NY
$100,000 renewal grant over one year as part of the Seven Communities Project to support development of jobs for youth.
Trinity Church, Asbury Park, NJ
$30,000 over one year for a final renewal grant as part of the 20/20 church growth special initiative to support the engagement of Trinity Church as an advocate for children in its Asbury Park community.
Christ Church, Bronxville, NY
$30,000 over three months to sponsor participation in the 2009 General Convention as part of the All Our Children education initiative.
Special Opportunity ($18,350)
St. John's Church, Lynchburg, VA
$9,350 to support the expansion of St. John's Lynchburg Grows initiative.
St.Philip's Episcopal Church, Durham, NC
$9,000 over one year to deepen the congregation's connection to the earth, their neighbors and God by tending a community garden, sharing harvest meals, and engaging neighborhood youth and parents in two summer camps.
Spiritual Formation ($41,000)
Episcopal Service Corps, New York, NY
$41,000 over one year to increase the capacity of the Episcopal Service Corps to support growth in young adult service programs nationally.
Telecommunications ($44,500)
St. John's Anglican Seminary, Zambia
$44,500 over one year to set up a computer lab and conduct seminarian computer literacy training.
September 2009 Executive Discretionary
Spiritual Formation ($150,000)
Episcopal Service Corps, New York, NY
$25,000 over six months to support capacity-building for the national leadership of the Episcopal Service Corps as the number of young adult service programs expands.
The Abundant Table Farm Project, Camarillo, CA
$25,000 over one year to support development of a young adult service program through the Abundant Table Farm Project.
ChristChurch, New Haven, CT
$25,000 to develop a year-long residential service program including between
four to six young adults for launch in August 2010.
Episcopal Charities and Community Services, Chicago, IL
$25,000 over one year to support development of a young adult service program through Episcopal Charities and Community Services in the Diocese of Chicago.
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
$25,000 over one year to support development of a young adult service program through Episcopal Community Services in the Diocese of Louisiana.
The Diocese of Newark, NJ
$25,000 to develop a year-long residential service program involving five young adults for launch in August 2010.
May 2009 Approved
Church in The Global South ($602,000)
Diocese of Swaziland
$147,000 over three years to offer an HIV/AIDS Program focused on prevention, mitigation, care and support.
Diocese of Masvingo, Zimbabwe
$129,000 over one year to establish an agricultural training center.
Anglican Consultative Council, London, UK
$77,000 over one year for the Office of the Anglican Observer at the United Nations to build on programmatic achievements in 2008 and sustain its delivery capacity and participation throughout 2009.
Diocese of Bo, Sierra Leone
$62,000 over one year for contextual training of clergy, clergy spouses and laity in planning, teaching, leadership, counseling and evangelism.
Trinity Grants Program, New York, NY
$187,000 over six months to hold consultations with African Partners in Tanzania and Burundi to review the current Global South program emphases.
Province of Tanzania
$30,000 to support the Provincial consultation in Arusha scheduled for May 15-19, 2009.
Metropolitan New York ($507,000)
Learning Leaders, New York, NY
$60,000 over one year as part of the "All Our Children" initiative across the Diocese of New York to expand parish-school partnerships in New York City public schools.
NYC Coalition for Educational Justice, New York, NY
$60,000 over fifteen months as part of the "All Our Children" education initiative to extend a city-wide coalition organizing for stronger middle schools.
Urban Youth Collaborative, New York, NY
$60,000 over one year through the "All Our Children" education initiative to build a citywide youth-led organization for educational equality and excellence.
Common Cents, New York, NY
$50,000 over one year as part of the "All Our Children" education initiative to continue policy work impacting young people's service-learning experiences within New York public schools.
Donors' Education Collaborative, New York, NY
$50,000 a renewal over one year as part of the "All Our Children" education initiative to join the "Donors' Education Collaborative," a consortium of grantmakers funding and evaluating improvement in New York City schools.
The Apostles' House, Newark, NJ
$22,000 as part of the "All Our Children" education initiative in the Diocese of Newark to support advocacy and organizing for better policies and practices around school food.
Trinity Grants Program, New York, NY
$20,000 over one year to support Year 2 of pilot parish participation in the "All Our Children" initiative across the Diocese of New York.
JobsFirstNYC, New York, NY
$50,000 over one year to support development of a sector strategy for jobs for "disconnected youth."
College & Community Fellowship, New York, NY
$40,000 over one year as part of the "7 Communities Project" to expand job readiness for women returning from prison in New York City.
New Jersey Together, Paterson, NJ
$40,000 over one year to further develop faith-based organizing for jobs and economic opportunity in the Diocese of Newark.
Trinity Transformational Fellows Program, New York, NY
$55,000 over one year to support sabbaticals for two Trinity Transformational Fellows, experienced leaders engaged in social transformation.
Global Partners ($44,000)
Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA
$17,000 (with Msalato Theological College, Dodoma, Tanzania) over three years to bring students from Tanzania to VTS as part of a seminarian service learning exchange.
Diocese of Uruguay, Southern Cone of South America
$16,500 (with the Diocese of Cuba) over one year to conduct an HIV/AIDS workshop and ministry site visits.
Diocese of Washington, D.C.
$10,500 (with the Diocese of Honduras) over two years to support a residency program to build cultural competency for ministry in Latino communities in the Diocese of Washington.
Special Opportunity ($30,000)
GreenFaith, New Brunswick, NJ
$30,000 over one year as part of the "radical abundance" special initiative to support Renewing Creation, Renewing our Economy - Religious Action for Green Jobs, a national faith-based advocacy campaign to mobilize religious support for strong green-jobs policies and programs.
February 2009 Approved Grants
Church in The Global South ($380,000)
Anglican Consultative Council
$255,000 over three years to fund the Theological Education Commission.
Diocese of Kumasi, Ghana
$96,500 over two years to train seventy young women in dressmaking, catering, hairdressing and business management and establish a microloan system for 250 women.
Diocese of Shinyanga, Tanzania
$28,500 over one year to purchase grinding mills in the Shinyanga Diocese.
Metropolitan New York ($224,000)
Alliance for Quality Education
$100,000 over one year as part of the "All Our Children" education initiative to support state-wide organizing in faith communities for public school funding and policy reform.
Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York
$50,000 over one year to increase engagement of faith institutions with issues facing the "Seven Communities" in New York City.
Criterion Ventures
$50,000 over one year to investigate and begin to pursue possibilities of engaging other faith institutions in increased program-related investment activity.
Episcopal Urban Caucus
$24,000 over one year as part of the "All Our Children" initiative for three New York City Episcopal congregations to develop relationships with a local public school, with a model that can be replicated in other urban areas.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($67,000)
St. Paul's Cathedral, Buffalo, NY
$40,000 over two years to expand a spiritual formation program for young adult parishioners that includes their incorporation into parish leadership.
Trinity Grants Program
$27,000 over six months to sponsor a national consultation on young adult service programs.
Telecommunications ($89,000)
Province of Papua New Guinea
$89,000 over one year to create a computer lab for the Seminary and replace radio Communication equipment destroyed by a cyclone.
Program-Related Investment (100,000)
Gulf Coast Housing Partnership, New Orleans, LA
$100,000 over five years, and renewable for an additional two years without re- application, as a general recourse investment in rehabilitation of a building in the Central City neighborhood of New Orleans, targeting a youth service organization for the building's commercial space.
November 2008 Approved Grants
Church in The Global South ($422,000)
Diocese of Southern Nyanza, Kenya
$136,000 over one year to establish a savings and loan program with women and youth in the diocese.
Diocese of Muyinga, Burundi
$61,000 over one year to support resettled Burundian refugees through agricultural training and supplies.
The Episcopal Church of Sudan
$60,000 over one year to conduct a retreat for the Sudanese Bishops and their wives.
Province of Congo
$55,000 over three years as general operating support for the Kampala office and the Liaison officer.
Diocese of Kajo-Keji, Sudan
$50,000 over one year to establish a holistic HIV/AIDS prevention program.
Trinity Grants Program, New York, NY
$60,000 over six months to hold consultations with African Partners in Zambia and Ghana to review the current Global South program emphases.
Metropolitan New York ($373,000)
Seedco, New York, NY
$100,000 over one year to support workforce development in the "Seven Communities," as a complement to a program-related investment.
Sustainable South Bronx, Bronx, NY
$50,000 over one year to support the expansion of the Bronx Environmental Stewardship Training (BEST) Program, training South Bronx residents for green jobs.
Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison, Ossining, NY
$45,000 over one year to support job readiness activities for Hudson Link graduates returning to the "Seven Communities" from prison.
Gay Men's Health Crisis, New York, NY
$ 40,000 over one year for a workforce development and training program, with participants pulled from the "Seven Communities."
St. John's Church, Monticello, NY
$50,000 over one year as a renewal to solidify the "Kairos Partnership" supporting workers in Sullivan County and connecting with global fair trade practices.
Trinity Church, Asbury Park, NJ
$48,000 over one year for a renewal grant as part of the "20/20 church growth" special initiative to support the engagement of Trinity Church as an advocate for children in its Asbury Park community.
St. Ann's, Morrisania, Bronx, NY
$40,000 over one year as a final renewal to support anti-gun violence organizing in the South Bronx.
Special Opportunity ($170,000)
Episcopal Diocese of Iowa
$20,000 (with the Diocese of Swaziland) over two years to further develop the Diocese of Iowa's 'mutual ministry' model and associated lay leader training using learnings from African Theological Education by Extension programs.
Jericho Housing Corporation, New Orleans, LA
$100,000 over one year to extend housing and neighborhood development in the Central City neighborhood of New Orleans.
Trinity Grants Program, New York, NY
$50,000 over one year to develop an "Anglican Technical Assistance Fund" to support partners with funding and human expertise.
Telecommunications ($503,436)
The Episcopal Church of Sudan
$328,000 over one year to connect nine dioceses in Sudan to the internet and support the provincial telecommunications infrastructure, including the development of an Episcopal Church of the Sudan website.
Trinity Grants Program, New York, NY
$50,000 over one year to secure a consultant to oversee the installation process for computers and internet access for dioceses across the Sudan.
College of the Transfiguration, South Africa
$46,436 over one year to expand students' access to the internet and audio-visual facilities.
Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa - CAPA, Kenya
$23,000 over one year for technological infrastructure to support CAPA as a place of information gathering and sharing among the Anglican churches in Africa.
Institut Theologique de Matana, Burundi
$56,000 over one year to establish a computer lab for students and faculty.
May 2008 Approved Grants
Church in The Global South ($416,375)
Diocese of Namibia
$113,300 over three years to develop a clergy training program.
Diocese of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
$110,500 over three years to implement a clean water project in the twenty-seven villages across the diocese.
Diocese of Aru, L'Eglise Anglicane Du Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo
$51,075 over one year to establish a savings and loan program.
Anglican Consultative Council
$31,500 over one year to fund the Office of the Anglican Observer at the United Nations program in environment and sustainable development.
Trinity Grants Program
$110,000 over two years to plan for four 2008-2009 consultations with African Partners to review the current Global South program emphases.
Metropolitan New York ($120,000)
Common Cents, New York, NY
$50,000 over one year as part of the "All Our Children" education initiative to pursue policies that support young people as change agents in schools and neighborhoods.
Manhattan Together, New York, NY
$50,000 over one year, as part of the "All Our Children" education initiative, to expand education organizing by faith communities in New York City public schools.
The Cambridge Institute for Public Education, Cambridge, MA
$20,000 over one year, as part of the "All Our Children" education initiative, to connect a national teacher mobilization and education reform project to the emerging "All Our Children" initiative in the Diocese of New York.
Special Opportunity ($18,000)
Diocese of Southern Malawi, Central Africa
$18,000 (with the parish of St. David's, Austin) over one year to support a savings and loan program with women in Blantyre.
Telecommunications ($105,000)
The Episcopal Church of Sudan
$55,000 over one year to install a communication system connecting the ECS Head Office in Juba to isolated dioceses in rural areas.
All Africa Conference of Churches, Nairobi, Kenya
$50,000 over one year to improve internet connections with AACC Member Churches.
February 2008 Approved Grants
Church in The Global South ($247,450)
Episcopal Church in Sudan
$93,150 over two years for continued support of the Kampala office of ECS to allow communication with supporters and among the dioceses, to provide logistical support and help to develop the capacity of the dioceses to serve their communities.
Diocese of Matana, Burundi
$77,500 over two years to support a diocesan Savings and Loan program.
Diocese of Northern Uganda
$76,800 over two years to establish an agricultural training program.
Metropolitan New York ($475,000)
Trinity Grants Program
$75,000 over fifteen months to support pilot parish participation in the "All Our Children" initiative across the Diocese of New York.
Donor Education Collaborative
$50,000 over one year as part of the "All Our Children" education initiative to join the "Donor Education Collaborative," a consortium of grantmakers funding and evaluating improvement in New York City schools.
New York City Coalition for Education Justice
$60,000 over fifteen months as part of the "All Our Children" education initiative to extend a city-wide coalition organizing for stronger middle schools.
South Bronx Churches
$50,000 over fifteen months as part of the "All Our Children" education initiative to renew support for development of a four school campus in the Mott Haven section of the South Bronx.
Trinity Transformational Fellows Program
$80,000 over one year to support sabbaticals for three Trinity Transformational Fellows, experienced leaders engaged in social transformation.
Alpha USA
$40,000 over one year to launch prison reentry courses in two New York State prisons.
St. Mary's Manhattanville Episcopal Church
$20,000 over one year for the "Emancipation Project" to provide life skills and spiritual guidance to women returning from prison across New York State.
Episcopal Charities
$50,000 over one year as a "legacy grant" for the Feed the Solution initiative to root beyond emergency services in Episcopal feeding programs.
New York City Coalition Against Hunger
$50,000 over one year as a "legacy grant" for the Feed the Solution initiative to root support for advocacy in Episcopal feeding programs.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($58,000)
The Beatitudes Society
$58,000 over two years to develop a program of intentional spiritual formation for young adults, built upon and expanding the Beatitudes Society seminarian summer intern project.
Telecommunications ($18,000)
Trinity Grants R&D Functions
$18,000 over one year to fund a feasibility study of database creation and the use of solar powered Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) for the Episcopal Church of the Sudan (ECS).
November 2007 Approved Grants
Church in The Global South ($411,382)
Anglican Consultative Council
$112,800 over one year to increase the delivery capacity of the Anglican United Nations Observer and strengthen participation of the Anglican Communion at the UN key events.
Diocese of Boga, Congo
$77, 240 over three years to train farmers in animal husbandry and to empower women through micro-finance loans.
Agape Counseling and Training Services (ACTS)
$70,910 over two years to train clergy spouses in HIV/AIDS awareness, so that they can more effectively educate the women in their communities.
Diocese of Northern Zambia, Central Africa
$53,480 over one year to expand the diocesan micro-finance program.
Province of Sudan
$49,737 over one year to support a peace and reconciliation training conference for local church and community leaders.
Diocese of Antsiranana
$47,215 over two years to support expansion of the TEE program.
Metropolitan New York ($186,000)
St. Ann's, Morrisania
$61,000 over one year to renew support for community organizing against gun violence in the Morrisania neighborhood of the South Bronx.
Rural and Migrant Ministry
$40,000 over one year to renew support for Liturgia, a grass-roots education program with farmworkers and allies in upstate New York.
Picture the Homeless
$35,000 over one year to organize alliances between Episcopal faith communities and the homeless to broaden access to affordable housing.
Grace Church Van Vorst
$30,000 as a final renewal grant over one year to support continued growth in both congregation and social transformation work in the Jersey City community.
Trinity Grants Program
$20,000 over one year to provide support for Episcopal faith communities to build their capacity for social transformation.
Special Opportunity ($49,250)
Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes
$20,000 over one year to support 'mapping' the future of the Episcopal Church as part of the Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes.
Diocese of Grahamstown, Southern Africa
$10,450 (with the Diocese of Lexington) over one year to establish a Reading Camp to promote literacy and self-confidence among struggling fourth and fifth grade students in the Diocese of Grahamstown.
The Episcopal Diocese of North Dakota
$7,200 over one year to support a rural medical mission, based at the Church of San Marcos in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, in conjunction with annual medical mission trips by the Diocese of North Dakota.
Diocese of Colombia
$6,600 (with the Diocese of Connecticut) over one year to support an HIV/AIDS ministry at La Misión Espíritu Santo in the Diocese of Colombia.
Diocese of New York
$5,000 (with Diocese of Central Tanganyika) over one year to expand the number of New York parishes participating in the Carpenter's Kids Program.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($225,000)
Diocese of Massachusetts
$125,000 over two years to fund the College and Young Adult Relational Evangelist internship program.
Canterbury - University of Southern California
$100,000 over three years to fund the expansion of the Music in Christ (MiX) program, a multidisciplinary approach to spiritual growth for young adults, and the Urban Mission Project (UMP), a community service program used as a vehicle for spiritual formation for young adults.
Telecommunications ($102,940)
Bishop Okullu College of Theology and Development, Kokise
$46,010 over three years to fund a computer lab and a computer literacy course for local lay and ordained Church leaders.
Institut Supérieur Théologique Anglican
$37,630 over one year to establish a computer lab on campus.
Province of the Episcopal Church of the Sudan
$19,300 over one year for the Mothers' Union to establish a computer training center for unemployed women.
May 2007 Approved Grants
Church in The Global South ($367,689)
Province of Burundi
$112,329 over two years for integrated livestock for peace and reconciliation in Burundi among families in need. This grant will augment grant #8273 of reconciliation training.
Diocese of Central Tanganyika, Tanzania
$101,860 over one year as seed money to purchase one hundred heifers to provide income in order to address extreme poverty among clergy and catechist families.
Diocese of Pretoria, Southern Africa
$59,500 over one year for mentoring African bishops who were trained by the Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa (CAPA) and those who are newly ordained and consecrated.
Anglican Consultative Council
$30,000 over one year to fund the Office of the Anglican Observer at the United Nations program in environment and sustainable development.
Zambia Anglican Council
$25,000 over one year to fund a conference of thirty Zambian clergy and lay leaders to develop a country-wide theological education initiative in conjunction with Canterbury Christchurch University.
Trinity Grants
$69,000 over six months to continue planning for the July 2007 'Walking to Emmaus' consultation between US and African partners.
Metropolitan New York ($209,950)
Fellowship to Reconciliation, New York, NY
$64,200 over one year as a renewal grant to support the Interfaith Coalition for Advocates in Reentry Employment program to shift prison reentry policies, including restrictions on occupational licenses.
Trinity Church, Asbury Park, NJ
$50,750 over one year as part of the '20/20 church growth' special initiative to support the engagement of Trinity Church as an advocate for children in its Asbury Park community.
Episcopal Community Development, Newark, NJ
$50,000 over two years for the 'Kairos Partnership' to partner with New York State Labor & Religion Coalition to engage Sullivan County in fair-trade practices.
The Apostles' House, Newark, NJ
$20,000 over one year to increase engagement in advocacy on hunger and other issues, as a legacy grant to the Feed the Solution initiative.
St. George's Church, Newburgh, NY
$20,000 over one year to for support of Episcobuild to rehabilitate a house in the Clark Street neighborhood of Newburgh as part of larger revitalization project.
St. Thomas Episcopal Build, Amenia, NY
$5,000 over two years to support a community garden that will connect the congregation to those in need in Dutchess County.
Special Opportunity ($26,250)
Diocese of Haiti
$26,250 (with the Diocese of the Dominican Republic) to bring together 100 participants from both dioceses to discuss ways of doing church mission together.
Spiritual Formation/ Development ($171,160)
Incarnation Episcopal Church, Santa Rosa, CA
$100,000 over three years to fund CenterPoint, a program focusing on a new congregation of young adults and unchurched spiritual seekers.
Christ Church, Philadelphia, PA
$71,160 over three years to support a program of intentional spiritual formation for participants in their 20s and 30s, using the method and curriculum of the Disciples of Christ in Community.
Telecommunications ($89,014)
Séminaire de Théologie, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
$43,550 over one year to fund the development of website and office networking for the Séminaire de Théologie.
Nanjing Seminary Theological Seminary, China
$26,000 over one year to establish a computer laboratory at Nanjing Seminary.
Caribbean Conference of Churches
$19,464 over one year to strengthen the CCC's technology infrastructure to allow it to better support advocacy, educational programs, communication and internal administration.
February 2007 Approved Grants
Church in The Global South ($330,388)
Province of Sudan
$65,363 over two years to support and expand the ongoing TEE program in northern Sudan.
Diocese of Pretoria, Southern Africa
$67,080 over three years to expand Christian youth education with the aim of cultivating an educated lay leadership.
Diocese of Namibia
$19,945 over one year to support a strategic planning process to focus leadership training and deployment in the Diocese.
Trinity Grants
$178,000 over six months to continue planning for the July 2007 'Walking to Emmaus' consultation between US and African partners.
Metropolitan New York ($361,250)
The New York Immigration Coalition
$75,000 over one year to build a coalition of Episcopal faith communities and other faith partners in efforts for comprehensive immigration reform.
Diocese of New York - Reparations Committee
$65,000 over two years for parishes in the Dioceses of New York and Newark to consider the Episcopal Church's historic complicity in slavery and its resulting racial segregation and discrimination.
Habitat for Humanity- New York City
$90,000 over one year to engage faith communities in supporting local, state, and federal policies for affordable housing.
Green Worker Cooperatives
$35,000 over two years to match support for development of a recycling center in the South Bronx, to promote workforce development and environmental quality.
St. Peter's Haven, Clifton, NJ
$22,250 over three years to develop English as a second language classes and job training for the Spanish-speaking community of Clifton.
Church of St. Luke-in-the-Fields
$10,000 over three years to support a capacity-building initiative for collaboration between the parish and its neighborhood for social transformation.
Trinity Transformational Fellows Program
$64,000 over one year to support sabbaticals for three Trinity Transformational Fellows, experienced leaders engaged in social transformation.
Alternative Investment ($100,000)
Credit Where Credit Is Due, Inc.
$100,000 over five years with potential renewal for two additional years at an interest rate of one percent annually, in conjunction with St. Mary's Church, Manhattanville, and the Manhattan North Inter-Parish Council to support job creation in West Harlem.
Spiritual Formation/ Development ($150,000)
Johnson Intern Program
$100,000 over three years to support the design and implementation of a program of intentional spiritual formation in community for young adults.
Sojourners/Call to Renewal
$50,000 over one year to research and develop an annual Christian spiritual festival in the USA modeled on the Greenbelt Festival in the U.K.
Telecommunications ($119,129)
Codrington College
$79,642 over one year to purchase electronic equipment for the student library and administrative office.
Diocese of Botswana, Central Africa
$39,487 over one year to purchase telecommunications equipment in the diocesan office and the twelve parishes.
November 2006 Approved Grants
Church in The Global South ($420,786)
Diocese of Northern Uganda
$87,710 over two years to fund an agricultural program to support local agriculture as a means of poverty reduction among the Acholi people.
Diocese of West Buganda, Uganda
$28,430 over one year to continue funding for the Basooka Kwavula Women's Credit Scheme (BKWCS).
The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of PECUSA
$75,000 over one year to bring fifty-two Anglican women and girls from the Global South to attend the fifty-first session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) to be held February 26 to March 9, 2007.
Province of Burundi
$120,000 over two years to support church leader training in holistic transformation in the post-conflict period in Burundi.
Province of Southern Africa
$78,610 over one year to support the Towards Effective Anglican Mission conference on HIV/AIDS in March, 2007, to enhance current initiatives in social outreach work that seek to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
Trinity Grants
$31,036 over three months to begin the planning process for a 2007 dialogue between African and US partners.
Metropolitan New York ($222,650)
Alpha USA, New York, NY
$77,650 over one year to support a pilot of the Alpha program in Sing Sing prison and a coordinated prison reentry community.
St. Ann's, Morrisania, Bronx, NY
$61,000 over one year to support neighborhood organizing on gun violence and other issues relating to families in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the South Bronx.
St. John's Church, Monticello, NY
$84,000 over two years for the 'Kairos Partnership' to partner with New York State Labor & Religion Coalition to engage Sullivan County in fair-trade practices.
Special Opportunity ($52,675)
Diocese of El Salvador, Central America
$15,000 (with the Diocese of Central New York) over one year to train two local community health workers to provide primary/preventive health care and training in two isolated villages in conjunction with a mission trip by the Diocese of Central New York.
Diocese of Haiti
$19,000 (with the Diocese of Colorado) over one year to support the Women's Resource and Education Center in creating an integrated economic development model.
Diocese of Litoral Ecuador
$6,000 (with the Diocese of Tennessee) over one year to develop twelve two-day workshops throughout the Diocese of Litoral Ecuador on preventive healthcare.
Diocese of the Dominican Republic
$12,675 (with the Diocese of South Carolina) over one year to expand the community health promoter program at the Diocese of the Dominican Republic's Clínica Esperanza y Caridad.
Spiritual Formation/ Development ($145,000)
Cathedral College, Washington, DC
$50,000 over six months to support Church for the Rest of Us, a national gathering of emergent Christians on May 10-12, 2007, at the National Cathedral.
Trinity Church in the City of Boston
$45,000 over three years to fund AND (A New Day), a program that focuses on young adults.
The Work+Shop, San Antonio, TX
$50,000 over three years to expand the Work+Shop Ministries' focus on young adults through a variety of programs.
Telecommunications ($220,250)
Lusitanian Church, Portugal
$5,000 over one year to update the computers in the diocesan office.
Msalato Theological College, Dodoma, Tanzania
$24,575 over one year to purchase twenty computers, two printers, and accessories to create a student computer lab.
Province of Congo
$52,400 over one year to establish a provincial communication network and Computer Training Center at the new provincial offices in Kinshasa.
Province of Tanzania
$90,000 over one year to fund Phase II of the Province's Telecommunications strategy, which will continue development of the provincial database and website, install internet connections in the remaining dioceses, and provide additional staff technology training.
St. Nicholas Seminary, Cape Coast, Ghana
$48,275 over one year to purchase twenty computers for a computer laboratory and to connect the seminary to the internet.
May 2006 Approved Grants
Spiritual Formation and Development ($192,750)
Charles River Church, Belmont, MA
$65,000 over two years to fund the Powered by God for Daily Life and Work initiative, an alternative ministry that focuses on younger individual seekers and families. Renewal of grant 7866.
The Episcopal Church at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
$43,750 over two years to fund the Greenblade project, a ministry of spiritual formation that reinvents ancient practices within an academic chaplaincy.
St. Hildegard's Community, Austin, TX
$84,000 over three years to fund a spiritual formation program called the Viriditas Project within the St. Hildegard community at St. George's Church.
Metropolitan New York ($310,520)
The Apostles' House, Newark, NJ
$28,800 over one year, as part of Year 3 of the Feed the Solution initiative, to coordinate policy advocacy on hunger issues in two dozen Episcopal faith communities.
Cathedral Community Cares
$64,000 Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, NY over one year, as part of Year 3 of the Feed the Solution initiative, to coordinate policy advocacy and technical assistance to Episcopal feeding programs.
Episcopal Charities, New York, NY
$44,000 over one year, as part of Year 3 of the Feed the Solution initiative, to shift emergency feeding programs in the Diocese of New York to include "beyond emergency services" in their program offerings.
Church of the Holy Apostles, New York, NY
$13,720 over one year, as part of Year 3 of the Feed the Solution initiative, to increase "beyond emergency services" counseling and policy advocacy among 1,200 daily program guests.
Trinity Grants R&D Functions, New York, NY
$10,000 over eighteen months, as part of Year 3 of the Feed the Solution initiative, to support the successful transition of partners to sustainability.
ArtSpirit, New York, NY
$20,000 over one year as part of the "Reconciliation Special Initiative" for a program of therapeutic arts and drumming with homeless persons in New York City.
Trinity Church, Princeton, NJ
$15,000 over one year through the "Reconciliation Special Initiative" to fund an interfaith group focusing on prison reform and advocacy.
Episcopal Church of Our Savior, New York, NY
$30,000 over one year to extend the activity of the Gateway Program for workforce development in Chinatown.
Misión San Juan Bautista, Bronx, NY
$30,000 over one year to renew support to Hablando Claro, an HIV/AIDS prevention project with Latino women in the Longwood neighborhood of the South Bronx.
Interfaith Assembly on Homelessness and Housing New York, NY
$25,000 over one year to match funding to deepen Episcopal faith communities' engagement with homelessness and affordable housing issues, through a strategy of multiple entry points.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Paterson, NJ
$30,000 over one year to renew support for La Nuevo Communidad, training and supporting Leaders from Hispanic and Anglo backgrounds as congregational and community leaders.
Church in the Global South ($563,295)
Anglican Consultative Council
$131,600 over three years to support the internationalization of the Theological Education for the Anglican Communion (TEAC) initiative.
Theological Education by Extension in Zambia
$15,000 over one year to hold an All-Africa Theological Education by Extension conference in Zambia.
Province of Sudan
$80,520 over two years to establish the third provincial TEE program in the seven central dioceses for training of un-trained pastors and other church workers.
Province of Sudan
$44,600 over one year to fund a management course for senior church administrators.
Diocese of Mbale, Uganda
$47,520 over one year to purchase grinding mills to grind cereals for food production and to generate income.
Community of Mary of Nazareth and Calvary Diocese of Tanga, Tanzania
$46,475 over one year to fund the Diocesan Sisters Food Security and Nutrition project.
Diocese of West Buganda, Uganda
$92,000 over one year to establish a diocesan farm and breeding center at Mawogola Ranch.
Diocese of Accra, West Africa
$61,580 over three years to fund a country-wide diocesan Health Ministry to address HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis malaria, and maternal and child healthcare.
Diocese of Soroti, Uganda
$44,000 over one year to provide HIV/AIDS and sexual abuse education, skills and counseling opportunities to youth and women in the diocese.
Strengthen Telecommunications ($194,211)
Anglican Consultative Council, London, England
$55,000 over two years to continue the production and development of the Provincial News Release website.
Cuttington University, Monrovia, Liberia
$91,500 over one year to purchase a voice and data switch system to provide a communication link between two separate campuses, as well as fifty computers.
Province of Mexico
$19,176 over one year to increase the effectiveness of provincial communications via the internet.
Diocese of Puerto Rico
$28,535 over one year to increase access to computers and internet for both the students and faculty of San Pedro and San Pablo Seminary.
February 2006 Approved Grants
Metropolitan New York ($249,000)
Habitat for Humanity, Brooklyn, NY
$60,000 over one year to deepen the engagement of faith communities with advocacy on affordable housing issues.
Picture the Homeless, New York, NY
$50,000 over one year to organize alliances between Episcopal faith communities and the homeless to broaden access to affordable housing.
South Bronx Churches, Bronx, NY
$50,000 over one year to support organizing for creation of the Mott Haven Schools Campus in the South Bronx.
New York City Coalition Against Hunger, New York, NY
$45,000 over two years to strengthen public policy responses to hunger in New York City through increased engagement with the Episcopal Church and other religious leaders.
Trinity Transformational Fellows Program, New York, NY
$44,000 over one year to support experienced clergy and lay leaders in social transformation by renewing and strengthening their work through a six week self-designed sabbatical fellowship.
Church in The Global South ($42,570)
Diocese of Ezo, Sudan
$12,570 over one year to support the revitalization of local communities in the southwestern Sudan.
Anglican Consultative Council, London, UK
$30,000 over one year to fund the Office of the Anglican Observer at the United Nations' program in environment and sustainable development.
Strengthen Telecommunications ($133,350)
St. Paul's United Theological College-Limuru, Kenya
$127,475 over one year to establish the College library's access to electronic internet resources and support the maintenance of its print resources.
Bishop Allison Theological College, Sudan
$5,875 over one year to purchase three new laptop computers and printer, and upgrade existing computers as well as provide training opportunities for students and library personnel as they move back to Yei.
Executive Discretionary Grant:
Episcopal Relief and Development
$25,000 as a matching grant over one year to enable a compassionate response to the Katrina disaster in Louisiana.
November 2005 Approved Grants
Church in the Global South ($591,118)
Anglican Consultative Council
$150,000 over three years to support the Theological Education Commission.
Diocese of Cape Town, Southern Africa
$130,300 over one year to establish The African Monitor, an Anglican led international body that will interface with donors and governments to assist with program monitoring and evaluation and provide political and social analysis.
Diocese of Yei, Sudan
$70,300 over two years to fund HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria prevention, providing clean water and start-up costs to the office in the Diocese of Yei.
The Anglican Women's Empowerment Team (AWET)
$75,000 over one year to bring seventy-six Anglican women leaders from the Global South to attend the 50th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) in 2006.
Province of Congo
$18,000 over three years to fund the operating costs of the Anglican Church of Congo's Liaison Office in Kampala, Uganda.
Theological Education by Extension College - South Africa
$38,160 over one year to fund TEE course development at the Theological Education by Extension College - South Africa.
Diocese of Torit, Sudan
$29,490 over one year to underwrite the purchase of materials and equipment for three grinding mills in Nimule, Parajok and Pageri Parishes.
Province of Sudan
$79,868 over two years for continued support of the Kampala office of the Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS) to allow communication with supporters and among the dioceses, to provide logistical support, and to develop the capability of the dioceses to serve their communities.
Metropolitan New York ($215,000)
Episcopal Network for Economic Justice, Cincinnati, OH
$35,000 over two years to create a congregational resource manual on economic justice, to be piloted in Metropolitan New York and then launched nationally.
Grace Church Van Vorst, Jersey City, NJ
$60,000 over three years to strengthen the Episcopal presence in Jersey City as a catalyst for transformative worship and mission.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church - The Ezra Project, Yonkers, NY
$100,000 over three years to re-launch St. Paul's Church as a vibrant worship community focused on social transformation
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church, Staatsburg, NY
$20,000 over three years to support the Justice For All speakers' series, gathering ecumenical leaders as active leaders for social transformation in Northern Dutchess County.
Strengthen Telecommunications ($58,921)
Province of Burundi
$46,921 over one year to fund network development in the six dioceses and the Provincial office of the Episcopal Church of Burundi.
The Washington Office on Africa, Washington DC
$12,000 over one year to purchase a computer, scanner, printer, and photocopying equipment for the Washington Office on Africa.
May 2005 Approved Grants
Church in The Global South
Primary/Preventive Health Care
Diocese of Swaziland, Mbabane
$130,758. Over three years to fund the establishment of an integrated and comprehensive HIV/AIDS program in the Diocese of Swaziland.
Theological Education by Extension
The Pacific Theological College, Suva
$23,601. Over two years to fund the translation into French of text books and other materials for the francophone section of the Pacific Theological College Education by Extension.
Metropolitan New York
Building Systems
Interfaith Coalition of Advocates for Reentry and Employment, New York, NY
$60,000. Over two years to change New York State policy on employment licenses for formerly incarcerated persons.
Creating Coalitions
The Apostles' House, Newark, NJ
$36,000. Over one year to increase Episcopal congregations' policy advocacy on hunger issues in New Jersey through the Feed the Solution Initiative.
Cathedral Community Cares - Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, NY
$80,000. Over one year to coordinate program activities for the Feed the Solution Initiative.
Episcopal Charities, New York, NY
$55,000. Over one year to increase the number of Episcopal feeding programs providing "beyond emergency services" through the Feed the Solution Initiative.
Interfaith Assembly on Homelessness and Housing, New York, NY
$30,000. Over one year to engage Episcopal faith communities in advocacy on issues of affordable housing and homelessness.
Interweave Interfaith Network, Summit, NJ
$45,000. Over two years to create a network of communication and cooperation between the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities in northern New Jersey.
Strengthening Leaders
Community Action Project (CAP), Brooklyn, NY
$30,000. Over one year to organize against immigration fraud in the Flatbush neighborhood in Brooklyn.
East Brooklyn Congregations, Brooklyn, NY
$35,000. Over one year to coordinate the construction of eight hundred units of affordable housing in the Spring Creek neighborhood of Brooklyn.
San Juan Bautista Mission - The Bronx, Bronx, NY
$36,000. Over one year to continue a project reducing HIV/AIDS infection rates among Latino residents of the Hunts Point-Mott Haven neighborhood of the Bronx through Hablando Claro.
St. Mary's Manhattanville Episcopal Church, New York, NY
$30,000. Over one year to create an urban service-learning internship program for young adults.
Spiritual Formation/Development
Coherent Congregational Spirituality
Episcopal Church and Visual Arts, Philadelphia, PA
$90,000. Over three years to fund the Visio Divina Parish Program in collaboration with the Episcopal Church and Visual Arts (ECVA) at the Church of St. Martin in the Fields.
Deep Leadership
Spirituality Consultations, New York, NY
$12,500. To reimburse funds expended for the March 2005 consultation on the Spirituality of Young Adults.
Strengthen Telecommunications
Anglican Consultative Council, London
$55,000. Over one year to continue to support the infrastructure of the official Anglican Web Portal, a telecommunications ministry of the Anglican Consultative Council and its Anglican Communication Office.
Network Development
Francophone Network of the Anglican Communion, Montreal, Quebec
$20,000. To cover most of the costs of travel, housing, and hospitality for the African and Caribbean participants in the July 2005, Montreal, Canada meeting of the Francophone Network of the Anglican Communion.
Igreja Episcopal Anglicana Do Brasil, Porto Alegre - RS
$43,217. Over one year to fund the purchase and installation of modern telecommunications equipment in the eight dioceses and two missionary districts of the Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil.
Total grants: $844,926.00
February 2005 Approved Grants
Church in The Global South ($209,000)
1. Diocese of Northern Zambia, Central Africa
$57,000 over one year to fund a comprehensive diocesan HIV/ AIDS Ministry in Northern Zambia.
2. Diocese of Byumba, Rwanda
$35,000 to fund the third year of the Integrated Community Development program.
3. Diocese of West Buganda, Uganda
$30,000 over one year to continue the funding of the Basoka Kwavula Women's Credit Scheme (BKWCS).
4. Diocese of Mauritius, Indian Ocean
$12,000 over one year to fund a new diocesan lay and ordained training program.
5. The Domestic & Foreign Missionary Society, New York, NY
$75,000 over one year to bring forty-four Anglican women leaders from the Global South to attend the 49th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW).
Strengthen Telecommunications ($214,990)
6. Province of Tanzania
$110,000 over one year to fund Phase I of the Provincial Electronic Database and Telecommunications Network of the Anglican Church of Tanzania (ACT).
7. The Church of North India
$35,230 over one year to fund the purchase of contemporary telecommunications equipment for the twenty-six dioceses of the Province of the Church of North India (CNI).
8. Province of Congo
$8,760 over one year to purchase solar energy for the Dioceses of Katanga, Boga, and Nord Kivu to power their telecommunication.
9. Diocese of Southern Malawi, Central Africa
$17,000 over one year to fund the purchase of contemporary telecommunications equipment for the newly established national Leonard Kamungu Theological College.
10. Cuttington University College
$44,000 over one year to fund the installation of an Internet system at Cuttington University College (CUC) in Suakoko, Liberia.
Spiritual Formation and Development ($282,000)
11. The Church of the Apostles, Seattle, WA
$90,000 over three years to fund staff salaries for an innovative program of evangelical outreach to a postmodern generation of seekers.
12. St. Luke the Evangelist Episcopal Church, Houston, TX
$62,000 over three years to fund development of a culturally alternative Godly Play program in an African-American church.
13. The World Community for Christian Meditation, Calabasas, CA
$90,000 over three years to support the Contemplative Parish Project in the Diocese of Los Angeles.
14. Church X, Belmont, MA
$40,000 over one year, renewable for up to two additional years, to fund "Powered by God for Daily Life and Work" initiative that ministers to younger unchurched people.
Metropolitan New York ($118,000)
15. Yonkers Alliance for Latino and Immigrant Services, Yonkers, NY
$30,000 over one year to expand a sustainable public-private partnership for immigrant services in southwest Yonkers, NY.
16. St. George's Church, Newburgh, NY
$20,000 over one year to create additional safe and affordable housing in Newburgh, NY.
17. Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison, Ossining, NY
$15,000 over one year to provide baccalaureate college courses for seventy-five inmates at Sing Sing Penitentiary.
18. Metropolitan New York Conference, New York, NY
$13,000 over one year to sponsor a conference that brings together grantees and other partners in Metropolitan New York.
19. Trinity Transformational Fellows Program, New York, NY
$40,000 over one year to support experienced clergy and lay leaders in social transformation by renewing and strengthening their work through a six week self-designed sabbatical fellowship.
November 2004 Approved Grants
Tsunami Recovery
1. Episcopal Relief and Development, New York
$100,000 - Compassionate response to the Tsunami disaster in South East Asia, to support Episcopal Relief and Development and Christ Church Bangkok to rebuild communities with new infrastructure in the heavily affected areas of southern Thailand, to be matched by the Trinity-St. Paul's community.
Church in The Global South ($249,201)
1. Province of Sudan
$114,000 over three years to continue the funding of the Theological Education by Extension program in ten dioceses in Southern Sudan, namely: Ezo, Ibba, kajo-Keji, Lainya, Lui, Maridi, Mundri, Rokon Yambio and Yei.
2. Province of Tanzania
$36,000 over one year to fund the 2005 Seminar for Senior Leaders to be organized by the Leadership Institute of the Anglican Church of Tanzania.
3. Diocese of Bo, Sierra Leone WA
$57,201 over one year to fund a diocesan food security project and training on human rights and democracy in St. Michael and All Angels' parish in the Kailahun district.
4. Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa - CAPA
$42,000 over one year to continue funding to enhance communications within the CAPA Provinces and the Anglican Communion using Information Technology.
Metropolitan New York ($145,000)
5. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Spring Valley, NY
$25,000 over one year to fund the third year of the Jornaleros Project, which offers a meeting place, social service referrals, and legal advice to day laborers in Rockland County.
6. Habitat for Humanity, Brooklyn, NY
$60,000 over one year to create a broad based advocacy campaign for affordable housing in New York City.
7. Greater New York Labor-Religion Coalition, New York, NY
$60,000 over two years to create a partnership with Episcopal congregations, seminaries, and labor unions to promote worker rights and support current and future leaders in social transformation.
Special Opportunity ($20,000)
8. The Fund for Theological Education, Atlanta, GA
$20,000 over three years to increase the number of young adult candidates for ordination through the Pastoral Leadership Search Effort.
Strengthen Telecommunications ($58,200)
9. Province of Myanmar (Burma)
$41,000 over one year to purchase modern telecommunications and other communications equipment for the communications offices of the Provinces and the six dioceses.
10. Diocese of Haiti
$17,200 over one year to fund the purchase of contemporary telecommunications equipment for the Episcopal Theological Seminary of Haiti and train seminarians to use the equipment.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($90,000)
11. Church of the Nativity, Huntsville, AL
$90,000 over three years to fund one-half staff salary for the Holy Nativity Center for Pilgrimage and Reconciliation.
Executive Discretionary Grant:
Trinity Grants R&D Functions
$10,000 to fund the feasibility of a database creation, and the usage of a Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) for the Anglican Church of Tanzania.
May 2004 Approved Grants
Church in The Global South ($503,970)
1. Diocese of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
$98,500 over three years to fund a diocesanParticipatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)project.
2. Diocese of Rumbek, Sudan
$77,550 over one year to fund Ox-Plough training centers across the diocese.
3. Kadugli Nuba Mountains Diocese, Sudan
$50,000 over one year to fund an agricultural program.
4. Diocese of Natal, Southern Africa
$50,000 over one year to move the Church Based Community Organizing (CBCO) towards self-sustainability through developing a national strategy.
5. Diocese of Central Tanganyika, Tanzania
$35,920 over one year to train clergy and laity on democratic leadership styles and participatory consensus decision- making, and to provide conflict resolution skills.
6. Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
$40,000 over one year to fund the CAPA HIV/AIDS Program.
7. Province of Sudan
$60,000 over two years to fund the Theological Education by Extension (TEE) program in the following dioceses of the Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS): Khartoum, Port Sudan, Kadugli & Nuba Mountains, El-Obeid, Renk, Malakal, and Wau.
8. Diocese of Guinea, West Africa
$37,000 over two years to fund a diocesan Theological Education by Extension (TEE) program.
9. Anglican Consultative Council
$30,000 over one year to fund a sustainable development and the environment program at the Office of the Anglican Observer at the United Nations.
10. Conference on Afro-Anglicanism, Garden City, NY
$25,000 over one year to fund the third International Conference on Afro-Anglicanism.
Metropolitan New York ($431,000)
11. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Paterson, NJ
$60,000 over two years to create the "Pentecost Ideal," a model that ties congregational development to social transformation in support of recent Latino immigrants in Paterson, NJ's fifth ward neighborhood.
12. Iglesia de San Juan Bautista, Bronx, NY
$35,000 over one year to reduce at-risk behaviors for HIV/AIDS among Latina residents of the Hunts Point-Mott Haven neighborhood of the Bronx through Projecto Vida.
13. Rural and Migrant Ministry, Poughkeepsie, NY
$40,000 over one year to pilot an "education for democracy" program raising the engagement of farmworkers and their faith-based allies in civic life.
14. Cathedral Community Cares - Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, NY
$80,000 over one year to mentor a dozen Episcopal feeding programs in providing "beyond emergency services" referrals and improving meal planning and nutrition within service offerings.
15. Episcopal Charities, New York, NY
$55,000 over one year to integrate "beyond emergency services" activities into fifty percent of feeding programs funded by Episcopal Charities in the Diocese of New York.
16. Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen - Church of the Holy Apostles New York, NY
$26,000 over two years to expand "beyond emergency services" counseling referrals for soup kitchen guests and to create policy advocacy tools for program volunteers.
17. The Apostles' House, Newark, NJ
$35,000 over one year to connect up to ten faith-based feeding programs in Newark to a wider range of service and policy supports.
18. The Episcopal Diocese of New York, New York, NY
$100,000 over two years to increase vitality in worship, nurture, witness, and financial stability in fifteen targeted congregations across the Episcopal Diocese of New York.
Strengthen Telecommunications ($181,750)
19. Anglican Consultative Council
$125,000 over two years to fund the development of an official "Provincial News Releases Site" of the Anglican Web Portal.
20. Diocese of Cuba
$19,000 over one year to fund the purchase of modern telecommunications equipment for the Diocese of Cuba.
21. ANITEPAM Partnership, Washington, DC
$12,500 over one year to develop an ANITEPAM web site as an electronic resource center for Anglican Theological Education in Africa
22. Diocese of Peshawar, Pakistan
$25,250 over one year to purchase and install twenty- four computers and accessories, and twenty- four telephone lines to improve communication within the Diocese.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($177,324)
23. The Community of Hope, Houston, TX
$90,000 over three years to support the salary of one Field Coordinator who will supervise Community of Hope program development.
24. The University Episcopal Center, Minneapolis, MN
$87,324 over three years to fund a portion of the salary of the Chaplain and the Ministry Administrator.
Executive Discretionary Grants
1. St. George's College Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
$4,800 to establish a network of computers, and install a firewall to protect the system.
2. Trinity Grants R&D Functions, New York, NY
$20,000 over one year to fund a third Trinity Transformational Fellow.
February 2004 Approved Grants
Metropolitan New York ($84,000)
1. Trinity Grants Food Security Program Initiative, New York, NY
$44,000 over one year to leverage a shift by Episcopal feeding programs from offering emergency services to enabling food security.
2. Harlem Episcopal School, New York, NY
$10,000 over one year as a challenge grant to support the creation of a full business plan and educational framework for a new school offering new quality educational options to families within the west Harlem and Washington Heights neighborhoods.
3. Lower Manhattan Together, New York, NY
$30,000 over nine months as a renewal grant to support the development of "public leaders" from Episcopal faith communities in lower Manhattan through involvement of Lower Manhattan Together's organizing for affordable housing.
Strengthen Telecommunications ($188,197)
4. The Church of Melanesia, Honiara, Soloman Islands
$99,123 over one year to fund Phase I of telecommunications project across the Province.
5. Province of Papua New Guinea
$77,251 over one year to fund Phase I of the telecommunications upgrade in the Province.
6. Bishop Gwynne College, Juba, Sudan
$6,744 over one year to fund the purchase and installation of three computers at Bishop Gwynne College.
7. The Greater Athens Anglican Chaplaincy, Athens, Greece
$5,079 over one year to fund the purchase of contemporary telecommunications equipment for the creation of a communication center to support forty Anglican/Protestant chaplains in the 2004 Olympic games.
Church in The Global South ($158,089)
8. Province of Burundi
$82,469 over three years to establish a Provincial TEE program.
9. Diocese of Ankole, Uganda
$60,620 over one year to fund an HIV/AIDS ministry and empowerment program for women in partnership with a local NGO engaged in health promotion and social development.
10. Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
$15,000 over one year to fund the new Bishops Training Program in June 2004 in Tanzania.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($175,000)
11. Sacred Dying Foundation, San Francisco, CA
$75,000 over one year to develop and expand theSacred Dying Vigil Program, a project of the Sacred Dying Foundation.
12. La Iglesia Episcopal de la Resurrección, Mount Vernon, WA
$100,000 over two years to fund staff for theHispanic Ministry Spiritual Formation Projectat La Igelsia Episcopal de la Resurreccíón and St. Matthew's/San Mateo churches in the Diocese of Olympia as a pilot project for Hispanic spiritual formation.
Alternative Investment
Cuttington University College
$75,000 Suacoco, Liberia toward re-roofing of buildings at Cuttington University College in Liberia.
November 2003 Approved Grants
Strengthen Telecommunications ($126,546)
1. Province of Tanzania
$20,000 over one year to fund the purchase of eight computer units for administrative and executive staff at the Anglican Church of Tanzania's Head Office in order to complete the Network Development in that Province.
2. St. George's College, Jerusalem
$22,084 over one year to equip St. George's College with contemporary electronic communication devices.
3. Diocese of Colombia (Iglesia Episcopal En Colombia)
$20,000 over one year to fund the establishment of a Local Area Network (LAN) at the Diocesan Office.
4. Diocese of Honduras
$14,694 over one year to fund the establishment of a Local Area Network (LAN) at the Diocesan Office, and the upgrade of the diocesan access to the World Wide Web.
5. Diocese of Bor, Sudan
$19,401 over one year to fund a communication network in the Bor area.
6. Bishop Gaul College, Harare, Zimbabwe
$5,367 over one year to fund the purchase of three computers with accessories, internet capabilities, and printers for Bishop Gaul College.
7. Diocese of Toungoo, Myanmar
$5,000 over one year to fund the purchase of contemporary telecommunications equipment for the Diocesan Office and St. Peter's Bible College.
8. Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion
$20,000 over one year to fund Data Collection and Partnering to create a database of all known programs/theological colleges/seminaries that were founded or retain ties to a branch of the Anglican Communion.
Church in The Global South ($259,138)
9. The Anglican Diocese of Angola
$76,116 over three years to fund self-reliance activities for disadvantaged youth in Huambo Province.
10. Diocese of Cameroon
$51,028 over two years to establish a skills training center for underpriviledged young girls and women.
11. Formation Biblique et Théologique à Maurice (FBTM)
$53,187 over three years to fund the FBTM's initiative to send its director throughout the Francophone Provinces and dioceses to help set up TEE programs and train TEE leaders.
12. Theological Education by Extension in Zambia
$29,102 over two years to support TEE program, including course review, writing new course material and retaining tutors in 2003, and funding for annual tutors' seminar in 2004.
13. Diocese of Katanga, Congo
$12,315 over two years to fund the training of fifty-one Theological Education by Extention (TEE) facilitators throughout the Diocese of Katanga.
14. Diocese of Egypt
$37,390 over one year to fund the training of lay ministers to expand the diocese using Theological Education by Extension (TEE) methodology, as well as refreshment seminars for the clergy.
Spiritual Formation and Development ($390,040)
15. Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation, Bethesda, MD
$100,000 over three years to fund formation of leaders specially equipped to be spiritual guides for congregations focused on ongoing spiritual formation.
16. Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia, Norfolk, VA
$71,500 over two years to fund Building Holy Fellowship program, continuing Executive Discretionary grant 7365, which was awarded to cover expenditures required prior to November 2003 Grants Board meeting.
17. Pastoral Excellence Project, Cambridge, MA
$98,540 over three years to fund expansion of the Pastoral Excellence Project to develop resources for spiritual formation in underserved parishes in the Dioceses of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.
18. St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral, Seattle, WA
$100,000 over three years to fund the expansion of the Adult Faith Formation program through the hiring of a Faith Formation Associate.
19. Spirituality Consultation, New York, NY
$20,000 to reimburse funds for the October 2003 consultation in the Spiritual Formation and Development program objective.
Metropolitan New York ($319,300)
20. Trinity Grants R&D Functions, New York, NY
$119,300 over one year to launch capacity-building initiatives related to achieving the goals in the program area "strengthening the Church in New York as a catalyst for social transformation."
21. East Brooklyn Congregations, Brooklyn, NY
$100,000 (affiliated with the Industrial Areas Foundation) over one year to support creation of affordable housing in Bushwick, East New York, and Bedford-Stuyvesant, with progress toward development of more than 300 rental units and 500 owner-occupied town houses.
22.Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison, Ossining, NY
$40,000 over one year to fund the second phase of the organization's work providing college courses for seventy inmates at Sing Sing Penitentiary.
23. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Spring Valley, NY
$30,000 over one year to fund the second phase of the Jornaleros Project, which offers a meeting place, social service referrals, and legal advice to day laborers in Rockland County. This grant will be eligible for a one-year renewal in November 2004.
24. Eastern Farm Workers Association, Bellport, NY
$30,000 over two years to fund the Eastern Farm Workers Association's recruitment of five additional Episcopal congregations and twenty-five more volunteers from currently-involved congregations to support farm workers in Suffolk County.
Executive Discretionary Grant:
Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia
Grant #7365 $20,000 to fund Building Holy Fellowship during the period September 2003-January 2004.
May 2003 Approved Grants
Metropolitan New York ($110,000)
1. Church of St. Luke-in-the-Fields
$40,000 over two years to fund two staff positions for St. Luke'sYouth Outreach Workshops, a risk prevention and empowerment program for at-risk lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender (LGBT) street youth.
2. The Interfaith Center of New York
$70,000 over two years for theNeighbor-Faith Project- a collaboration of the Interfaith Center of New York, Episcopal Social Services, and Lucinda Allen Moser, Th.D - designed to provide educational assistance for Episcopalians in Greater New York seeking better understanding for America's religious diversity.
Church in The Global South ($399,265)
3. Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa - CAPA
$50,000 over one year to fund the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa's (CAPA) continuing HIV/AIDS initiative.
4. Agape Counseling and Training Services (ACTS)
$30,000 over two years to fund an HIV/AIDS Clergy Counseling Training Program in conjunction with four dioceses of the Anglican Church of Kenya ( ACK).
5. Province of Kenya
$85,000 over three years to continue support for the Anglican Church of Kenya's Theological Education by Extension (ACKTEE) Program.
6. Anglican TEE Board for Equatorial Africa
$40,000 over one year to fund a consultation examining different Theological Education by Extension (TEE) models in Africa.
7. Diocese of Toamasina, Indian Ocean
$45,000 over one year to purchase a drill rig to supply potable water and irrigation system to villages on the East Coast of Madagascar, and implement a diocesan income generating farming project in Farafaty.
8. Diocese of Byumba, Rwanda
$42,000 over one year to continue support for the Byumba Integrated Community Development Project which helps women and young people take control over factors affecting their lives
9. Diocese of Lainya, Sudan
$39,765 over one year to fund women's capacity building and gender awareness training.
10.Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa - CAPA
$47,800 over one year to continue support of the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA) Communications unit.
11. Province of Congo
$19,700 over three years to fund the operating costs of the Anglican Church of Congo's Liaison Office in Kampala, Uganda.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($109,640)
12. Episcopal Retirement Homes, Inc.
$60,000 over two years to support expansion of the spiritual formation aspect of the Parish Health Ministry program.
13. Touchstones Discussion Project
$49,640 over two years to support deep leadership through expansion of the Parishes in Prisons focus of the Touchstones Discussion Project.
Strengthen Telecommunications ($48,300)
14. Diocese of the Dominican Republic
$36,050 over one year to fund the purchase of twenty computers, scanners, printers, and software as well as provide internet service capabilities and web hosting to the Diocese of the Dominican Republic.
15. Diocese of Uruguay, Southern Cone of South America
$8,050 over one year to update the telecommunications capabilities of the diocese.
16. Diocese of Northern Argentina
$4,200 over one year to further embed the use of electronic communication across the diocese.
Executive Discretionary Grant
ANITEPAM Partnership, Washington, DC
$3,636 in additional funding to meet shortfall in original budget of grant #3824 to assist with supplemental shipping costs of TEE resources across Africa.
February 2003 Approved Grants
Church in The Global South ($226,790)
1. Diocese of Makamba, Burundi
$60,000 over one year to fund Micro-entrepreneurs operating pre-existing micro-entreprises in Makamba.
2. Diocese of West Buganda, Uganda
$36,392 over one year to fund the Basooka Kwavula Women's Credit Scheme.
3. Diocese of Mpwapwa, Tanzania
$20,000 over one year to fund Mother's Union Development Programme, a two-year Micro-Credit Scheme for Women.
4. Diocese of Kagera, Tanzania
$25,957 over one year to fund the purchase of two diesel-powered grain mills and hullers for Biharamulo and Mabawe deaneries.
5. Diocese of Katanga, Congo
$31,380 over three years to fund a skills training program for young people in the Diocese of Katanga.
6. Diocese of Gambia
$45,148 over three years to fund the establishment of a Rural and Urban Theological Education by Extension in the Diocese.
7. Formation Biblique et Théologique à Maurice
$7,913 over one year to partially support the purchase of a vehicle to facilitate the local training group, and launch a vehicle replacement plan.
Strengthen Telecommunications ($168,543)
8. Anglican Consultative Council
$95,075 over two years to support the positions of a Part-time Director of the Anglican Web Portal, and a Full-time Managing Editor for the Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS).
9. Province of Nigeria
$70,000 over one year to fund the installation of a VSAT system.
10. Diocese of Southern Malawi
$3,468 over one year to equip the diocese with a contemporary electronic communication system.
Metropolitan New York ($80,000)
11. Central Brooklyn Churches
$50,000 over one year to fund the salary of an Associate Organizer and to enlarge the capacity of CBC's outreach.
12. Fessenden House, Yonkers, NY
$30,000 over two years to fund Fessenden House, a supportive housing program for homeless men in recovery from alcohol or drug addiction and living with HIV/AIDS.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($90,000)
13. Partakers, Inc., Dedham, MA
$90,000 over three years to support development of spiritual leadership and commitment to the social gospel through prison ministry within Episcopal parishes in the greater Boston area.
November 2002 Approved Grants
Metropolitan New York
1. Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition
$90,000 over two years to support the Faith in Organizing Project which will integrate the church-based organizing model into the neighborhood organizing model of the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition.
2. Lower Manhattan Together
$40,000 over one year to fund efforts to expand the institution base of Lower Manhattan Together.
3. Upper Manhattan Together
$70,000 over two years for Upper Manhattan Together's efforts to improve the health, safety, maintenance and quality of life for tenants of public housing.
4. Episcopal Community Development, Inc.
$75,000 over one year to expand the staff of Episcopal Community Development which provides technical assistance to non-profit, church-affiliated housing developers in the Diocese of Newark.
5. Broadway Housing Communities, Inc.
$80,000 over two years to fund HIP HOPE at the Dorothy Day Apartments in collaboration with St. Mary's Church, Manhattanville to provide youth a structured routine of work, study and social and cultural activity.
6. Interfaith Neighbors, Inc.
$70,000 over two years to fund a staff social worker position for Youth-for-Youth at GirlSpace.
7. Holy Trinity Neighborhood Center
$50,000 over two years to fund the salary for an Executive Director of Rachel's Room which provides life and job skills to unemployed and underemployed women.
8. Women's Advocate Ministry
$30,000 over one year to fund education and training workshops in Episcopal parishes for ministry to incarcerated women.
9. Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison
$50,000 over one year to fund the salary for an Executive Director for Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison.
10. St. Paul's Episcopal Church
$40,000 over one year to fund the ministry of Jornaleros (Day Laborers) Project at St. Paul's Church in Spring Valley, New York.
Church in The Global South
11. Uganda Christian University
$152,305 over two years to fund the expansion of the Uganda Provincial Theological Education by Extension (TEE) Program.
12. Diocese of Pretoria, Southern Africa
$28,850 over one year to further develop a comprehensive and holistic HIV/AIDS Program.
13. Diocese of Yei, Sudan
$86,696 over two years to fund the creation of a Vocational Training Center and a Women Empowerment Program for Transformation in the Diocese of Yei.
14. Diocese of Maridi, Sudan
$30,377 over one year to fund a Agriculture Development and Grinding Mill project in Maridi.
15. Province of Sudan
$33,055 over one year to support the evaluation of Episcopal Church of the Sudan Provincial office in Juba, Sudan; the liasion offices in Khartoum & Kampala, Uganda; and its institutions, for an eventual restructuring.
16. Anglican Consultative Council
$30,000 over one year to support theEnvironment and Sustainable Developmentprogram of the Office of the Anglican Communion Observer to the United Nations.
Strengthen Telecommunications
17. Province of the West Indies, Nassau, N.P., BAHAMAS
$18,280 over one year to fund the purchase of telecommunications equipment, and the installation of a Local Area Network in the new Provincial office in Barbados.
Executive Discretionary Grant:
Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, Inc., New York, NY 10010
$10,000 to support the Federation in recognition of Dr. Megan McLaughlin's retirement after sixteen years as Executive Director.
May 2002 Approved Grants
Church in The Global South ($65,826)
1. Dioceses of the Southern Sudan, Kampala, Uganda
$22,000 over one year to fund TEE programs in ten dioceses in Southern Sudan.
2. Diocese of Gahini, Kigali, Rwanda
$32,926 over one year to fund the "Demonstration and Popularization Farms" project .
3. Diocese of Malakal, Malakal, Sudan
$10,900 over one year to support a community development project for fishermen in Upper Nile Christian Community.
Strengthen Telecommunications ($425,962)
4. Anglican Consultative Council, London, England
$198,000 over two years to fund the development of theAnglican Communion Web Portal.
5. Anglican Consultative Council, London, England
$120,000 over three years to fund the operation of a newCommission on Telecommunications for the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC).
6. Province of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya
$107,962 over one year to complete the process of linking the whole Province, the theological colleges, and the regional development offices with contemporary communications equipment.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($159,000)
7. Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Greensboro, NC
$48,000 over two years to fund the formation and spiritual invigoration of more Christian leaders at theSchool of Servant Leadership,and progress toward the goal of making the curriculum available nationally.
8. St. Paul's Cathedral, Buffalo, NY
$80,000 over three years for a Center for Spirituality and Ethics to organize the expansion of faith/spirituality/vocation training and conversations with professionals concerning spiritual formation and ethics in the multi-cultural and interfaith workplace.
9. Saint Gregory the Great Episcopal Church, Athens, GA
$31,000 over three years to fund the Center for Spiritual Formation's resources and program material, some programs sponsored by the center, and one part-time position.
Metropolitan New York ($100,000)
10. Institute for Ministry in a Multifaith World, New York, NY
$30,000 over one year for the Institute for Ministry in Multifaith World, a New York City-based Program of interfaith understanding for Seminarians.
11. St. Paul's On-The-Hill, Ossining, NY
$20,000 over three years to launch theOssining Interfaith Youth Corps.
12. Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding, New York, NY
$50,000 over one year for theBuilding Blocks for Democracy Program, a prototype curriculum of interfaith understanding for elementary School children.
Executive Discretionary Grants:
Anglican Consultative Council, London, England
$25,000 over one year to lay the groundwork for the Anglican Portal.
February 2002 Approved Grants
Strengthen Telecommunications ($74,362)
1. Province of Tanzania
$50,000 over one year to fund Phase II of the Network Development for the Anglican Church of Tanzania.
2. Province of Sudan
$24,362 over one year to begin the process of linking the eighteen dioceses of Southern Sudan with contemporary communications equipment.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($245,000)
3. St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, Raleigh, NC
$55,000 over two years to fund a program which places spiritual formation opportunities for youth at the heart of a predominately African American Episcopal congregation, in order to help develop a community that puts God at its center.
4. No Ordinary Time, Jamaica Plains, MA
$70,000 over two years to develop a culture of reflective engagement that cultivates spiritually deep leaders in the Episcopal Church.
5. Harvesters Partnership of New England, New Haven, CT
$40,000 over two years to fund the implementation of a collaborative effort to study and strengthen holistic, congregational spiritual formation, theological education, and work for justice and peace, throughout New England.
6. Diocese of California, San Francisco, CA
$80,000 over three years to fund the Formation for Healing Ministry Program to train clergy and laypersons to lead the development of healing ministries in the congregations of the diocese.
Church in The Global South ($246,701)
7. Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
$80,000 over one year to begin building capacity in CAPA by establishing an HIV/AIDS desk to implement the HIV/AIDS Program produced by the All Africa Anglican AIDS Conference held in Johannesburg.
8. Diocese of Southern Highlands, Tanzania
$75,000 over three years to support the Diocesan Development Office and Integrated Community Development in Mbarali
9. Anglican Center For Biblical Education
$46,701 (Formerly St. Paul's Madagascar) over one year to support the TEE program in the four dioceses of Madagascar.
10. Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
$15,000 over one year to fund the CAPA Bishops training in July of 2002 in Malawi.
11. Diocese of Natal, Southern Africa
$5,000 over one year to fund a national training structure in Church Based Community Organizing (CBCO).
12. Church Organizations Research and Advisory Trust (CORAT) Africa
$25,000 over one year to work withChurch Organizations Research Advisory Trust(CORAT )Africa in helping the Provinces of Tanzania and Uganda identify their local resources and use them toward their sustainability.
Executive Discretionary Grants:
Metro New York
Judson Memorial Church, New York, NY
$15,000 to fund the Forum of Concerned Religious Leaders
February 2001 Approved Grants
Metropolitan New York ($84,000)
1. Trinity Grants Food Security Program Initiative, New York, NY
$44,000 over one year to leverage a shift by Episcopal feeding programs from offering emergency services to enabling food security.
2. Harlem Episcopal School, New York, NY
$10,000 over one year as a challenge grant to support the creation of a full business plan and educational framework for a new school offering new quality educational options to families within the west Harlem and Washington Heights neighborhoods.
3. Lower Manhattan Together, New York, NY
$30,000 over nine months as a renewal grant to support the development of "public leaders" from Episcopal faith communities in lower Manhattan through involvement of Lower Manhattan Together's organizing for affordable housing.
Strengthen Telecommunications ($188,197)
4. The Church of Melanesia, Honiara, Soloman Islands
$99,123 over one year to fund Phase I of telecommunications project across the Province.
5. Province of Papua New Guinea
$77,251 over one year to fund Phase I of the telecommunications upgrade in the Province.
6. Bishop Gwynne College, Juba, Sudan
$6,744 over one year to fund the purchase and installation of three computers at Bishop Gwynne College.
7. The Greater Athens Anglican Chaplaincy, Athens, Greece
$5,079 over one year to fund the purchase of contemporary telecommunications equipment for the creation of a communication center to support forty Anglican/Protestant chaplains in the 2004 Olympic games.
Church in The Global South ($158,089)
8. Province of Burundi
$82,469 over three years to establish a Provincial TEE program.
9. Diocese of Ankole, Uganda
$60,620 over one year to fund an HIV/AIDS ministry and empowerment program for women in partnership with a local NGO engaged in health promotion and social development.
10. Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
$15,000 over one year to fund the new Bishops Training Program in June 2004 in Tanzania.
Spiritual Formation/Development ($175,000)
11. Sacred Dying Foundation, San Francisco, CA
$75,000 over one year to develop and expand theSacred Dying Vigil Program, a project of the Sacred Dying Foundation.
12. La Iglesia Episcopal de la Resurrección, Mount Vernon, WA
$100,000 over two years to fund staff for theHispanic Ministry Spiritual Formation Projectat La Igelsia Episcopal de la Resurreccíón and St. Matthew's/San Mateo churches in the Diocese of Olympia as a pilot project for Hispanic spiritual formation.
Alternative Investment
Cuttington University College
$75,000 Suacoco, Liberia toward re-roofing of buildings at Cuttington University College in Liberia.