Trinity Institute (2015–2018)

A photo from Trinity Institute shows a speaker at the front of St. Paul's Chapel and people gathered in tables in front.

Trinity Institute was an annual theological conference, organized and sponsored for almost a half-century by Trinity Church Wall Street. Sessions focused on emerging and inclusive theological perspectives that engaged participants in inquiry, dialogue, and reflection. Below are video highlights from the most recent four conferences.

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201 results
Faith Education

Religion & Violence: James Carroll

James Carroll is a bestselling author of fiction and nonfiction, a former Roman Catholic priest, and a lifelong activist for peace. His recent books...

Faith Education

Sister Teresa Okure, SHCJ

Presentation by Teresa Okure, What is the Truth?. Q&A and panel discussion with all speakers and guest panelist Eric D. Barreto follows. Teresa Okure...

Faith Education

Walter Brueggemann

Walter Brueggemann has written that the biblical text that has guided his life was inscribed by his father in his Bible at confirmation: “Your word is...

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