Black and white image of Trinity Church steeple looking down on churchyard

History & Archives

Trinity Church is an active Episcopal parish that has been an integral part of New York City’s history for more than 300 years. Learn more about Trinity Parish’s history here.

The records which tell the story of Trinity’s History–from its founding, to today–can be found in Trinity Church’s Archives. The Archives preserve, protect, and make available these records of enduring value to share and promote the mission and ministry of the church. The Archives house more than 2,000 linear feet of records generated by the parish. In addition to documenting the activities and growth of Trinity since its founding in 1697, the records provide information pertinent to the story of New York City and the Episcopal Diocese of New York.

Genealogical Research

Trinity Church Archives is in the process of making data from its Baptism, Marriage, and Burial registers available. Those conducting genealogical research are encouraged to go to Churchyards and Registers to locate a gravestone or to search for baptisms, marriages and burials. Register data entry is ongoing. 

All onsite genealogical research is done by Archives staff on a fee-for-service basis, depending on the complexity of the request, at the Archivist's discretion. Fees incur after the first 30 minutes of work. Fees are $20/half-hour of research time; if scans or photos of records are desired, fees are $10/half-hour of scanning time.

Archives staff can search parish 

  • Baptisms from 1749 to 1764 and 1778 onwards

  • Confirmations onwards from 1860 

  • Marriages onwards from 1750 

  • Burial records from 1777 to 1783 and 1800 onwards

The staff will also search communicants’ pew records, and records relating to St. Paul's Churchyard, Trinity Churchyard, and Trinity Church Cemetery.

Contact the Archives to request a research application at . All requests will be answered as time permits. Please allow up to a month for a response. 

Archives Use & Access

Trinity's Archives are open to qualified researchers engaged in scholarly research college-level or above. 

Those wishing to visit the Archives for non-genealogical research must submit an email outlining your research purpose to . The email should state in detail the purpose of the research, the affiliation of the researcher, and identify the objectives and intended products of the research inquiry. 

If you are unable to visit the Archives in person, our Archivists may be able to complete the research for you on a fee-for-service basis. Fees incur after the first 30 minutes of work. Fees are $20/half-hour of research time; if scans or photos of records are desired, fees are $10/half-hour of scanning time.

Our Finding Guide is a document that describes the records in our Archives. The holdings are arranged by department function. Each department function has an historical note which provides background and a scope and content note which describes what records are available. The dates in the headings in parentheses refer to tenure of the person cited; dates without parentheses refer to the date span of the records available in the archive. 

For a copy of our Finding Guide, please email with a description of your research purpose. 

Records that are more than 25 years old are open to the public, with the following exceptions. Confidential records, including personnel records and other documents containing sensitive personal information, are closed for a period of 75 years. The Archivists also reserve the right to restrict the use of records if they have not been processed or appraised, if they contain unseparated personal information, or if their condition is fragile.

Digital Registers & Virtual Churchyards

Click above to explore our virtual churchyard and our online registers database, where you can search available baptism, marriage, and burial records.

All History & Archives Content

213 results
MusicMay 23, 2016

Bach at One

In the spring of 2016, Trinity’s ever-popular Bach at One series (Wednesdays at 1pm in St. Paul’s Chapel), will complete the presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of sacred vocal music.

This week:

BWV 102 – Herr, deine Augen sehen nach dem Glauben
BWV 113 – Herr Jesu Christ, du höchstes Gut
The Choir of Trinity Wall Street & Trinity Baroque Orchestra
Julian Wachner, conductor

MusicMay 18, 2016

Bach at One

In the spring of 2016, Trinity’s ever-popular Bach at One series (Wednesdays at 1pm in St. Paul’s Chapel), will complete the presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of sacred vocal music.

This week:

BWV 172 – Ershallet ihr lieder, erklinget, ihr Saiten!
BWV 195 – Dem Gerechten muß das Licht
The Choir of Trinity Wall Street & Trinity Baroque Orchestra
Julian Wachner, conductor
St. Paul's Chapel (and a pedestrian walkway over Broadway) in 1866, one hundred years after the chapel was completed.
History and ArchivesMay 13, 2016

May 14, 1764: Foundation Stone of St. Paul's Chapel

The foundation stone of St. Paul's Chapel was laid on May 14, 1764 on what was then called "The Broadway." The first services were held over two years later, on October 30, 1766. This fall, St. Paul's Chapel will celebrate its 250th anniversary.
MusicMay 11, 2016

Bach at One

In the spring of 2016, Trinity’s ever-popular Bach at One series (Wednesdays at 1pm in St. Paul’s Chapel), will complete the presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of sacred vocal music.

This week:

BWV 173 – Erhöhtes Fleisch und Blut
BWV 169 – Gott soll allein mein Herze haben
BWV 45 – Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist
The Choir of Trinity Wall Street & Trinity Baroque Orchestra
Julian Wachner, conductor

MusicMay 4, 2016

Bach at One

In the spring of 2016, Trinity’s ever-popular Bach at One series (Wednesdays at 1pm in St. Paul’s Chapel), will complete the presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of sacred vocal music.

This week:
BWV 184 – Erwünschtes Freudenlicht
BWV 139 – Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott
BWV 180 – Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele
The Choir of Trinity Wall Street & Trinity Baroque Orchestra
Julian Wachner, conductor
MusicApril 27, 2016

Bach at One

In the spring of 2016, Trinity’s ever-popular Bach at One series (Wednesdays at 1pm in St. Paul’s Chapel), will complete the presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of sacred vocal music.

This week:
Felix Mendelssohn – Sonata in A Major, op. 65, no. 3
BWV 138 Warum betrübst du dich, mein Herz
BWV 187 Es wartet alles auf dich
Trinity Baroque Orchestra and The Choir of Trinity Wall Street; Julian Wachner, conductor
MusicApril 20, 2016

Bach at One

In the spring of 2016, Trinity’s ever-popular Bach at One series (Wednesdays at 1pm in St. Paul’s Chapel), will complete the presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of sacred vocal music.

This week:
J. S. Bach – Passacaglia in C Minor, BWV 582
BWV 71 Gott ist mein König
BWV 69 Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele
BWV 50 Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft
BWV 108 Es ist euch gut, daß ich hingehe
Trinity Baroque Orchestra and The Choir of Trinity Wall Street; Julian Wachner, conductor

MusicApril 13, 2016

Bach at One

In the spring of 2016, Trinity’s ever-popular Bach at One series (Wednesdays at 1pm in St. Paul’s Chapel), will complete the presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of sacred vocal music.

This week:
Franz Liszt – Fantasy and Fugue on BACH
BWV 164 – Ihr, die ihr euch von Christo nennet
BWV 178 – Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält
Trinity Baroque Orchestra and The Choir of Trinity Wall Street; Julian Wachner, conductor
MusicApril 6, 2016

Bach at One

In the spring of 2016, Trinity’s ever-popular Bach at One series (Wednesdays at 1pm in St. Paul’s Chapel), will complete the presentation of Bach’s entire monumental output of sacred vocal music.

This week:
Dietrich Buxtehude – Prelude in C Major, BuxWV 137
BWV 154 – Mein liebster Jesus ist verloren
BWV 174 – Ich liebe den Höchsten von ganzem Gemüte
Trinity Baroque Orchestra and The Choir of Trinity Wall Street; Julian Wachner, conductor
History and ArchivesMarch 26, 2016

The Great Vigil of Easter

This symbol-rich liturgy features candlelit readings and storytelling, ancient and modern chants, and the joyful arrival of Easter with festive music, the celebration of Baptism, and the first Eucharist of Easter; followed by a special fellowship hour.

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