Faith Education

Trinity Institute - Values in Action: Pádraig Ó Tuama

February 3, 2018

Explore how you and your community can set a collaborative course at Trinity Institute 2018: Values in Action, a conference designed to help you get grounded and connected so you can get going.

9am: Welcome and Warmup (song & prayer)
Michelle Alexander; A public conversation with the author of The New Jim Crow about the values that fuel her work and how values help create movements for change

10:45am: Valuing the Story
Pádraig Ó Tuama, poet, author, and leader of the Corrymeela Community will explore stories where values emerge, bump into each other, conflict, and create opportunities for deep dialogue about important values in contemporary life. We will look at values in action, and values in tension.

Learn more about Trinity Institute: Values in Action

Faith Education, Trinity Talks