
Sunday Sermon, The Most Rev. Dr. Thabo Makgoba: "Nothing is Incapable of Transformation"

February 27, 2022

“We navigate difficult times in which many feel the burden of uncertainty. But as Desmond Tutu said: nothing, no one, no situation is beyond redemption; no situation is totally devoid of hope.”

It was a privilege to have the Most Rev. Thabo Makgoba, Archbishop of Cape Town preach on the Transfiguration today, a story that was “a much beloved, central theme” to Archbishop Tutu’s theological thinking.

He explores the Arch’s treatment of the Transfiguration as a “divine, radical transformation” that cleanses and cauterizes so that a new beginning becomes possible. “Nothing was incapable of being transformed in the eyes of Jesus,” he reminds us, so as we strive for healing in a world racked with fear, poverty, prejudice, and war, "the Transfiguration leaves us no choice but to act…to come down from the mountain, renewed and revitalized, to be the yeast in the world.” Watch his sermon from Sunday, February 27.

The readings are Exodus 34:29–35, Psalm 99, 2 Corinthians 3:12—4:2, and Luke 9:28–36.
