For American people of color, racism is a major source of stress that takes a toll on both physical and mental health. This includes not only the stress of racist interpersonal encounters, but also the impact of structural and institutional racism on everyday life, which often occurs in ways that are invisible. Join us as we examine some of the effects of racism on well-being among Black and Indigenous People of Color, as well as some of the work being done to combat the harm of racism in our communities.
The principal Sunday liturgy of the Trinity parish, celebrated in the rejuvenated nave of Trinity Church, with musical leadership provided by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street.
Author Diana Butler Bass and spiritual director Kathy Bozzuti-Jones will lead a weekend of quiet reflection on integrity, one of Trinity’s core values, through the lens of deepening gratitude. This free online retreat incorporates contemplative prayer and imagery into our practice of thanks.
Spend a spring weekend on virtual retreat with a symphony of bird songs in the Trinity Forest to reflect on our call to be faithful stewards of God’s creation, to reflect on scripture, and to meditate on St. Francis of Assisi’s “Sermon to the Birds.”