Join the Trinity community this winter and spring for Discovery, the education series for adults interested in how Scripture, theology, and spirituality can inform, shape, and enrich our lives.
Parish LifeFebruary 11, 2024Enter through Trinity Church following the 9am or 11:15am service
What does it mean for a life to go well, to be lived well, to feel right? What truly matters in our time here on Earth? To whom are we responsible, and what happens when we fail? We will explore such questions, drawing on the wisdom of the world's great religious and philosophical traditions (and you will get a taste of what happens in the popular Yale course of the same name). Come spend time with other young adults, explore how to craft a flourishing life, and enjoy free time for gathering, walking, hiking, and quiet reflection.
A simple worship service with celebration of the Holy Eucharist, with a brief sermon, organ music, communion, and music by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street and the Trinity Youth Chorus.