Through an Afro-Indigenous, Eastern, and Goddess-inspired spirituality, priestess and psychology professor Gloria M. Rodríguez will help us connect with our divine feminine nature inspired by Mother Nature.
Led by scientist and theologist Clay Williams, we’ll practice contemplative living and explore how the religions that have emerged from their teachings can enrich one another.
Led by award-winning journalist Anne A. Simpkinson, we will braid prayer, writing prompts, and story sharing, plus enjoy time to commune with animals and nature.
Join us for meaningful conversation, storytelling and teaching as Summerlee Staten, Executive Director of Faith Formation & Education at Trinity Church, shares insights from her graduate work on the Tree of the Life — a central metaphor for the entire Bible.
Join us on the sparkling Housatonic River for great food, conversation, and teaching as we explore a weekend of fly-fishing and listening for the voice of God in our lives.
With guidance from award-winning journalist Anne A. Simpkinson, we will braid prayer, writing prompts, and story sharing, all with special attention to The Book of Nature, plus time to commune with animals and nature.