After more than 14 months apart, we will be reopening Trinity Church for 11:15am Sunday worship beginning on the Day of Pentecost, May 23. As we celebrate the feast that marks the beginning of the Christian Church, how fitting, and exciting, that we will be able to do so by gathering once again in person.
The Rev. Winnie Varghese has been called as the next Rector of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Atlanta. We will all miss Winnie’s inspiring and energizing preaching, her leadership on social justice issues, and her love for our congregation.
Over the past 35 years, AIDS Walk New York has inspired more than 890,000 people to walk and millions more to donate, raising over $155 million to combat HIV and AIDS. Learn more in this video featuring GMHC CEO Kelsey Louie and join Team Trinity-Tamid on Sunday, May 16!
For American people of color, racism is a major source of stress that takes a toll on both physical and mental health. This includes not only the stress of racist interpersonal encounters, but also the impact of structural and institutional racism on everyday life, which often occurs in ways that are invisible. Join us as we examine some of the effects of racism on well-being among Black and Indigenous People of Color, as well as some of the work being done to combat the harm of racism in our communities.
Today’s Comfort at One presents the New York premiere of a new work Invisible Labor by renowned composer and NOVUS NY violist Jessica Meyer. Invisible Labor is a response to the NY Times February feature "The Primal Scream" about the hardships working mothers have faced this past year during the pandemic.