Prior to the opening performance of Craig Hella Johnson’s epic fusion oratorio, Considering Matthew Shepard, a panel of experts will discuss spiritual violence and its connection to physical violence targeting LGBTQ+ people. Queerphobic spiritual violence is so pervasive that it can almost be difficult to see. Naming this violence and characterizing its impact is an imperative first step toward change and healing.
Liz Edman, Moderator, Priest, Political Strategist, and author of Queer Virtue
Beverly Tillery, Executive Director, NYC Anti-Violence Project
The Rev. Matthew Welsch, Priest and Director, Youth and Community Care, Trinity Church Wall Street
Tabytha Gonzalez, Associate Human Rights Specialist and Transgender Liaison, NYC Commission on Human Rights
All are welcome to join a choral evensong service, in person and online, as Trinity Church Wall Street welcomes members of the Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church on the first evening of their 34th Annual Conference.
The Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church (VGEC) is a service organization that supports the ministry of vergers, sacristans, worship leaders, altar guild members, and more. Although the positions have many different names, all identify with the historic name and work of the verger: a member of a church who works under the direction of their rector, vicar, or priest-in-charge to assist with the organization and operation of worship services.
This ceremony honors deceased 9/11 Rescue and Recovery Responders who came to help during the nine-month Rescue and Recovery Effort at the World Trade Center site following the attacks of September 11, 2001. By calling their names we invoke their memory and call out our gratitude for their service. All 9/11 Responders will be remembered regardless of the reason for their death.
Hosted by the 9/11 Community of New York City and streamed live here on Trinity's website. If you miss the live stream, check back later; the on-demand video will be posted shortly. Proof of vaccination and masks will be required. To submit names or donations, visit
Trinity's Rector, the Rev. Phillip A. Jackson, rings the Bell of Hope in St. Paul’s Churchyard in a pattern of “four fives” (five strikes, repeated four times), the traditional firefighters’ salute to the fallen. Following prayers, the bell is rung precisely at 8:46am, the time when the first plane crashed into 1 World Trade Center (North Tower).
The bell, a gift from London to New York City a year after the attacks, is rung on September 11 anniversaries and to remember victims of terrorism and mass shootings. Join us for this brief and moving service on September 11, 2022.