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FeaturedJuly 17, 2014

Africa's Delicate Balance

Evans Mwewa of the Anglican Diocese of Northern Zambia brings a background of business and accounting to his work in overseeing church building...

FeaturedJuly 14, 2014

Alexander Hamilton Graveside Remembrance

Join the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society for a graveside remembrance and lecture commemorating Alexander Hamilton, who is buried in the Trinity...

FeaturedJuly 9, 2014

Africa's Delicate Balance

Evans Mwewa of the Anglican Diocese of Northern Zambia brings a background of business and accounting to his work in overseeing church building...

FeaturedJune 25, 2014

A Voice for Women

Susan Mumba Chulu received her fellowship for ministry in the Diocese of Eastern Zambia. As a member of the St Veronica’s Guild for more than a...

FeaturedJune 18, 2014

Captain Phillips Visits Trinity

The skipper of U.S. container ship who was held hostage by pirates and whose time of captivity was featured in the film “Captain Phillips” says his...

Faith EducationJune 13, 2014

A Greeting from Trinity's 18th Rector

The Very Rev. Dr. William Lupfer, who will become Trinity's 18th rector in February, 2015, greets the Trinity congregation for the first time, via...

MusicJune 8, 2014

Trinity Youth Chorus--Comin' Up Shoutin'

Trinity Youth Chorus and Neighborhood Outreach Choirs sing songs celebrating community, connection and freedom. With special guest and arrangements by...

Faith EducationJune 2, 2014

Haiti: A New Vision

Trinity Wall Street’s Faith in Action Grants Committee has decided to include the northern region of the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti as one of its...