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MusicDecember 24, 2020

Service of Lessons and Carols

A cherished holiday tradition for congregations around the world, the service of Lessons and Carols tells the Christmas story through readings and...

MusicDecember 24, 2020

Christmas Eve Holy Eucharist

A traditional celebration on Christmas Eve with music provided by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street. The Rev. Elizabeth Blunt, celebrant; the Rev. Phillip A Jackson, preacher.
FeaturedDecember 23, 2020

NYE: Before Times Square, It was Trinity | Ask Trinity Archives

Times Square in Midtown Manhattan has been the focus of New Year’s Eve for New Yorkers for more than a hundred years. For the century before that, the celebration was synonymous with Lower Manhattan, and Trinity Church Wall Street. 
FeaturedDecember 22, 2020

A Crèche Facing Wall Street

Trinity Church Wall Street always puts up a crèche for Christmas, usually inside the church, as well as at St. Paul’s Chapel. Since in 2020 everything is different, the crèche is outside.
FeaturedDecember 22, 2020

Trinity Parishioners' Seasons Greetings

Despite the many challenges of 2020, Christmas still comes, and the parishioners of Trinity Church Wall Street offer their holiday wishes.
MusicDecember 20, 2020

Compline by Candlelight: From the Archives

Compline by Candlelight provides peace and stillness as one week ends and another begins. Set in the tranquility of St. Paul’s Chapel, one of the...

FeaturedDecember 17, 2020

Advent in Time of Pandemic

The season of Advent is always a time of reflection and anticipation of Christmas, that major feast of the Church, and a holiday that tends to permeate the culture of much of the world.