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MusicSeptember 9, 2018

Trinity Movement Choir: Reconciliation

The Trinity Movement Choir’s dance designed to mark the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks has come to have a broader meaning as audiences have applied the piece to cataclysmic events in their own countries and lives.
MusicJuly 17, 2018

The Knights Orchestral Concert

St. Paul's Chapel hosts The Knights, presented by Naumburg Orchestral Concerts. 7pm Doors / 7:30pm performance.

For more information and to download a program, please visit
MusicJune 23, 2018

Time's Arrow: Webern Part 2

The Time’s Arrow festival continues its focus on the complete works of Austrian serialist composer Anton Webern begun last fall. In keeping with the signature juxtaposition of early and modern music which is the trademark of the series, the festival presents Webern’s works along with later composers he inspired, including György Ligeti, Heinz Holliger, Christopher Rouse, Marti Epstein and more
MusicJune 21, 2018

Time's Arrow: Webern Part 2

The Time’s Arrow festival continues its focus on the complete works of Austrian serialist composer Anton Webern begun last fall.
MusicJune 19, 2018

Time's Arrow: Webern Part 2

The Time’s Arrow festival continues its focus on the complete works of Austrian serialist composer Anton Webern begun last fall.
MusicJune 18, 2018

Time's Arrow: Webern Part 2

The Time’s Arrow festival continues its focus on the complete works of Austrian serialist composer Anton Webern begun last fall.
MusicJune 15, 2018

Pipes at One

Janet Yieh, works by Bach, Duruflé, Howells, Bingham and Chelsea Chen
MusicJune 11, 2018

Leadership Students in the Spotlight

The Voices of Leadership, the choir of Leadership and Public Service High School, under the direction of Victor Clark, sang Monday June 11 at the...