Featured Videos

539 results
FeaturedJuly 6, 2018

Fry Bread: A Lesson

In May 2018, Trinity parishioners traveled to the Episcopal Church in Navajoland, which encompasses the entire Navajo Nation, and learned about the...

FeaturedJune 27, 2018

Demolition Eve

The rejuvenation of the nave of Trinity Church Wall Street in early July will move into what’s called the “demolition” phase, when most of the major...

FeaturedJune 25, 2018

Episcopal Explained: Why Do We Light Candles in Church?

Visitors to Trinity Church, the Chapel of All Saints, and St. Paul’s Chapel often light votive candles. In this short video, the Rev. Kristin Kaulbach Miles explains the spiritual reasons behind this ancient practice.
Faith EducationJune 10, 2018

The Spirituality of Dementia

The Very Rev. Tracey Lind, newly retired Dean of Trinity Cathedral in Cleveland, will share the insights she has gained following a diagnosis of early-stage Frontotemporal Dementia.
FeaturedJune 1, 2018

Pride Month Begins

Trinity Church Wall Street clergy, congregation members, and staff joined in prayer Friday June 1 as they raised the Pride flag over St. Paul’s Chapel.
FeaturedMay 24, 2018

Dr. Lupfer’s Commencement Address

The Rev. Dr. William Lupfer, Rector of Trinity Church Wall Street, delivered the address May 18 at the 124th commencement of the Church Divinity...

FeaturedMay 18, 2018

Trinity Church Rejuvenation: Why Now?

Trinity Church Wall Street, is rejuvenating the nave, the largest and primary worship space in its 172-year-old building at Broadway and Wall Street...

FeaturedMay 17, 2018

Cash Bail and Rikers Island Jail

Trinity Church Wall Street recently hosted faith groups committed to closing Rikers Island Jail, a goal that can’t be accomplished until the jail’s...