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FeaturedJanuary 19, 2022

Trinity Leadership Fellows: An Opportunity for Inspiration & Guidance for Changemakers

In this special message, the Most Rev. Bishop Michael Bruce Curry welcomes all to apply for the Trinity Leadership Fellows program. The two-year, non-residential program will prepare professional and community leaders who are people of faith, as well as ordained leaders across faith traditions with the mindsets and practical skills they need to energize and empower their congregations and communities.
Digital Asset; Ask Trinity Archives; Blue
History and ArchivesNovember 12, 2021

"The Rector & the Rogue" | Ask Trinity Archives

A retelling of a month-long incident in 1880 during which the Rector of Trinity Church Wall Street was the target of a highly-publicized practical joke.
The Tuesday Community Food Program at Bushwick Abbey
FeaturedOctober 4, 2021

Serving Brooklyn: Two Congregations, One Mission

Two Episcopal congregations, Iglesia de Santa Cruz and Bushwick Abbey, receive help from Trinity Church Wall Street to plan future ministry utilizing real estate assets.