Education Videos

365 results
Faith EducationMay 22, 2021

Congratulations to the CDSP Class of 2021

Church Divinity School of the Pacific, a ministry partner of Trinity Church Wall Street, celebrated the 20 graduates of the Class of 2021 with commencement Saturday, May 22.
Faith EducationApril 28, 2021

Discovery: Evicted in the American City

Discovery is Trinity's adult formation series. In Eastertide, we'll focus on eviction and sociologist Matthew Desmond's book, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City.
Episcopal Explained: Good Friday
WorshipMarch 31, 2021

Good Friday: Recognizing the Vulnerable

Good Friday is the most solemn date on the Church calendar, reminding us of the crucifixion of Jesus and the vulnerability to cruelty that can still be seen today.
Faith EducationFebruary 21, 2021

Discovery: Psalms for the Wilderness

The season of Lent leads us through changing, and sometimes challenging, spiritual landscapes. Through the close examination of several beautiful and...

Faith EducationFebruary 13, 2021

The Future of New York City: A Conversation with Errol Louis

Get ready for the upcoming NYC elections by joining the Rev. Phillip Jackson as he talks with Errol Louis, political analyst and host of New York 1’s “Inside City Hall,” as they consider the pressing issues facing the city.
Faith EducationJune 14, 2020

Damaged Heritage: A Conversation

Trinity parishioner J. Chester Johnson discusses his book, Damaged Heritage: The Elaine Race Massacre and a Story of Reconciliation, and the legacy of racism and hope for reconciliation with fellow Arkansas native Catherine Meeks.