As a person deeply committed to the values that direct your life, it’s pretty tough to try to converse with another person who is equally committed to...
Pádraig Ó Tuama is an Irish poet and theologian and leader of The Corrymeela Community in Ballycastle, Northern Ireland, Corrymeela’s objective is the...
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry believes that certain values are divinely-inspired, but that enhancing those values requires dedicated...
In our country’s state of polarization, it’s hard to believe Americans can find common ground. Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry reminds...
Advent, the season of preparation for Christmas, begins on the fourth Sunday before December 25. When the season begins this year on December 3, you...
A half-day teach-in for people of faith to learn about current issues related to immigration, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), temporary protected status, and sanctuary.