Faith Education

Discovery: New Every Morning: To say Yes to the Son of God Is to Say Yes to the Secular Age

December 7, 2014

This year’s Discovery theme, “New Every Morning,” reminds us that God promises not so much consistency as constancy – steadfast, loving faithfulness through changes, large and small. In the prayer known as The Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55), Mary says “yes” to God’s audacious, mind-boggling, world-changing invitation to give birth to the One by whom all will be measured and blessed. She knows that nothing will ever be the same, as the mighty are cast down and the lowly raised up. In the four Sundays in Advent we will explore how we, like Mary, can access the spiritual resources we need to navigate the places of upheaval, change, and promise in our lives.

This Week: James Carroll – Bestselling author (Constantine’s Sword), whose new book, Christ Actually: The Son of God for the Secular Age, is being released this month.

Sundays, 10–11am, Trinity Church, Wall Street at Broadway
​Located in the Manning Room (former museum, go up the south aisle of the church)

Faith Education, Trinity Talks