Faith Education

The Challenge of Economic Growth

November 5, 2014

Trinity Institute in January 2015 will present Creating Common Good, a practical conference for economic equality. In the first of a series of video segments examining economic struggle across the nation and around the globe, Episcopal Bishop Julio Murray of the Diocese of Panama demonstrates how easy it is for wealth and deprivation to exist side by side. Click here for more information on the conference. 

Advent Questions for Reflection

Learn more about the curriculum here. 

Set aside 50 minutes with your small group. Watch the video together. Then discuss questions such as the following, or others that feel relevant to your community. 1) Economic inequality is stark and easy to see in Panama. Do you see inequality in your own community? Where? 2) Where do you, in Bishop Murray’s words, “see your brother and sister suffering, being excluded, and being treated unjustly?" Do you feel that as a Christian you are called to stand with and up for them? Can you share examples of times you have done that? 3) Looking around your own community, where do you see signs of hope? Can you name places where people’s attitudes, creativity, and flexibility are helping them and others to do better in difficult times? 4) What would it mean in your personal and communal life to, as Bishop Murray says, “make the values of the Kingdom of God our everyday values?" What might you start doing? What might you stop doing? 5) Before you finish in prayer, ask what new possibilities you see, based on today’s discussion. 

Faith Education, Trinity Talks