We Stand on Holy Ground – Act Like It

October 11, 2019

In the Book of Genesis, after God creates the heavens and the earth, God rests. God blesses the work of creation, declaring creation good and holy. And then God charges us, God’s children, to be good stewards of this holy ground. As people of faith, we are called to recognize and honor the sacred dignity of every aspect of God’s creation: the earth, sky, and seas, plants and animals—and especially other people.

The science is clear: God’s Creation is in crisis. The devastating effects of climate change are already being felt worldwide, with the greatest impact affecting communities of color and indigenous people worldwide.

The science is clear: God’s Creation is in crisis.

On September 20, Trinity opened the doors of St. Paul’s Chapel to over 350 members of our community (including several Trinity Youth!) who showed up to participate in the Global Climate Strike. Showing up for climate justice is a natural extension of our core values of social justice and integrity. Showing up for climate justice is part of our call as followers of Jesus.

Azalea Danes, a Trinity parishioner and member of the Trinity Youth Chorus, served as one of the youth leaders who helped plan the NYC actions of the Global Climate Strike.

Azalea Danes, a Trinity parishioner and member of the Trinity Youth Chorus, served as one of the youth leaders who helped plan the NYC actions of the Global Climate Strike. I encourage you to read her reflection. Her words reflect not only the urgency of this movement but also the integrity and commitment to radical hospitality that have become hallmarks of this movement. Read Azalea’s words. Listen to the voice of God speaking through leaders like Azalea and Greta and climate activists of color like Mari "Little Miss Flint" Copeny and others worldwide.  Listen and then act. 

We are all standing on holy ground. Let’s act like it.

The Rev. Matt Welsch


The Rev. Matt Welsch serves as the Priest for Youth & Family at Trinity Church Wall Street, where he uplifts the voices of congregational youth and walks with them in their journey of faith. His ministry is rooted in Jesus’s call to “make disciples,” specializing in the intersection of LGBTQ+ identity, youth development, and pop culture with the Gospel. With a decade of experience in community engagement and advancing social justice, he seeks to support the next generation in changemaking for good.