Watch Trinity Institute: The Good News Now

February 20, 2014

For more than four decades Trinity Institute has convened theologians both widely noted and newly emerging to help clergy and lay persons think theologically about the important topics of the day and to explore classical theology faithfully in light of new developments in science and culture, in order to support catalytic leadership in the church. In recent years these conferences and symposia have been webcast for participants at partner sites around the globe. Now Trinity is making these resources available online, formatted for use in study groups, retreats, and other forms of Christian education. Talks, panels, and interviews may be streamed for individuals or groups, and supporting materials are available for group leaders and formation directors. We begin with the most recently conference and will add materials both new and archival as the months go by.

What's the Good News About Religion?


David Sloan Wilson

Keynote Address

David Sloan Wilson: Evolution, Religion, and Creating Meaning

Download the transcript






The Rev. Otis Gaddis



The Rev. Otis Gaddis: Is Religion Itself an Evolutionary Process?

Download the transcript




What’s the Good News about the Cross of Christ?

Chung Hyun Kyung

Chung Hyun Kyung: The Yin and Yang of the Cross for the Fullness of Life

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Stanley Hauerwas

Stanley Hauerwas: The Good News About the Cross

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Derek Flood

Derek Flood: Understanding the Cross: The Way of Enemy Love, and Why We Don’t Believe in It

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Elizabeth Johnson

Elizabeth Johnson, C.S.J.: The Cross and the Pelican Chick

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Panel Discussion and Q & A





What’s the Good News about Abundant Life?

Almeda Wright

Almeda Wright: Taking the Limits Off

Download the transcript







David Sloan Wilson

David Sloan Wilson: Abundant Life and Evolution

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Kim Jordan

Kimberleigh Jordan: The ‘There and Then’ of Abundance

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Stanley Hauerwas

Stanley Hauerwas: The Good News About Abundant Life

Download the transcript

Panel Discussion and Q & A