Walking in the Light with Trinity Youth Chorus

I was scared at the start of the virus. I had trouble sleeping because I thought I could feel the spikey virus ball in my throat. I couldn’t see my teachers or friends, and things I was excited for, like concerts and camps, were canceled. I was finally old enough to sing at my church, but it all got canceled because of COVID.
In July, I got to join Peppercorns. That’s the Trinity Youth Chorus group for my age. They were meeting on Zoom, so it didn’t matter that I live in New Jersey. I remember in the first class we did a welcome song that used hand motions. I love singing so much that I was flapping my arms a lot from being excited and that made the motions hard for me to do. That’s okay though, the Peppercorns teachers know that I have autism and that flapping is my way of showing my happiness. My singing teacher Ms. Melissa tells me that it’s great when I express myself, and that flapping is one way to do that!
We meet every week online and it is so much fun. We learn all about music and we sing really good songs. We practice the songs together and when we sound good, we get to record them and we have concerts that go online. One of my favorite things about Peppercorns is that all of the kids in the youth chorus get to watch the concerts together on Zoom. I get to hear all of the other kids sing and everyone comments about how beautiful the singing is. Choristers are so nice to each other and it feels like a family even though I have not met them yet. Since I can’t really play with my friends at school right now, it’s so great to get to sing with my Peppercorn friends.
I love Peppercorns so much and I love that I get to share my talents. All of the Peppercorns teachers are so nice and fun and they have helped my voice become even more beautifuller. I even recorded a solo called “Walk in the Light” and I was so excited and proud to share it with everyone. I am so thankful for my Peppercorn teachers Ms. Anne, Ms. Shana, Ms. Aubrey, and Ms. Melissa.
I am lucky that I have something that makes me so happy even when things are hard and scary. Peppercorns has helped me feel better this year and, no matter what, I will keep on singing.