An Update from Father Phil

November 24, 2020
Father Phil

Dear Trinity family, 

As Thanksgiving approaches, I wanted to tell you once again how grateful I am for this community and to share my prayers for a safe and joyful holiday. 

This year has challenged us as the Trinity community, as a city, and as a nation. Many of our brothers and sisters are facing illness, job losses, food insecurity, isolation, and fear as the pandemic stretches on and we face an uncertain winter. We are weary. And yet, we can see some light in the distance – the promise of vaccines, growing scientific knowledge about treating the virus. We need to keep caring for one another and stay the course a bit longer.  

Earlier this month, I told you that we planned to open Trinity Church for daily prayer hours beginning Nov. 30. It was my real hope that we would be able to offer members of our congregation, workers in the area, and visitors a sacred space for prayer and reflection during this most difficult time. Since that announcement, I have continued to follow the situation, guided by news reports and information from our own team in-house. Unfortunately, with the rise in COVID-19 cases in our city and around the country, and negative trends being predicted, I have decided to postpone that plan for now. 

I do this with a heavy heart. I want nothing more than to open our church for prayer, to provide a haven during these dark times. But the safety of everyone who enters our doors remains my first priority, and it’s simply unwise to proceed at this time. 

I know that God is with us wherever we are, so wherever we are is sacred space. And even during a time of pandemic, full consideration of the ways that racism has played such a central part in our country’s life, and current political strife and stunning instability, there is reason for hope and even gratitude. Let us be grateful for medical professionals, for all who are making sacrifices to keep their loved ones safe, for those who are feeding the hungry, for all of you who have reached out to give one another strength and love.  

May the God of hope sustain you and your loved ones this Thanksgiving, in the hope that we will be together again in due time. 


Priest-in-charge and Vicar