Trinity's Five Sunday Services

September 19, 2021
In person worship with social distancing in Trinity Church
Photo by Margaret Streeter

Trinity Church Wall Street is now offering five in-person worship opportunities on Sunday for the first time since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

Trinity had begun welcoming people back into the nave of the church on the Day of Pentecost, May 23, for the 11:15am Holy Eucharist. The Family Service at 9:15am moved to the Parish Hall on Labor Day weekend, with the first in-person worship on Sunday, September 19.

Holy Eucharist at 8am and 9am, and Compline by Candlelight at 8pm, take place in Trinity Church. 

"We will keep many of our current safety measures in place so that we can do our best to stay physically healthy while boosting our spirits," said the Rev. Phillip Jackson, Trinity's Priest-in-charge. "There will be health screenings before you enter the buildings. Masks will be required inside at all times. We will keep track of who is on site so we can conduct contact tracing if necessary. We will adhere to capacity limits."

Weekday worship services at Trinity and most small groups will remain online for the time being. 

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