Trinity Youth Statement

July 1, 2020

Trinity Youth Statement July 2020

Trinity Youth Statement July 2020

We, Trinity Youth, know that Black Lives Matter. The dignity of human beings is not up for debate. And we believe in showing up for one another.

As a multiracial community in New York City, we recognize and condemn racism, white supremacy, and police brutality in our community. 

We recognize that becoming anti-racist requires work and self-reflection. We commit to doing the work of anti-racism in our hearts and in our community. We hope the Trinity community will join us in this work, in part by being active stewards and donating monthly to Black-led organizations demanding justice like the NAACP, Equal Justice Initiative, and Black Lives Matter.

We commit to centering and listening to the voice and leadership of Black organizers, teachers, and artists in the movement. 

We recognize that Black History is American History, and that we have been taught a whitewashed version. We commit to learning and sharing the true history of race in this country. 

We commit to challenging our institutions, including Trinity Church Wall Street, to call on Mayor Bill de Blasio and other local politicians to cut spending on policing, and divert the New York City budget to education, social services, and summer work opportunities for youth. 

We recognize that New York City Schools remain deeply segregated. We urge Trinity Church Wall Street to join other community organizations to work for school equity in New York City.

We call on our community to join us in this work, to show up safely - to march, call, donate, reflect, and advocate. 

We sympathize with the anger felt by those within the community. We recognize that 450 years of oppression, along with being silenced has led some to feel that the only way to be heard is through rioting. We recognize that we are in a system that is so oppressive that some feel that the only way to thrive is through looting.  

We believe a world without racism is possible. We commit to using our image and power to influence people and help people envision that world and make it a reality. 

We will encourage the youth to step in and the adults to not only step back but support and help the younger generation take the lead.


Trinity Youth includes parishioners, students from Trinity’s School Partnerships, and youth from across NYC. We are a community that strives to practice radical welcome – the full inclusion of all people regardless of background, beliefs, or experience. Learn more.