Trinity Church Wall Street Provides more than $675,000 in Emergency COVID Aid to Partners in Africa, Latin America, and Asia

August 4, 2021
Mothers' Union leaders in Tanzania distribute hygiene materials such as handwashing stations and hand sanitizer to local communities as part of an emergency COVID-19 response.

New York, NY, August 4, 2021 - Trinity Church Wall Street is providing a second round of emergency response grants totaling $675,500 to support Anglican dioceses, seminaries, and colleges in Africa, Latin America, and Asia that are facing multiple challenges due to the COVID-19 crisis.

The 46 grants announced today range from $7,000 to $15,000. Most of these grants will be used for food relief, but funds will also go towards medical and PPE supplies, COVID education and awareness, clergy and staff support, and remote learning.

“While New York City has reopened to many normal activities, some of our partners around the world not only remain in various states of lockdown, but they’re experiencing a third wave of infection that is exceeding the peaks of the prior two waves,” said the Rev. Phillip A. Jackson, Priest-in-charge at Trinity. “This funding is critical to those serving on the front line of ministry.”

Throughout Africa, Latin America, and parts of Asia, vaccines are in limited supply, mortuaries are running out of room, and schools are still closed.  Ministries in these places are filling in the gap where they can, but, working with limited or no resources.

“During this global pandemic, clergy have been called on to minister to the sick and bury the dead, oftentimes going months without compensation and facing food insecurity for their own families,” said the Rev. James Clark III, Managing Director of Trinity’s Mission Real Estate Development initiative which works with such partners on real estate projects for ministry support and community impact. “In the face of this adversity, our partners throughout the Anglican Communion have continued their extraordinary ministries of life-saving relief and pastoral care. These grants will provide much needed relief to our Anglican family around the world.”

Of the grants, $53,000 will go towards education and awareness training, internet access, and devices to support remote learning for students.  “Our partners abroad are showing remarkable resilience and adaptability in the face of unprecedented challenges, and these grants will help them sustain their ministries through the pandemic,” said Dr. Rob Garris, Managing Director of Trinity’s Leadership Development initiative.

This is the second round of emergency COVID grants for international partners provided by Trinity, and brings the total of such grants to more than $1 million. In 2020 the church provided $500,000 to partners in Africa, South America, and the Caribbean, as well as a $1 million grant to Episcopal Relief & Development.

The grantees are:

Anglican Church of Tanzania
Anglican Council in Malawi
Church of the Province of West Africa
College of the Transfiguration, South Africa
Diocese of Accra, Ghana
Diocese of Amazonia, Brazil
Diocese of Antananarivo, Madagascar
Diocese of Asante Mampong, Ghana
Diocese of Biharamulo, Tanzania
Diocese of Bondo, Kenya
Diocese of Cape Coast, Ghana
Diocese of Central Tanganyika, Tanzania
Diocese of Central Zimbabwe
Diocese of Cuernavaca, Mexico
Diocese of Eastern Zambia
Diocese of Freetown, Sierra Leone
Diocese of Guinea
Diocese of Harare, Zimbabwe
Diocese of Kagera, Tanzania
Diocese of Kajiado, Kenya
Diocese of Katanga, Congo
Diocese of Kericho, Kenya
Diocese of Kindu, Congo
Diocese of Kondoa, Tanzania
Diocese of Kurunagala, Sri Lanka
Diocese of Lusaka, Zambia
Diocese of Lweru, Tanzania
Diocese of Makamba, Burundi
Diocese of Mbeere, Kenya
Diocese of Mexico
Diocese of Nakuru, Kenya
Diocese of Nampula, Mozambique
Diocese of New Bussa, Nigeria
Diocese of Niassa, Mozambique
Diocese of Nord Kivu, Congo
Diocese of Northern Malawi
Diocese of Northern Zambia
Diocese of Panama
Diocese of the Rift Valley, Tanzania
Diocese of Rumonge, Burundi
Diocese of Swaziland
Diocese of Tamale, Ghana
Province of Burundi
The Province of the Anglican Church of Congo
Saint Andrew’s Theological Seminary, Philippines
United Theological College, India