Trinity Church Wall Street Announces More Than $9 Million in Grants for Faith Communities in the U.S., Africa, and Central America

Grants will fund projects with direct social impacts through expanded health care, student housing, and leadership development within the Anglican Communion
NEW YORK, NY, November 30 – Trinity Church Wall Street has awarded more than $9 million in grants to faith communities throughout the U.S. and the world.
These grants provide funding for projects that will provide financial support for ministries to serve their communities, as well as providing funding for leadership development and training within the Anglican Communion.
“Trinity understands our family goes beyond the borders of New York,” said the Rev. Phillip A. Jackson, Priest-in-charge of Trinity Church Wall Street. “Part of our mission is to ensure that our brothers and sisters around the world can invest in people and places as they lead and serve their communities.”
Trinity’s Mission Real Estate Development initiative works with churches around the world to help them build sustainable resources for ministry, resulting in $3.9 million in grants. These grants focus on expanding projects meeting missional needs related to the COVID-19 health crisis, completing projects that will support hard-hit rural communities, and facilitating access to affordable project financing.
The Diocese of Costa Rica was awarded $190,000 to redevelop a diocesan building into student housing. The money earned from this project will not only support ministry but will help vulnerable families in the community.
Trinity also awarded $280,000 to the Diocese of Kericho, Kenya to complete a tented safari camp in the remote region the Maasai Mara to provide access to electricity, sewers and water. This project will create jobs, and profits will be used for community development programs such as establishing a church, hospital, and school in the area of the camp.
A $2.3 million grant to the Church Commissioners for Kenya will establish a low-interest loan fund to support financing of local mission real estate development projects. As loans are repaid the funds would be re-loaned to new projects creating a perpetual resource for building financial capacity and missional impact.
More than $5 million in grants will equip faith-inspired leaders, clergy, and laypeople with the practical leadership and management skills they need to connect their congregations and communities.
Sojourners will use a $200,000 grant to expand a certificate program for Black and Latinx faith leaders to be the first responders for racial equity.
A grant of $113,000 was awarded to the Episcopal Diocese of Montana. The money will support two conferences scheduled for 2022 and 2023 that will offer formation, education, and community for 100 women seeking to prepare for executive leadership positions in The Episcopal Church.
The “Leading Women” project has established a track record of success in forming and mentoring dynamic, innovative women leaders for faith communities, and we are pleased to support their next step in identifying and preparing a diverse cohort of women leaders for a rapidly changing Church.
Trinity is also awarding more than $10.4 million in grants to nonprofits in New York City.
“As Trinity provides funding towards a more just and inclusive community in our own neighborhood and city, we also support the capacity of other churches to do so in their communities,” said Neill Coleman, Executive Director of Trinity Church Wall Street Philanthropies. “We are proud to support and walk alongside nearly one hundred grantees who are on the frontlines of advancing social justice and building thriving communities across the globe.”
The November grantees are:
Saint Augustine University $175,000
College of the Transfiguration $150,000
Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest $120,000
The Episcopal Church, Office of Indigenous Ministries $200,000
The Episcopal Church, Office of Hispanic Ministries $300,000
Bexley Seabury Seminary $200,000
Duke University, Ormond Center $150,000
African Leadership Transformation Foundation $50,000
Codrington College $100,000
Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod, Digital Literacies for Ministry $100,000
Sojourners $200,000
Episcopal Diocese of Montana, Leading Women $113,000
ISAAC, Innovative Space for Asian American Christianity $110,000
Emory University $225,000
Diocese of New York $200,000
Diocese of Los Angeles $300,000
Ashoka, Faith-Inspired Changemakers $1,200,000
Luther Seminary $450,000
Episcopal Preaching Foundation $300,000
Rural & Migrant Ministry $150,000
Faith in New York $100,000The Carver Project $100,000
Gathering of Leaders $200,000
The Church Commissioners for Kenya $2,300,000
Diocese of Cape Town, South Africa $160,000
Good Samaritan Episcopal Church, Brownsburg, Indiana, Diocese of Indianapolis $150,000
Diocese of Bondo, Kenya $282,000
Diocese of Kericho, Kenya $280,000
Diocese of Rumonge, Burundi $200,000
Diocese of Northern Malawi $155,000
Diocese of Niassa, Mozambique $123,000
Diocese of Costa Rica, Central America $190,000
About Trinity Church Wall Street
Now in its fourth century, Trinity Church Wall Street is a growing and inclusive Episcopal parish of more than 1,200 members that seeks to serve and heal the world by building neighborhoods that live Gospel truths, generations of faithful leaders, and sustainable communities. The parish is guided by its core values: faith, integrity, inclusiveness, compassion, social justice, and stewardship. Members come from the five boroughs of New York City and surrounding areas to form a racially, ethnically, and economically diverse congregation. More than 20 worship services are offered every week online and at its historic sanctuaries, Trinity Church and St. Paul’s Chapel, the cornerstones of the parish’s community life, worship, and mission, and online at