Share Your Talent, Time, or Treasure This Giving Tuesday

November 24, 2023
Young people were packing for Thanksgiving at Parish Hall

Giving Tuesday was launched in 2012 with a simple idea: to create a day encouraging people to do good. Over the past 11 years, this idea has grown into an annual global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. 

Though Trinity Church Wall Street celebrates this charitable spirit of giving year-round, we believe that Giving Tuesday is a wonderful opportunity to uplift the many ways our congregation and neighbors can give back: by getting involved in our Stewardship campaign, volunteering with our Compassion Market, or supporting some of many organizations helping our neighbors in Lower Manhattan.  

Christian stewardship is always based on gratitude: our understanding that all we have is a gift from God left in our care for a short time. As good stewards, we acknowledge that resources are a responsibility; what we have in abundance was meant to be invested in the good of our community and our world. Trinity has served New York City for more than 300 years, and our dedication to stewardship is an expression of our commitment  to the health, growth, interconnectedness, and joy of our neighborhood. Join our stewardship campaign today!

Looking to make a more targeted gift? Help the Compassion Market provide warm coats to asylum seekers, the unhoused, and other members of our Lower Manhattan community this winter season. Donate via Amazon Wishlist to help our Outreach staff meet the needs of our neighbors, especially children and families!

Have more time than money? We invite our Trinity community members to contribute their time by volunteering with us. Join us on December 20 and 21 in the Trinity Commons Lower Lobby for our Christmas Compassion Market offerings, as we pack and distribute groceries for our Lower Manhattan neighbors in need. 

Seeking more ways to give back? The COVID-19 pandemic left behind a tremendous aftershock in our community. Adults and children alike report increased symptoms of anxiety and depression, having grappled with the deaths of loved ones, financial distress, and a lack of emotional support. These issues are magnified by existing disparities disproportionately affecting Black, Latine, and Asian New Yorkers. As our city continues to grapple with its recovery, we must keep sight of the emotional well-being of all our neighbors. Below are select organizations promoting mental health in Lower Manhattan and across New York City.

  • Black Women’s Blueprint seeks to fill a need for spaces and services designed by and for Black women and survivors to heal from trauma and violence. Its signature initiative is Restore Forward—a cooperative, land-based healing and reconciliation entity located on 300 acres in upstate New York.
  • The BREATHE Collective creates sacred healing space through circles for girls and womyn to be balanced, restored, empowered, affirmed, transformed, healed, and embodied. This year, BREATHE helped to convene 24 leaders from Trinity grantee organizations for our inaugural Who Keeps the Keeper cohort promoting healing for nonprofit leaders.
  • Faith in New York is a multi-faith, multi-issue, multilingual citywide network of more than 70 congregations representing over 80,000 residents of New York City. Those congregations are committed to the work of justice and faith-rooted community organizing to influence policies and systems that will create a more just and equitable New York for all New Yorkers.
  • UA3 is a Lower East Side community-based nonprofit driven to make a positive and lasting impact on underserved New York City communities, especially in Chinatown. In addition to its Community First Food Pantry, UA3 offers programs such as nutrition education, cooking classes, youth leadership development opportunities, and referrals to other resources that can help their clients achieve greater well-being. 
  • Founded in 2005 and led by parents negatively impacted by the child welfare system, Rise believes that parents have the answers for their families and communities, and empowers parents to be leaders and to create communities that invest in families and offer collective care, healing, and support.
  • Volunteers of Legal Service (VOLS) provides pro bono civil legal services to low-income and under-resourced New Yorkers. 

Find other excellent organizations promoting mental health and healing, ending cycles of mass homelessness, and building capacity for faith-based communities on our Recent Grants page.

Find additional organizations supporting emotional well-being in Lower Manhattan below.