Pilgrimage: A Journey to the Places of Paul: Day 11

May 4, 2023
Mosaic showing Jesus on a cross and the tree of life
Photo: Summerlee Staten

On April 17, pilgrims from Trinity left for Greece and Rome to follow in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul. Follow along to see what they see on their journey. Retrace their steps on Days 2-3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7Day 8Day 9, and Day 10.

Day 11: April 27

Although Day 11 was a scheduled day for rest, some Trinity Pilgrims visit the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center.


People stand in the courtyard outside a church

Photo: Summerlee Staten

Outside the Anglican Church of St. Paul Within the Walls, home of the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center


People stand outside the gates of an underground room

Photo: Summerlee Staten

The Rev. Austin Rios gives the Trinity Pilgrims a tour of the Refugee Center at the Anglican Church of St. Paul Within the Walls where he is Rector. The Refugee center provides clothing, meals, language classes and a gathering place for refugees from around the world.

People stand in a room listening to a woman talk

Photo: Summerlee Staten

The Trinity Pilgrims learn about the Refugee Center at the Anglican Church of St. Paul Within the Walls in Rome.

People tour supply room of refugee help center

Photo: Kathy Bozzuti-Jones

Services include breakfast, language learning, resume-writing and job placement, legal and psycho-social services, to men, women, and children from West Africa, Middle East, and more recently, Ukraine. Incredible work.


Woman standing in supply room

Photo: Kathy Bozzuti-Jones

Devoted student intern volunteers, too.


Courtyard of a church

Photo: Summerlee Staten

The Anglican Church St. Paul’s Within the Walls in Rome.

Man stands in front of congregation sitting inside church

Photo: Summerlee Staten

Father Austin Rios, Rector of St. Paul’s Within the Walls in Rome tells the Trinity pilgrims about the beautiful mosaics in the church, which depict the coming new creation.


A view of mosaics inside a church

Photo: Summerlee Staten

The mosaics at St Paul’s Within the Walls in Rome

Mosaic showing Jesus on a cross and the tree of life

Photo: Summerlee Staten

Mosaics at St Paul’s Within the Walls in Rome depicting Jesus and the Tree of Life.

There's one day left on this journey. Follow along for Day 12.