A Note from the Rev. Matt Welsch on NYC School Closure

November 18, 2020
Children gathered at the church before the pandemic.

Dear Trinity Families, 

I’m writing to you in light of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision to close New York City schools. 

When NYC schools first closed back in March, none of us knew what to expect. As the news of this announcement settles in, it will be natural to recall the collective panic and uncertainty we experienced this past spring. It may be helpful to remember that this time is different. This time we are better prepared. Medical professionals know more about this virus. Teachers and students — and yes, parents — better understand how to manage remote learning. While it can never compare to spending time together in person — we know much better how to support one another from a distance.

I would like to invite you to join me and other community leaders in children, youth, and family ministries here at Trinity — both staff and volunteers — for an online Parents’ Forum this Sunday, November 22, at 1:30pm. Our hope is to provide an opportunity to be together to pray and listen for how we might best support one another at this time. 

The programs we have developed over the past several months will continue to be available to you and your families. Kathryn Carroll and the Faith Formation & Education team have developed online after-school enrichment opportunities for children and intergenerational opportunities for families. I have worked in close partnership with Jenn Chinn and our colleagues on the Trinity Commons team to develop opportunities for emotional, academic, and spiritual support for youth. Of course, our worship life has continued in the form of Family Worship: Home Edition and our streaming services throughout the week.

None of this work would be possible without the incredible support of congregational leaders — Karla Chee-a-tow, chair of the Youth Subcommittee, as well as Uzo Okoye and Saratu Ghartey, co-chairs of the Children and Family Subcommittee of the Congregational Council. 

I know that the next few weeks will be challenging. While we do not know for certain what lies ahead, we do know that God is with us and that this community, your community, will continue to show up for one another with prayers, support, and love. 

We love and miss you all. Stay safe. 

In Peace,


The Rev. Matt Welsch
Priest for Youth & Family