Nominations are Open for the 2023-2026 Congregational Council

December 8, 2022
Sunlight shines through the green leaves of a tree in Trinity churchyard as Trinity Church stands in the background

To be eligible for Election: All persons who on the date of an annual election shall have attained the age of 18 years and who, for the period of one year preceding such annual election, shall have been duly enrolled on the Corporation’s records as members of the Congregation and shall have partaken of the Holy Communion within said year in the Parish and who shall have contributed to the support of the Parish by a recorded gift of any amount in the preceding year.

When considering a person for nomination please speak with the person to let them know you wish to submit their name for consideration.

All nominations should be in writing and directed to the Vicar’s Office for the attention of the Congregational Council Nominating & Leadership Development Committee. Nominations must be received by 12:00pm on Sunday, December 11, 2022. Please send submissions to Keisha Joseph, Administrative Manager for the Vicar’s Office, at

Congregational Council Nominating and Development Committee: The Rev. Michael A. Bird, Mr. Scott Evenbeck, Ms. Sian Wetherill, Dr. Joyce Coppin Mondesire, Mr. Jim Hopkins, Ms. Catharina Oerlemans, and Ms. Tina Moya.