A Message from the Vicar

March 4, 2021
Trinity Church ceiling arches in black and white

The ugly reality of racially motivated violence against Asian-Americans continues to be a constant in our lives. As residents of Lower Manhattan, we share our neighborhood with a diverse community that includes the historic neighborhood of Chinatown. Trinity itself is a diverse worshiping community; Asians and Asian-Americans are members of our clergy, staff, and parish. Furthermore, our global ministry partners extend across the United States and into Asia.

The people of Trinity Church Wall Street condemn these attacks and will continue to stand against racism.

These acts of violence are manifestations of a deep and pervasive soul-sickness that opens the heart to hate, fear, and the corrupting desire for power over others. The response, taught to us through the life and person of Jesus Christ, is absolute and unequivocal solidarity in love and concern for the persecuted and vulnerable among us.

As exhausted as we might be from this prolonged period of pandemic isolation, and from the hard work of pursuing merciful and just lives, and seeking real change in our society, we know that there is still much required of us. And if I have learned anything in my short time as Vicar, it is that the people of Trinity do not stand idly by. We are a community built on the belief that with God all things are possible, and we will not shy away from seeking and following the more excellent way. As Bishop Michael Curry puts it, “If the God behind you is greater than any problem ahead of you, there is always another possibility, a creative, saving, liberating, life-giving possibility. And if that is true you can keep hope alive.”

Please join me in praying for our extended Asian-American family, that they may be safe, receive strength and courage, and know the great comfort of God’s love.

Please join me in praying for those who have given in to hate and fear, that God will turn their hearts and lead them to true repentance and amendment of life.

Please join me in doing everything you can to support the Asian-American community. Speak loudly of your love. Act out of that love when you witness anything that makes our friends a target. Demonstrate in word and action your faith in the saving and healing power of Jesus Christ.

To our neighbors in Chinatown, our residents of St. Margaret’s House, the Asian community, and our family of Asian-American and Pacific Islander colleagues, parishioners, and friends, Trinity Church Wall Street stands with you now and always.

My love and prayers are with you,

The Rev. Michael Bird, Vicar of Trinity Church Wall Street