A Message From Phil Regarding Trinity Worship and Events

March 13, 2020

Update: On January 29, 2021, we announced our extended closure due to the coronavirus. Read the update.

Dear members of the Trinity community,

In light of the rapidly changing developments and after conversations with members of our congregation, staff, and Vestry, I have come to the difficult conclusion that it is best that we cancel all Trinity Church Wall Street services and activities for two weeks to help contain the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The main reasons behind this decision are:

  • Concern for the health of all members and visitors to Trinity, including the elderly population among our congregation at Trinity that is particularly vulnerable to the virus
  • The increasing admonition of public health agencies to not encourage bringing large groups of people together in one place
  • The significant impact that social distancing seems to make on reducing the spread of the virus
  • Our online presence, which makes it possible for us to still be in community through webcasting our services

This is not an easy decision for me, as I believe that the significant roles that churches play in our common life include witnessing to lives without fear, and living in solidarity with those most in need of care. It is my understanding of events right now that the best way to do that is to suspend public services and activities at Trinity Church and St. Paul’s Chapel from today, Friday, March 13, through Saturday, March 28. During this period, we plan to livestream our weekday service at 12:05 pm Monday–Friday, and our 11:15 am service on Sunday, and I hope you will join us in community online.

While we are not aware of any confirmed cases of coronavirus among our community, we have made this decision out of an abundance of caution. We will continue to closely monitor the latest reports from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and local health departments, and will review our decision as new information becomes available.

Please keep in your prayers all those who have been affected in any way by this pandemic, and support one another in this difficult time.



The Rev. Phillip A. Jackson
Priest-in-charge and Vicar