A Message from Father Phil on Recent Anti-Semitic Violence

May 28, 2021
Trinity Churchyard

Dear members of the Trinity community,

Over the past several weeks, we’ve seen a sharp increase in anti-Semitic threats and violence across our city and country. Trinity Church Wall Street condemns these attacks, denounces violence, and will continue to stand against discrimination and racism in all its forms.

Along with recent waves of racially motivated violence against Asians and Asian-Americans, these despicable actions are frustrating, heartbreaking, and completely unacceptable to Trinity and all who believe we are part of one body, one humanity, each made in the image of God.

Trinity stands with our Jewish friends, neighbors, and colleagues. We offer prayers for and to our extended Jewish family, particularly Rabbi Darren Levine and the members of Tamid, the downtown synagogue which holds services in our space at St. Paul’s Chapel, that they may know that we love and cherish them.

Our response to violence against our brothers and sisters is unwavering: We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them, we work to foster systems that will support justice for all, and we pray unceasingly that hardened hearts will turn toward peace and understanding.  


The Rev. Phillip A. Jackson
