Meet the Ministry: Melanie Glass, Congregational Support Coordinator

February 17, 2023
Melanie Glass (L) speaks to parishioners in Trinity Commons

Our community at Trinity includes our vibrant parish of more than 1,600 members — and more than 200 employees working to support our worship services, programming, and ministry around New York City and the world.

In this series, we’re introducing you to some of the faces you may see on Sundays and at services and programs throughout the week, whether they’re at the pulpit or the altar or behind the scenes. You’ll get to know what their day to day looks like, what brought them to Trinity, and how to get in touch — and get involved — with the work they’re doing inside and outside of the church.

In this issue, meet Melanie Glass (she/her), who joined Trinity’s Pastoral Care and Community team as Congregational Support Coordinator in 2022.

Melanie Glass

Hi, Melanie! Tell us a little about your role.

I work with the department of Pastoral Care and Community. My title is Congregational Support Coordinator. I use my background in clinical social work to assess ways in which Trinity might be able to support the various needs of parishioners and connect them to concrete services in the community.

What brought you to Trinity? Where does this work fit into your career?  

Prior to Trinity, I worked here in New York in an outpatient psychiatric clinic. I have experience working with all ages: children and families, as well as adults and seniors. I think linking spiritual communities to concrete resources is an important part of holistically meeting the needs of people.

What’s one key thing congregation members should understand about your work?

It’s multifaceted. And there’s typically always an underlying emotional component. Someone may need help with a concrete need, but we are complex beings — the concrete need may just be the thing that’s most visible.

What are you most looking forward to about working with our congregation? Where do see yourself a year from now?

I am looking forward to seeing how all the moving pieces fit together and how I might most be of service. A year from now, I’ll have a greater understanding of the Trinity community and all that it offers.

What drew you to working in a spiritual community?

While spiritual health is important, I’ve always been more drawn to the idea that we “pray with our feet,” so to speak.

How can members of the congregation get in touch with you?

Sunday morning coffee hours, by phone at 212.602.0898, and via email at

Tell us something we should read, watch, eat, listen to, or do.

Springbone Kitchen is yummy, and healthy, and close to the church!

What’s your favorite quote, lyric, verse, poem, etc.? Share some words to live by.

“The only way out is through.” —Robert Frost

What is saving your life right now?

Regular exercise and getting outside in NYC’s various parks.