Meet the Ministry: Daniel Frank, Sacristan

March 8, 2023
Sacristan Daniel Frank lights a candle at the altar in preparation for service.

Our community at Trinity includes our vibrant parish of more than 1,600 members — and more than 200 employees working to support our worship services, programming, and ministry around New York City and the world.

In this series, we’re introducing you to some of the faces you may see on Sundays and at services and programs throughout the week, whether they’re at the pulpit or the altar or behind the scenes. You’ll get to know what their day to day looks like, what brought them to Trinity, and how to get in touch — and get involved — with the work they’re doing inside and outside of the church.

In a typical week, Trinity holds nine services with Holy Eucharist and five Morning Prayer services in Trinity Church and the Chapel of All Saints, a Sunday evening Compline service in St. Paul’s Chapel, and ten services of Morning and Evening Prayer online. Whenever our community gathers for worship, sacristans are present to support the clergy and congregation through both ritual and logistical aspects of prayer and liturgy.

In this issue, learn more about this essential role in Trinity’s worship services through the eyes of Daniel Frank (he/him), who has served as a Sacristan since 2021.   

Hi, Daniel! Tell us a little about your role.

I am a sacristan at Trinity Church Wall Street, and the only one who is currently part-time! When I am “on duty,” I am attending to the services that day at Trinity Church, which currently includes 9am Morning Prayer and the 12:05pm weekday Holy Eucharist. The sacristans help facilitate worship to make sure that everything is running smoothly. Whenever there is a church service at Trinity, be it a wedding, a funeral, Compline, weekday Eucharist, or Sunday worship: a sacristan is there.

Sacristan Daniel Frank

What brought you to Trinity? Where does this work fit into your career?  

I used to be an organist and choir director for a couple of Episcopal churches, so I had heard of Trinity Church Wall Street throughout my old career. I found this job description by happenstance, and thought it seemed like something I could do.

How do you think your role fits into the life of the congregation? 

Assisting in any way I can anyone who wants to experience Trinity Church Wall Street and the Episcopal tradition; be it a congregant who would like to volunteer in the liturgy, someone who is inquiring about baptism or membership in the congregation, or a tourist who walks in and wants to know a little more about the church.

What drew you to working in a spiritual community?

The good conversations about God, and the free coffee!

Could you talk more about Morning Prayer? What is it and how can you join?

Morning Prayer typically consists of selections from the Psalms, readings from the Old and New Testaments, prayers where we lift up our thanksgivings and concerns to God, and a closing prayer. There is an officiant who leads the service — typically a sacristan, or a lay person in the congregation — and various people are encouraged to read from the scriptures. If a priest is present, they may offer a blessing to the congregation.

Trinity Church Wall Street currently offers two Morning Prayer services every weekday morning: one that is held online at 8:15am, and one in-person at 9am in Trinity Church. You can email the Sacristan team for more information on how to join our online service at 8:15am. If you’d like to join the in-person service at 9am, you can just show up in the nave of Trinity Church and join in! Both services typically last about 15–20 minutes. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join! The sacristan present may ask if you would like to participate by doing a reading, but it is never required to do so; only if you feel comfortable reading publicly.

How can members of the congregation get in touch with you?

My email is

Tell us something we should read, watch, eat, listen to, or do.

I recently got a Nintendo Switch and cannot put it down. I started playing two games: Pokemon Arceus and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I highly recommend both! They both have an open-world feeling where you can wander the worlds and accomplish everything on your own time. I would totally recommend this if you wanted to practice a little escapism. I’m especially excited for the Zelda sequel to come out this spring!

What’s your favorite quote, lyric, verse, poem, etc.? Share some words to live by.

“And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” —Matthew 28:20 (NASB)

What is saving your life right now?

My heart. 

Sacristan Daniel Frank behind the scenes of a service in Trinity Church