Let There Be Light

February 4, 2019

Trinity Church Wall Street is rejuvenating the nave of its 173-year-old church building.  It’s the biggest internal renovation project in 75 years.

One of several goals of the project is to bring more light into the church, considered both an example of Gothic Revival architecture as well as the masterpiece of the 19th-century architect Richard Upjohn.

Trinity Church features clerestory windows on the north and south sides of the building. The rejuvenation includes fabricating new glass on those clerestory windows to allow more natural light to enter.

On February 4th, morning sun bathed the south façade of the building and illuminated construction workers at seven of those clerestory windows. Thanks to Trinity’s Head Sacristan Scott Smith for the photo.

The rejuvenation moves forward.

Photo by Scott Austin Smith

Photo by Scott Austin Smith