Knitted Gifts

July 14, 2019
Trinity Knitters smiling and working in the Parish Center

Gathered on a sunny Sunday afternoon, the Trinity Knitters were hard at work crocheting, sewing, sorting, and sometimes detangling yards of yarn in the Parish Center. "Some of us are better at it than others," joked Liz Di Lauro. To her right, Carla Richards was diligently creating a matching set: a deep red scarf and over-the-shoulder bag.

A member of Trinity Knitters makes a red scarf in the Parish Center.

Each box or bag full of completed works or yarn around the room was marked. Some were filled to the brim with hats and scarves heading to Hour Children, a nonprofit that supports formerly incarcerated women. Trinity staff recently also led a workshop series to teach business ettiquite to Hour Children participants. Other bags are heading to Kianga House to serve as kids' craft materials, and still more bags will head out to sea with Seamen's Church Institute, a global ministry started by Trinity Wall Street in 1834. Some seafarers have sent thank you notes with photos of them wearing the beautifully handmade gifts.

Knitted gifts in brown and red surround a photo of one of the grateful recipients.

Among the softest creations in the room were white baby blankets and baptismal bibs, prepared for the youngest members of the congregation: those who will be baptised at the next baptismal feast: the Sunday after All Saints' Day. Dolores Osborne, Kam Fung, and Corine Thompson show one of the baptismal towels here.

Trinity Knitters sort completed projects in the Parish Center with a background of the American flag.

Trinity Knitters, our knitting and crocheting fellowship meets twice a month (once on a Sunday and once on a Monday) at the Parish Center, and welcomes all who are interested, from experienced knitters to newbies, to come and knit and crochet items for the housebound, children of incarcerated parents, returning veterans, and others in need. For more information, contact Janet MacMillan.