Family Worship: Home Edition #47

March 24, 2021
The Rev. Winnie Varghese greets a child during a family service at St. Paul's Chapel

Each week, we’re offering a simple family-style service for you and your family to follow together at home. We hope these resources will help you find time to worship together at whatever time and in whatever way feels most comfortable and authentic for you.

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Palm Sunday Procession


Gather all the members of your household who plan to participate in one place. Get comfortable! Maybe sit on the floor or on cushions. Maybe sit in a circle. Take a moment to pause and breathe together.

Invite a member of the household to lead the gathering prayer. Read line by line, with the rest of the household repeating back to them.

Repeat after me.

Dear God,
Thank you SO much
For bringing us to this time and place.
Please be with us
As we listen, pray, and learn.
And help us remember that,
No matter what,
You will always love us.



Mark 11:1–11

Watch the reading by Emmy Chinn.



Watch this reflection from Fr. Mark.



“What Wondrous Love is This (with “O Sacred Head Surrounded”)” arr. Cathy Stamegna; performed by the Junior Choristers

Listen to this recording.



Take a moment to pause. Invite a member of the household to be the prayer leader to lead these or similar prayers:

Let’s pray together silently or out loud. First, let’s say thank you to God for the good things in our lives. Are there specific things you’d like to say thank you for? (Give time for others to share out loud or silently.) For all these things, let’s say together: Thank you so much, Lord!

Thank you so much, Lord!

Now, let’s pray for the people or animals who are sick or need help. We also pray for the things that worry us. Are there specific people, animals, or worries you’d like to pray for? (Give time for others to share out loud or silently.) Let us say: Please God, help us!

Please God, help us!

Repeat after me:

Dear God,
Thank you for this time together
Stay with us
This week and always. 
Help us to be like Jesus. 



Kathryn Carroll

The Gospel in our Palm Liturgy highlights Jesus’ purposeful selection of a colt, which could have been a young horse or donkey, to ride into Jerusalem. And he clearly wanted to borrow it rather than own it. Even back then, optics mattered. Intentional modeling mattered.

I wonder why Jesus made those choices?

In your Holy Week observances starting on Sunday, you could include this wondering question. Here are some ways that your family can be present to Jesus’ path from celebrity, to criminal, to the cross, to the tomb, and to new life.

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