Faithfully Tending Our Lamps

November 4, 2020
Daisies in the yard.
Photo by Kathy Bozzuti-Jones

It is before Election Day as I write. And I realize that when you receive this, you may still be awaiting the results, or you might be celebrating, or you might be lamenting, or maybe you disengaged from politics long ago — or don’t feel comfortable mixing religion and politics. And it’s true, the world will keep spinning and time will keep marching and you’ll probably have to deal with some laundry, no matter what. In my family, there seems to be surprise each week when the laundry needs doing — again?! Their incredulity and my response are as predictable as the accumulation of dirty clothes. And during this dramatic pandemic election year, and all of its fluctuating effects on daily life and mood, I’ve found the banality of our weekly laundry dialogue almost comforting. Domestic rhythms have been disrupted and our wild nature feels confined at once.

We are all longing for a sense of “normalcy” in our lives. Some of us might feel that we have been on high alert for the longest time EVER and would love a break. Some may not be so eager for the old normal or may have only ever known abnormal patterns. In this Sunday’s readings, Joshua calls for solidarity among the factions of Israelites to recommit to the God within them, rather than the external gods that seduced with promises of power and privilege. He cites the commandments that God gave their ancestors, all of which required justice, mercy, and love; none of which promised conquest, ease, or comfort. “No justice; no peace,” is not a threat; it is a prophecy, which, like all prophecies, must be continuously renewed to be fulfilled.

No matter the outcome of any moment or event, we faithfully tend our lamps.

Kathryn Carroll
Interim Program Manager, Children & Families


Discovery will gather at 10am on Sunday for the second of two classes led by Trinity’s Pastoral Care team on self-care for voters — why it’s important in rough political times and how it can be a vital expression of faith and activism. All are welcome. Be sure to register, if you aren’t already.

