Congregational Council Nominations

February 8, 2023
Sunlight shines through the green leaves of a tree in Trinity churchyard as Trinity Church stands in the background

The Congregational Nominating & Leadership Development Committee is pleased to place on the ballot the persons listed below for election to five positions on the Congregational Council. Candidates for the 2023-2026 Congregational Council are:

Heather Daly, Iya Antoinette Emers, Jim Hopkins, Regina Jacobs, and Sian Wetherill

Furthermore, we are pleased to present the names of nominees to serve as delegates to the 2022 Diocesan Convention. Nominees for delegates to Diocesan Convention: Felicia Stenhouse Eve, Scott Evenbeck, and Eleanor Withers.

Voting will take place in person after all three services on March 5, 2023 and the results will be announced at 12:45pm that afternoon at the Annual Meeting of the Congregation in the Parish Hall.